CARTERSVILLE, GA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
CARTERSVILLE (VPC)(KVPC) 3 SW UTC–5(–4DT) N34°07.39′ W84°50.92′
759 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE VPC
RWY 01–19: H5760X100 (ASPH–GRVD) S–26 HIRL 0.5% up S
RWY 01: PAPI(P2L)–GA 3.5° TCH 37′. Thld dsplcd 740′. Trees.
RWY 19: REIL. PAPI(P2L)–GA 3.0° TCH 44′. Trees.
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A+ LGT REIL Rwy 19; PAPI Rwy 01 and 19; HIRL Rwy 01–19 oper dusk–0300Z‡; aft 0300Z‡ ACTVT–CTAF.
AIRPORTREMARKS: Attended 1100–0100Z‡. Deer on and invof arpt. Ultralight/LSA act on and invof arpt. Rwy/twy sepn approx 200′. South end twy/parked acft sepn approx 75′. TPA for lgt acft 1041 AGL, TPA for jet and turboprop acft 1541′ AGL, TPA for ultralight acft 541′ AGL. Ultralight/LSA tfc pat inside normal pat with central third of Rwy 01–19 dsgnd ultralight/LSA ldg and tkof area. Ultralight/LSA pat entry crosses fld aprxly 2000′ from either apch end at 541′ AGL. Grass strip 4.9 NW of arpt. Ramp fees for turbine acft.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 770-387-5672
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: AWOS–3PT 120.525 (770) 607–7782.
®ATLANTA APP/DEP CON 121.0 ctc Atlanta Apch at 678–364–6131.
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD ctc Atlanta Apch at 678-364-6131.
ROME (VH) (H) VORTACW 115.4 RMG Chan 101 N34°09.75′ W85°07.16′ 099° 13.7 NM to fld. 1148/1E.

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Effective 2024-03-21. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.