LOS ALAMITOS AAF (SLI)(KSLI) ARNG (AR) 1 SE UTC–8(–7DT) N33°47.40′ W118°03.09′
36 B NOTAM FILE SLI Not insp.
RWY 04R–22L: H7999X200 (ASPH–CONC) PCN 36 R/C/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 22L: SALSF. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 75′.
RWY 04L–22R: H5901X150 (PEM) PCN 36 F/C/W/T MIRL
SERVICE: FUEL JET A1+, J8 LGT Rwy 04R–22L HIRL elev 1′ and lctd 5′ from edge of rwy. LED lgtg on airfield rwys and twys. LEDs may not be compatible with certain ngt vision devices. MILITARY– JASU– 1(TMD150CIII) 1(AGPU) FUEL J8. NATO F24 avbl. TRAN ALERT Fuel opr Mon–Thu 1430–2330Z‡, Fri 1430–0130Z‡, clsd wkends and federal hol. Exp closure or rdcd svc per NOTAM. No priority basis. Exp svc delays if heavy acft are utilizing LAAAF. No acft lav svc or belt load, ctc Airserv at KLGB 866–247–7378 or 562–429–8062. Ltd tran svc. No shuttle svc avbl.
NOISE: Procedure in effect. All dep rqr briefings. All fixed wing high power maint run–ups must be conducted on far west ramp facing to the east or on compass rose for noise mitigation UFN. Acft will ctc Base Ops on 126.2 prior to acft mov.
MILITARY REMARKS:Attended Fri–Sun 1400–0000Z‡; Mon–Thu 1400–0600Z‡; closed all fed holidays. Exp closure or reduced svc per NOTAM. Classified stor for tsnt aircrew unavbl at afld mgmt ops; ctc base secfor DSN 972–2100, C562–795–2100. ARFF Index: airfeilds mntns an ARFF Index A on cons basis with a tempry index B/C cpblty by excpn. Ctc airfield ops nlt 48 hrs for cdn. Aircrews utilizing LAAAF must advs their dep to local FSS to incl KSLIYXYX as an addressee on the orig DD 1801 flt plan and on any chg, delay, dep and cnl msg. All tran aircrws must rpt to afld ops. High vis events (VIP code 7 and abv) are rqrd to notify afld ops 30 min prior to arr due to post HQ coord. For clnc del when TOWER clsd call SoCal apch (800)–448–3724. PAR removed from svc, permly clsd. Twy B1 and Twy E ltd to acft 3000 lbs or less. All wheeled acft will land to the rwys and gnd taxi to prkg on all apchs and deps unless reqd and apvd or drctd by ATC. Dsgnd hovering areas are Rwy 22R runup area, Twy E, and Twy F. LAAAF Airfield procedures guide (APG) and airfield operations manual (AOM) is avbl. It can be lctd on the calguard sharepoint under Camp Los Alamitos/JFTB Sites/Los Alamitos Army Airfield. Ctc bse ops for a current copy ng.ca.caarng.mbx.kslioperations@army.mil or 562–795–2571. Pilots will smt all DD Form 1801 with a name in block 19, pilot in command (PIC) IAW LAAAF APG, 2–2 B, 3 and the general planner (GP), 4–3, Item 19. DD Form 1801 will incl a ctc NR separate from any flt crew for search and rescue (SAR) related emergs.Glare obsd from solar farm site on airfield drg midday hrs. Pilots are advised to rprt glare/glint to ATC twr upon obs. RSTD PPR ctc afld ops, recommend units ask for current capability when requesting PPR DSN 972–2571, C562–795–2571; ng.ca.caarng.mbx.kslioperations@army.mil for PPR req form. For special after hrs ldg and afld lighting requests for acft weighing under 14,500 lbs, call afld ops at 562–795–2571. CAUTION Airfield FOD cond ranges from mod to ocnl. MISC Afld signs NSTD. Rwy 04R–22L thld bars NSTD. All rwy markings NSTD. Twy and prkg lines NSTD and not vis in darkness or inclement wx. Wildlife haz exists, rqrs incrd vigilance by all agencies and supvrs and ctn by aircrews. BASH/WASH cond announced on ATIS. Pilots should rprt all large bird and mammal sightings to twr or afld ops. To exceed weight bearing capacity ctc Afld ops. See AP/1 Route and Area Rstd and Supplementary Arpt Remark. Winds are accurate to within +/– 4 knots. ARNG AASF OPS Opr Mon Fri, 1530–2330Z‡, except holidays. DSN 972–2006, C562–795–2006 http://www.calguard.ca.gov/aasf1.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 562-795-1351
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF: 123.85 (Use 251.15 when Los Alamitos twr clsd) ATIS 118.875 379.975
®SOCAL APP/DEP CON 125.35 316.125 (2100–0500Z‡ Tue–Thu, 1500–2300Z‡ Fri–Mon, clsd holidays)
TOWER 123.85 251.15 (1500–0000Z‡ Fri–Sun; 1500–0600Z‡ Mon–Thu; clsd all fed hol. Exp closure or rdcd svc per NOTAM.
GND CON 126.95 257.95 CLNC DEL For clnc del when twr clsd call SoCal App 800–448–3724.
AFLD OPS Fri–Sun 1400–0000Z‡; Mon–Thu 1400–0600Z‡; closed all fed holidays. 126.2, 237.2 advy svc avbl upon req to tenat units.Exp closure or reduced svc per NOTAM.
AFLD OPS ADVSY SVC – Opr Mon–Fri 1400–0200Z‡, Tue–Thu 1400–0600Z‡, Sat–Sun 1530–0000Z‡, clsd hol. 126.2 237.2 USAR OPS 139.05 230.9 (1530–0030Z‡ Mon – Fri, clsd holidays) PMSV 239.8
ARNG AASF OPS 233.8 41.5 (1530–0030Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd holidays)
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd ctc SoCal Apch at 800-448-3724.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1500–0000Z‡ Fri–Sun, 1500–0600Z‡ Mon–Thu, clsd all fed hol exp closure or rdcd svc per NOTAM; other times CLASS G.
SEAL BEACH (VL) (L) VORTACW 115.7 SLI Chan 104 N33°47.00′ W118°03.29′ at fld. 22/15E.
VOR unusable:
017°–027° byd 40 NM blo 18,000′
028°–038° byd 40 NM
075°–085° byd 40 NM blo 8,000′
075°–085° byd 48 NM blo 11,000′
075°–085° byd 65 NM
086°–123° byd 40 NM
124°–134° byd 40 NM blo 4,000′
124°–134° byd 48 NM
125°–180° byd 30 NM blo 4,000′
135°–145° byd 40 NM
183°–193° byd 40 NM
245°–256° byd 40 NM blo 5,500′
245°–256° byd 57 NM
278°–282° byd 40 NM
321°–016° byd 40 NM
125°–195° byd 20 NM blo 5,000′
DME unusable:
125°–195° byd 20 NM blo 5,000′
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.