SAN DIEGO/EL CAJON, CA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
GILLESPIE FLD (SEE)(KSEE) 10 NE UTC–8(–7DT) N32°49.57′ W116°58.35′ 388 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE SEE
RWY 09L–27R: H5342X100 (ASPH) S–90, D–120, 2D–200 MIRL 0.5% up E
RWY 09L: PAPI(P4R)–GA 3.75° TCH 45′. Tree.
RWY 27R: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 4.5° TCH 45′. Thld dsplcd 706′. Road. Rgt tfc.
RWY 17–35: H4145X100 (ASPH) S–58, D–106, 2D–195 MIRL 0.5% up S
RWY 17: VASI(V2L)–GA 4.0° TCH 45′. Thld dsplcd 450′. Bldg.
RWY 35: VASI(V2L)–GA 4.5° TCH 27′. Thld dsplcd 685′. Pole.
RWY 09R–27L: H2738X60 (ASPH) S–12 0.5% up E
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LGT When ATCT clsd ACTVT REIL Rwy 27R; PAPI Rwy 09L and 27R; VASI Rwy 17 and 35; MIRL Rwy 09L–27R and Rwy 17–35–CTAF. Rwy 27R PAPI unusable beyond 6° right of course. FUEL 100LL and Jet fuel self serve 24 hrs.
NOISE: Noise abatement procedures in effect. Rwy 17 preferred noise abatement dep when twr clsd. TGL and Jet dep strongly discouraged 0600–1500Z‡. Noise sensitive areas all quads. Noise abatement pattern info avbl at or ctc arpt ops 619–956–4800. Copter pioneer noise abatement pattern alt 700′ MSL; dep S from Rwy 35 NRS, crosswind btn Bradley and Vernon Way, downwind at Wing Ave, turn base leg to fly over E/W taxi line on E transient ramp, do not overfly Twy D, then via Rwy 17 to Rwy 35 NRS. Remain S of Twy B4 due to crossing ground traffic. Do not overfly parked or taxiing acft.
AIRPORTREMARKS: Attended 1500–0500Z‡. Coyotes and birds occasionally on and invof arpt. For fuel svc or assistance during business hrs, ctc (619) 449–0611, (619) 448–5991, or (619) 981–5000. 100LL self svc avbl 24 hrs. Rwy 09L–27L rwy unlgtd; CLOSED SS–SR. Simulated engine failures prohibited over residential areas. Formation flight avbl as tfc permits, ltd to no more than 3 aft per formation. PPR for VFR low apchs blo 1000′ AGL from arpt director. PPR for all military acft, and all MIL/CIV VFR low aphs blo 1000′ AGL ctc arpt ops 619–956–4800. TPA–Rwy 17–35 1188(800) SR–SS, 1388(1000) SS–SR. Rwy 27R TPA 1588(1200) rgt tfc SR–SS, TPA 1388(1000) left tfc SS–SR due to 893′ AGL mountain 2.1 NM ENE of arpt. Rwy 27L 1388(1000) left tfc SR–SS. Rwys 09L–27R and 09R–27L hel skid/run–on ldg prohibited. West transient ramp and portions of Twy D between Twy D2 and west transient ramp not visible from twr. Rwy 27R centerline in close alignment with terrain, use of Localizer/DME highly recommended. When twr clsd, acft must self–announce on CTAF prior to ldg or departing.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 619-956-4800
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: AWOS–3P 125.45 (619) 449–1228. LAWRS.
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 120.7 ATIS 125.45 619–449–1228. (General outlook when tower closed.)
TOWER 120.7 123.8 (1500–0500Z‡) GND CON 121.7
CLNC DEL 125.1
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd ctc SoCal Apch at 800-448-3724.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1500–0500Z‡; other times CLASS G.
MISSION BAY (VH) (H) VORTACW 117.8 MZB Chan 125 N32°46.93′ W117°13.53′ 063° 13.1 NM to fld. 1015E.
VOR unusable:
026°–088° byd 40 NM
090°–100° byd 28 NM
100°–130° byd 17 NM
130°–190° byd 14 NM
190°–219° byd 20 NM
215°–241° byd 40 NM
242°–252° byd 40 NM blo 8,000′
242°–252° byd 55 NM blo 18,000′
253°–288° byd 40 NM
289°–299° byd 40 NM blo 4,500′
289°–299° byd 49 NM
300°–333° byd 40 NM
308°–350° byd 20 NM blo 8,000′
347°–351° byd 40 NM
352°–002° byd 40 NM blo 7,000′
352°–002° byd 52 NM
310°–350° byd 15 NM blo 6,000′
310°–350° byd 30 NM blo 10,000′
DME unusable:
310°–350° byd 20 NM blo 6,000′
310°–350° byd 30 NM blo 10,000′
LOC/DME 110.5 I–SEE Chan 42 Rwy 27R. LOC unmonitored when ATCT clsd. DME unusable byd 8° right of course blo 4,500′.

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