SANTA BARBARA MUNI (SBA)(KSBA) 7 W UTC–8(–7DT) N34°25.57′ W119°50.49′
14 B TPA–See Remarks ARFF Index–See Remarks NOTAM FILE SBA

RWY 07–25: H6052X150 (ASPH–GRVD) S–113, D–188, 2S–175, 2D–318 PCR 460 F/B/X/T HIRL
RWY 07: MALSR. RVR–T Tree. Rgt tfc.
RWY 25: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 50′. RVR–R Fence.
RWY 15R–33L: H4184X100 (ASPH) S–25, D–39, 2S–80 PCR 60 F/D/X/T MIRL
RWY 15R: REIL. Tree.
RWY 33L: Tree. Rgt tfc.
RWY 15L–33R: H4180X75 (ASPH) S–39, D–61, 2S–80, 2D–108 PCR 140 F/C/X/T
RWY 15L: Bldg.
RWY 33R: Rgt tfc.
RWY 07: TORA–6052 TODA–6052 ASDA–6052 LDA–6052
RWY 15L:TORA–4180 TODA–4180 ASDA–4180 LDA–3963
RWY 15R:TORA–4184 TODA–4184 ASDA–4184 LDA–4184
RWY 25: TORA–6052 TODA–6052 ASDA–6052 LDA–6052
RWY 33L:TORA–4184 TODA–4184 ASDA–4184 LDA–4184
RWY 33R:TORA–4180 TODA–4180 ASDA–4180 LDA–4180
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LGT When ATCT clsd ACTVT MALSR Rwy 07; REIL Rwy 15R; MIRL Rwy 15R–33L–CTAF. REIL Rwy 25; PAPI Rwy 25; HIRL Rwy 07–25 opr consly.
NOISE: Noise abatement procedures in effect ctc arpt ops 805–692–6011.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended 1400–0700Z‡. 100LL fuel 24 hr credit card svc avbl. Fee for Jet A fuel after hrs call 805–454–0051 or 967–5608. Numerous flocks of birds on and invof arpt. Rwy 15L–33R dalgt hrs only. Class I, ARFF Index C. Rwys 15L–33R and 15R–33L not avbl for sked acr opns with more than 9 psgr seats or unsked acr at least 31 psgr seats. All acr acft ctc atc on freq 121.7 prior to pushback from trml ramp and ron prkg 1400–0700Z‡. Escorts rqrd from ron prkg when atc is closed; ctc arpt ops 805–681–4803. Due to ltd ramp space at the airline terminal non–scheduled transport category acft with more than 30 passenger seats are required to ctc arpt ops 805–681–4803 24 hour PPR to arrival. Commercial airline ramp clsd to all General Aviation acft. No customs personnel or facilities are avbl and international acft will not be allowed to land unless an emerg exists. TPA–1004(990) small acft, 1504(1490) large acft. Pure jet touch/go or low approaches prohibited. Ldg fee for Part 135 oprs and tnst acft with max GWT of 10,000 lbs or more. Fees will be billed/mailed. Ldg fee.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 805-967-7111
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: ASOS 132.65 (805) 681–0583.
®APP/DEP CON 120.55 (151°–329°) 125.4 (330°–150°) 124.15 127.725 (1400–0700Z‡)
®L.A. CENTER APP/DEP CON 119.05 (0700–1400Z‡)
TOWER 119.7 (1400–0700Z‡) GND CON 121.7 CLNC DEL 132.9
AIRSPACE: CLASS C svc ctc APP CON svc 1400–0700Z‡; other times CLASS E.
SAN MARCUS (VH) (H) VORTAC 114.9 RZS Chan 96 N34°30.57′ W119°46.26′ 201° 6.1 NM to fld. 3598/14E.
VOR unusable:
066°–076° byd 40 NM blo 9,300′
066°–076° byd 48 NM
077°–081° byd 40 NM
082°–097° byd 40 NM blo 9,000′
082°–097° byd 51 NM
134°–140° byd 40 NM
140°–178° byd 27 NM
318°–065° byd 40 NM
GAVIOTA (VL) (H) VORTACW 113.8 GVO Chan 85 N34°31.88′ W120°05.47′ 101° 13.9 NM to fld. 2616/16E.
000°–095° byd 20 NM blo 12,500′
117°–137° byd 35 NM
310°–095° byd 10 NM blo 8,500′
DME unusable:
000°–095° byd 20 NM blo 12,500′
117°–137° byd 35 NM
310°–095° byd 10 NM blo 8,500′
VOR unusable:
276°–282° byd 40 NM
292°–297° byd 40 NM
302°–312° byd 40 NM blo 6,000′
302°–312° byd 60 NM
352°–057° byd 40 NM
ILS/DME 110.3 I–SBA Chan 40 Rwy 07. Class IA. Unmonitored when ATCT clsd.