MARCH ARB (RIV)(KRIV) MIL/CIV AF 6 SE UTC–8(–7DT) N33°52.92′ W117°15.54′
1536 B TPA–See Remarks AOE NOTAM FILE RIV Not insp.
RWY 14–32: H13302X200 (CONC) PCN 58 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 14: PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.59° TCH 56′. RVR–TMR
RWY 32: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 59′. RVR–TMR
RWY 12–30: H3061X100 (ASPH) PCN 20 F/A/W/T
RWY 14 TYPE–H BAK–12B(B) (1500') TYPE–H BAK–12B(B) (1500') RWY 32
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A, A++ OX1, 2, 3, 4 MILITARY– LGT Rwy 14 PAPI angle nstd 2.59 deg, TCH 56′. PAPI Rwy 32 angle 3.0 deg, TCH 59′. JASU (MC–2A) (A/M32A–86) (AM32–95) FUEL A++, 100LL Full svc 100LL avbl at FBO.
FLUID SP LHOX LOX LHNIT OIL JOAP avbl on on reserve wkend . O–148. TRAN ALERT Opr 1500–0400Z‡ Mon–Sat; 1500–0300Z‡ Sun. Tran acft no practice apch 0500–1500Z‡.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Opr H24; ops fr 0700–1500Z‡ rqr 452 OG/CC apvl, exc for KRIV based alert msn. Rwy 12–30 CLOSED to public use only. Rwy 12–30 CLOSED to public due to munitions and explosives ops in close proximity of Rwy 12–30 per UFC and DOD regulations. Rwy 12–30 is a sry rwy, used for mil ops and mntnd by the mil. It is in very poor cond. Use extreme caution for extensive UAS ops in vicinity. Extv glider, skydiving, balloonist and ultralight activity at Perris Arpt, 7 NM south of March. Heavy mil flt trng. TPA–rectangular Rwy 14–32 3000′ (1464′), Rwy 12–30 2500′ (964′); overhead Rwy 14–32 3500′ (1964′), Rwy 12–30 2500′ (964′). Joint use arpt owned and opr by US Air Force/no civil touch and go ops or maneuvers. Afld use agreement with civil arpt authority (March Inland Port Arpt Authority) mil, civ coml and general aviation (GA) uses. General aviation ops PPR and/or ldg permit not rqr for use of civ apron and ramps. FBO info 951–247–2111/freq 130.075. General aviation ops permitted during FBO BUS HRS. FBO bus hrs 1400–0600Z‡ Mon–Fri, open Sat–Sun (if req prior to close of bus Fri) and will honor medical req made at any time, call 951–247–2111.
MILITARY REMARKS: Attended 1500–0700Z‡, clsd hol. Ops 0700–1500Z‡ and on hol rstd to KRIV based alert msn. General Aviation ops PPR and/or ldg permit not rqr for use of civ apron and ramps. FBO no PPR rqr 1400–0600Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd weekends, OT ctc FBO C951–247–2111 or C951–203–7797. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Info. 24 hr PN/PPR for all tran acft, ctc afld mgmt OPS DSN 312–447–4404/2422, C951–655–4404/2422. 24 hr PN acft with PAX/cargo ctc Comd Post DSN 312–447–4665 24 with type cargo and number of PAX. Inbound acft with PAX or DV ctc Comd Post no later than 2 hr prior to ETA and again no later than 1 hr ETA. RSTD Rwy 12–30 and helipad not avbl for public use. Rwy 14–32 avbl for public use rstd to full stop ldgs to FBO and straight–in low approach tfc permitting. RSRS rstd Det 1, 144 FW F–16 acft. AMP–3 LZ lgt instl in Rwy 14–32 rstd to 452 AMW acft. Tran acft trns trng rstd when ngt vision devices in use. 180° turns not auth on asphalt portions of Rwy 14–32. 180° turns auth on conc portions of Rwy 14–32. Med to large frame acft not allowed to taxi on Lima prk row wo flw me escort. All acft must advs ATC prior to executing a Vis Climb Over Arpt (VCOA). V–22 ops rstrd to Rwy 14–32. Helipad and Rwy 12–30 rstrd to hels only. No fixed wing or V–22 acft pmtd due to pavement rating of very poor. Tnsnt ramp ppkg spots J1, K1 and L1 rstrd to acft with wingspans less than 185 ft. CAUTION Rwy mark–landing zone (LZ) mark (3500′X90′) painted on Rwy 32 for base asgn C17 acft only. NSTD ctl twr ctl LZ lgt instl 300′ N of AER 32. NSTD TACAN checkpoint signs located at Twy A and Twy F. MISC SRS authorized for Det 144 F/W F16 acft only. Transportation limited, prior coordination rqr, ctc DSN 312–447–7787 wknd.
CSTMS/AG/IMG Min 24 hr PN rqr, ctc afld mgmt ops DSN 312–447–4404/2422, C951–655–4404/2422. Ltd svc on call Ontario Intl based CSTMS exp 2 hr delay for no ntc acft acft arr CSTMS rqr. CBP Form 7507 Gen Declaration, CBP form 6059B CSTMS Declaration fr all pax. PAX/cargo manifest rqr as applicable. Crew, PAX, cargo rqr to remain in acft til released by CSTMS. Apv Ldg Rights and Ovft Exm req. Not a port of entry, IMG svc ltd, case–by–case basis. Ctc PTD 2 hr prior to ldg via drct A/G com or fone patch. RWY Rwy 12–30 has extv cracks, vegetation, and loose rocks; Rwy 14 apch end full width conc first 500′, flw 110′ taper to 75′ width conc on cntrln remaining 125′ width asphalt. Rwy 32 apch end full width conc first 1000′, flw 110′ taper to 100′ width conc on cntrln remaining 100 width asphalt; twy lead–in 75′ width conc.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 951-655-4053
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 134.75 239.05 PTD 372.2 (Reception extremely ltd due to high surrounding terrain.)
®APP/DEP CON 119.25 133.5 306.975 1500–0700Z‡, Sat–Sun 1500–0200Z‡, clsd holidays, other times ctc
®SOCAL APP/DEP 134.0 278.3
TOWER 127.65 253.5 GND CON 121.75 335.8 CLNC DEL 335.8
452 OG 252.1
COMD POST 311.0 321.0 349.4 PMSV METRO 239.8 Wx Station 24 hrs, DSN 447–3602, C951–655–3602. Augmented AWOS in use. For additional info or dur evac of wx, ctc the 25th OWS at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ DSN 312–228–6698, C520–228–6698.
AIRSPACE: CLASS C svc ctc APP CON svc Mon–Fri 1500–0700Z‡, Sat–Sun 1500–0200Z‡, clsd hol; other times CLASS D.
PARADISE (VH) (H) VORTACW 112.2 PDZ Chan 59 N33°55.10′ W117°31.80′ 084° 13.7 NM to fld. 1432/15E.
130°–145° byd 25 NM blo 5,000′
145°–190° blo 8,000′
190°–230° blo 10,000′
310°–325° byd 35 NM blo 10,900′
325°–345° byd 25 NM blo 11,500′
345°–360° byd 35 NM blo 10,500′
VOR unusable:
000°–006° byd 40 NM
007°–017° byd 40 NM blo 10,000′
007°–017° byd 48 NM
010°–015° byd 20 NM blo 10,000′
018°–040° byd 40 NM
041°–051° byd 40 NM blo 25,000′
052°–065° byd 40 NM
080°–088° byd 40 NM
108°–118° byd 40 NM blo 9,000′
108°–118° byd 53 NM
119°–144° byd 40 NM blo 12,000′
119°–144° byd 85 NM
130°–145° byd 25 NM blo 5,000′
145°–190° blo 8,000′
145°–190° byd 25 NM blo 10,000′
145°–190° byd 39 NM blo 13,500′
190°–230° blo 10,000′
285°–300° byd 40 NM
301°–311° byd 40 NM blo 18,000′
310°–325° byd 35 NM blo 10,900′
325°–345° byd 25 NM blo 11,500′
345°–360° byd 35 NM blo 10,500′
DME unusable:
130°–145° byd 25 NM blo 5,000′
145°–190° blo 8,000′
190°–230° blo 10,000′
310°–325° byd 35 NM blo 10,900′
325°–345° byd 25 NM blo 11,500′
345°–360° byd 35 NM blo 10,500′
HOMELAND (VL) VORW 112.05 HDF N33°46.58′ W117°11.12′ 316° 7.3 NM to fld. 1416/14E.
VOR unusable:
017°–030° byd 35 NM blo 15,500′
031°–154° byd 40 NM
155°–155° byd 24 NM
156°–189° byd 40 NM
190°–207° byd 20 NM
208°–284° byd 40 NM
298°–016° byd 40 NM
(L) TACAN Chan 77 RIV (113.0) N33°54.39′ W117°16.50′ 137° 1.7 NM to fld. 1543/14E. NOTAM FILE RIV.
040°–055° byd 20 NM blo 18,500′
085°–090° byd 35 NM blo 14,000′
170°–220° byd 35 NM blo 11,000′
240°–275° byd 35 NM blo 8,000′
300°–039° byd 20 NM blo 17,000′
No NOTAM MP 1500–1700Z‡ Thu (15003+1), exc last Thu 1500–2300Z‡ (15003+1)
DME unusable:
040°–055° byd 20 NM blo 18,500′
085°–090° byd 35 NM blo 14,000′
170°–220° byd 35 NM blo 11,000′
240°–275° byd 35 NM blo 8,000′
300°–039° byd 20 NM blo 17,000′
ILS 110.1 I–RIV Rwy 32. Class IE. No NOTAM MP 0500–0900Z‡ Wed.