SAN DIEGO, CA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
W117°12.79′ 26 B NOTAM FILE NZY Not insp.
RWY 18–36: H8001X200 (PEM) PCN 59 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 18: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 49′.
RWY 36: SALSF. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 47′.
RWY 11–29: H7501X200 (PEM) PCN 59 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 29: ALSF1. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′.
RWY 18 HOOK E28(B) (1850') HOOK E28(B) (1701') RWY 36
RWY 11 HOOK E28(B) (1500') HOOK E28(B) (2601') RWY 29
SERVICE: MILITARY– A–GEAR Short–fld A–Gear Rwy 36 nmly de–rigged. Long–fld A–Gear Rwy 36 nml de–rigged. Short–fld A–Gear 29 de–rigged. Long–fld a–gear Rwy 29 nmly rigged. JASU 2(GTC–85) 2(NC–8) FUEL Exp refuel delays. 100LL, J5.
FLUID SP PRESAIR. OIL O–128–148–156–Rstd oil analysis avbl, prior coord rqr. TRAN ALERT Opr 1400–0600Z‡ wkd and 1600–0600Z‡ weekend; (DT– 1300–0500Z‡ weekend and 1500–0500Z‡ weekend). No tran maint/ltd svc. Tran aircrew must remain with acft to provide technical drct/assistance in svcg. Air trml/tran line coord all reful req. Arr acft passenger svc req to lineman. All tran pilots ck in with ODO, Base OPS Bldg 516, upon arr. LOX not avbl.
NOISE: Strict compliance rqr.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr Mon 1430Z‡–Sat 0600Z‡, Sat 1600Z‡–Sun 0600Z‡, Sun 1600Z‡–Mon 0600Z‡. Ctc amgr 619–545–8243/619–778–2074 for info concerning civil acft ldg pmts. CLOSED 0200Z‡ day prior to 1430Z‡ day following all Federal hol. Airfield firefighting capability CAT–2. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Airport Remarks. RSTD Call ODO Btn 1300Z–0500Z‡ wkdays DSN 735–8233, C619–545–8233 for PPR. Lcl flt drg RON prohibited. MV–22, CMV–22, F–35B acft VTOL ops from any rwy, twy or helipad are prohibited, exc when an emerg situation dictates. CMV–22 VTOL ops (FCF) auth on Twy Echo between Twy Charlie and Helipad 12. CAUTION Extv VFR helicopter opr sfc–500′ vcnty of arpt and sfc–2000′ 8 NM SE. Lgt civ acft climb/descent thru Rwy 29 final apch course byd 6 DME enter/dep San Diego Class B Airspace VFR corridor. Avoid cntrln lgt dur Rwy 29 or Rwy 36 arrestment to prevent tailhook bounce. Rwy 18–36 rwy distance markers less than the required 50′ off the rwy edge. Twy L edge lgts not within 10′ of marked twy edge. Heavy vehicle tfc cross Twy L and A. Bird haz May–Oct, particularly at dep end Rwy 29. Rwy 11–29 sfc area btn the rwy edge lines and rwy edge lgts, aprx 50′ on either side, is cracked and has loose gvl. Rwy 11–29 edge lgts lctd 50′ outboard of rwy edge lines, and are not within 10′ of the marked rwy edge. Pilots should exercise caution transiting the area btn the rwy edge lines and rwy edge lgts. Dist btn Twy B1 cntrln and Twy B2 cntrln is 200 ft which is 37.5 ft short of the rqrd 237.5 ft. No twy lgts on Twy H and Twy D. TFC PAT Use max exterior lgt blo 10,000′ within 10 NM. All tran acft ltd to full stop only. Touch–and–go/low apch not avbl. Tran acft section apch not authorized. Reduced rwy separation std in effect USN/USMC acft. CSTMS/AG/IMG Cstms avbl with 2 hr ntc Mon–Sat 1600–0100Z‡. Minimum 4 hr ntc rqr 0100–1600Z‡. MISC VIP/logistic flts ctc Base OPS prior to ldg. Tsnt pilot with DV 6 or higher ctc baseops on 355.5 to update ETA when practical. ARNG Army Base OPS DSN 735–0101, C619–545–0101.
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 317.8 (1430Z‡ Mon–0600Z‡ Sat, 1600Z‡ Sat–0600Z‡ Sun, 1600Z‡ Sun–0600Z‡ Mon. Clsd 0200Z‡ day prior to 1430Z‡ day following all Federal hol)
®SOCAL APP/DEP CON 125.15 317.55 (Radar advsy and sequencing to arpt avbl VFR arr on req)
NAVY NORTH ISLAND TOWER 135.1 336.4 340.2 (1430Z‡ Mon–0600Z‡ Sat, 1600Z‡ Sat–0600Z‡ Sun, 1600Z‡ Sun–0600Z‡ Mon. Clsd 0200Z‡ day prior to 1430Z‡ day following all Federal hol)
GND CON 118.0 360.675 CLNC DEL 128.4 288.25 PMSV METRO 342.35 BASE OPS 355.5
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd ctc SoCal Apch at 800-448-3724.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1430Z‡ Mon– 0600Z‡ Sat, 1600Z‡ Sat– 0600Z‡ Sun, 1600Z‡ Sun– 0600Z‡ Mon, clsd from 0200Z‡ day prior to 1430Z‡ day following all fed hol; other times CLASS G.
(L) TACAN Chan 117 NZY (117.0) N32°42.16′ W117°12.97′ at fld. 17/11E. No NOTAM MP: 1500–1700Z‡ Sun
183°–232° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
233°–303° byd 15 NM blo 3,000′
304°–343° byd 30 NM blo 3,000′
DME unusable:
183°–232° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
233°–303° byd 15 NM blo 3,000′
304°–343° byd 30 NM blo 3,000′
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.