TWENTYNINE PALMS SELF (NXP)(KNXP) MC 9 NW UTC–8(–7DT) N34°17.77′ W116°09.73′
2051 B NOTAM FILE NXP Not insp.
RWY 10–28: 8015X150 (PSP) S–80, D–180, 2D–320, 2D/2D2–850 HIRL
RWY 10: SALSF. OLS. Rgt tfc. 0.4% down.
SERVICE: LGT All lgt by prior apvl. MILITARY– A–GEAR Rwy 10, HOOK M31(B) (1987′); Rwy 28, HOOK M31(B) (1565′) ctc twr for arrestment, exp 5 min delay. FUEL A, A+ (C334–983–4541) (NC 100LL). Qualified acft captain/crew chief must be provided by user to reful acft. J8 TRAN ALERT No AMC fleet svc avbl. All VIP acft ctc afld OPS for PPR 24 hr prior to arr.
MILITARY REMARKS:Opr hrs in accordance with public NOTAMS for exer support and PPRs only. Clsd Sat, Sun. See FLIP AP/1, Supplementary Arpt Remarks. RSTD CLOSED fld ops permitted by PN apvl exc MCAGCC (Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center) SAR acft only. PPR rqrd for Fuel, VIP/pax movement, practice arrestments, and ngt vision devices trng. Opr outside public hrs permitted by 24 hr PPR, 72 hr PPR for Sat, Sun opr. Base OPS DSN 230–7815, C760–830–7815. Austere/desert trng environment primarily for support of CAX. Variable hr yr round as req by CAX Command Element. If Twentynine Palms SELF is final destination, ensure NXP is filed, not TNP. 500X490 AM–2 matting on west end fixed wing ramp. CAUTION Helicopter LZ (HLZ) White Rhino (unmanned air vehicle strip 2000′ x 72′) South of and parallel to Rwy 28 is primarily for tenant Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) support, rstd to unmanned acft sys and copter ops only; no tiltrotor ops authorized. Marked with 72′ x 72′ Helo Spots on east and west end. 17′ AGL hangar lctd 120′ south of ldg zone cntrln. Rwys have AM–2 rwy sfc matting. This is fabricated aluminum panel 1.5 inches thick, which consists of hollow, extruded one–piece main section with extruded end connectors welded to each end. The top sfc of the AM–2 matting is coated with a non–skid material. Weight bearing characteristics are correctly noted by the avbl rwy code above TRT–520. TFC PAT All tfc pat south of rwy due to live fire range immediately north of SELF. Remain on or south of extdd cntrln on final apch. VFR fixed wing to Rwy 28 maintain at or abv 4100′ MSL until NXP 5 DME. VFR fixed wing dep Rwy 10 cross NXP 5 DME at or abv 4100′ MSL or rgt turn to BANDINI (Water Treatment Facility 6 NM SE).
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: ASOS 309.75 (760) 830–8146.
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: When ATCT clsd, for CD ctc Los Angeles ARTCC at 661-575-2079.
(L) (L) VORTAC 114.2 TNP Chan 89 N34°06.73′ W115°46.19′ 285° 22.4 NM to fld. 1374/15E.
VOR unusable:
005°–035° byd 18 NM blo 6,800′
035°–065° byd 25 NM blo 6,000′
080°–095° byd 30 NM blo 6,000′
095°–150° byd 18 NM blo 6,000′
151°–170° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
170°–190° byd 25 NM blo 9,000′
190°–245° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
245°–260° byd 25 NM blo 7,500′
315°–330° byd 33 NM blo 6,200′
330°–345° byd 20 NM blo 6,200′
345°–005° byd 35 NM blo 8,300′
TAC AZM unusable:
005°–035° byd 18 NM blo 6,800′
035°–065° byd 25 NM blo 6,000′
080°–095° byd 30 NM blo 6,000′
095°–150° byd 18 NM blo 6,000′
150°–170° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
170°–190° byd 25 NM blo 9,000′
190°–205° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
315°–330° byd 33 NM blo 6,200′
330°–345° byd 20 NM blo 6,200′
345°–005° byd 35 NM blo 8,300′
DME unusable:
005°–035° byd 18 NM blo 6,800′
035°–065° byd 25 NM blo 6,000′
080°–095° byd 30 NM blo 6,000′
095°–150° byd 18 NM blo 6,000′
150°–170° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
170°–190° byd 25 NM blo 9,000′
190°–245° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
245°–260° byd 25 NM blo 7,500′
315°–330° byd 33 NM blo 6,200′
330°–345° byd 20 NM blo 6,200′
345°–005° byd 35 NM blo 8,300′