BROWN FLD MUNI (SDM)(KSDM) 13 SE UTC–8(–7DT) N32°34.34′ W116°58.81′ 526 B TPA–See Remarks LRA NOTAM FILE SDM

RWY 08L–26R: H7972X150 (ASPH–CONC) S–107, D–141, 2S–140, 2D–213 PCN 43 F/D/X/T HIRL
RWY 08L: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 52′.
RWY 26R: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 4.0° TCH 73′. Rgt tfc.
RWY 08R–26L: H3185X75 (ASPH) S–12.5 PCN 5 F/D/Z/U MIRL 0.5% up W
RWY 08R: Rgt tfc.
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A, A+ OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LGT Rwy 26R PAPI unusable byd 3 NM. ACTIVATE REIL Rwy 08L, PAPI Rwy 08L and Rwy 26R, HIRL Rwy 08L–26R and MIRL Rwy 08R–26L–CTAF.
NOISE: Noise sensitive areas approximately 1 mile west of arpt, 1/2 mile NW, and 2 miles north of arpt.
AIRPORTREMARKS: Attended 1700–0100Z‡. For fuel after hrs call FBO′s at 619–671–9222, fee for callout. Military fuel avbl by calling 619–671–9222. Parachute Jumping on arpt and 3 miles east. Be alert to arpt boundary one mile north from Mexican/USA international border. Be alert when departing on Rwy 08L at night due to rising terrain to the east. Be alert to high terrain 3,566′ MSL 6 miles east of arpt. Rwy 08R–26L operator permits only 12500 lbs. No engine ops on ramps except as necessary for arrivals and departures. Twy G west of Twy B rstd to acft with wingspans of 133′ or less. Avoid direct overfight of PIO PICO energy center blo 2000′ AGL, 3NM east of arpt. TPA–1526(1000) Rwy 08L–26R, 1126(600) Rwy 08R–26L. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See Special Notices–Extensive Parachute Drop Activities San Diego, California.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 619-424-0456
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: ASOS 132.35 (619) 661–8297.
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 128.25 ATIS 132.35 619–661–0152 UNICOM 122.95
TOWER 128.25 (1600–0400Z‡) GND CON 124.4
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd ctc SoCal Apch at 800-448-3724.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1600–0400Z‡; other times CLASS G.
POGGI (VL) (H) VORTACW 116.45 PGY Chan 111(Y) N32°36.62′ W116°58.75′ 167° 2.3 NM to fld. 576/14E.
VOR unusable:
000°–020° byd 10 NM
035°–070° byd 25 NM
070°–240° byd 10 NM
231°–249° byd 40 NM
341°–078° byd 40 NM
000°–020° byd 10 NM
035°–070° byd 25 NM
070°–240° byd 10 NM
DME unusable:
000°–020° byd 10 NM
035°–070° byd 25 NM
070°–240° byd 10 NM