OXNARD, CA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
N34°07.16′ W119°07.18′ 13 B NOTAM FILE NTD Not insp.
RWY 03–21: H11102X200 (ASPH–CONC) PCN 47 R/C/W/T HIRL
RWY 03: SALSF. OLS. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′.
RWY 21: MALSR. OLS. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′.
RWY 09–27: H5502X200 (ASPH–CONC) PCN 51 F/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 03 HOOK E28(B) (2500') HOOK E28(B) (2502') RWY 21
RWY 09 HOOK E28(B) (641') HOOK E28(B) (1252') RWY 27
SERVICE: LGT Rwy 03–21 4–light PAPI on left side of runway. Rwy 21 VGSI unusbl byd 6° left and byd 7° right of cntrln. Carrier deck lgt and mrkgs Rwy 27; IFLOLS Rwy 27. Rotg bcn not opr when arpt clsd. MILITARY– A–GEAR Rwy 3–21 long–fld A–Gear rigged; short fld derigged, avbl 15 min PN. JASU 3(NCPP–105) 8(A/M47A–4) 9(GTC–85) FUEL J5, F24 (Jet AA) Hot pits not avbl for tsnt acft. FLUID SP LHOX LOX. OIL O–128–148 TRAN ALERT/AIR TRML: Opr 1400–0200Z‡ Mon–Thu; 1400–0100Z‡ altn Fri; clsd altn Fri, wkend and hol. Tsnt acft loading/offloading req outside publd hrs ctc afld mgr 805–989–8003/4737 for apvl. Ltd fleet svc (lavatory avbl; no potable water; not wet ice; no oxy). LOX ltd. Tsnt acft prkg extremely ltd. Min 24–hr prior notice rqrd for acft with ordnance. Ordnance must be secured by det psnl or aircrew prior prior refueling. No tsnt maint/ltd svc. Tsnt acft maint/hgr space extremely ltd to non–existent. no de–icing avbl.
NOISE: Avoid populated areas when possible due to extreme noise sensitive area. Procedure in effect 0400–1600Z‡. Expect Rwy 03 arr and Rwy 21 dep between 0400–0700Z‡ jets, and 0600–0700Z‡ all other acft, Mon–Sun, and federal holidays.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1500–0700Z‡. Rwy 03–21 first 500 ft Rwy 03 and first 4100 ft Rwy 21 conc; middle 6500 ft Rwy 03–21 is porous friction sfc. Rwy 09–27 first 1250 ft Rwy 27 conc; remainder Rwy 09–27 porous friction sfc. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remarks and AP/1A. Bird watch cond severe: Wildlife activity on or imt above the active rwy or other specific location repg hight potential for strikes; supervision and aircrews must thoroughly evaluate mission need before conducting operations in areas under cond severe. Bird watch cond moderate: Wildlife activity near the active rwy or other specific locations repg increased potential for strikes; reqs increased vigilance by all agencies and supervisors and caution by aircrews. Bird watch cond low: Wildlife activity on or around the afld repg low potential for strikes. Wildlife hazard exists; pilots should report all bird and mammal sightings to twr or BOPS on freq 305.6. Phase I all dates not designated as phase II. Phase II eff 1 Oct thru 15 Apr; bird act is incrd dur these months due to the migratory season, the primary threat during these periods consists of large quantities and more frequent concentration of birds in all areas around the afld, and aircrews must be aware of heavy migratory fowl during these times. During Phase II, pilots can exp bird watch cond to be moderate or severe; takeoffs/landings within 90 min of offl SR/SS should only happen if it is mission essential; and if possible, training and frmn missions should avoid takeoff/landing with 90 min of the official SR/SS. Acft flt line security is ltd, prior coord required. RSTD PPR for all tsnt acft. 24 hrs pn and not earlier than 7 days; no same–day PPR. PPR issued Mon–Fri only exc hol and apvd by airfield mgr. Acft that fail to arrive wi +/–30 min of ETA risk being cn unless prior cdn/update is made. Send all PPR reqs via email to nbvc_afm@us.navy.mil. Arpt hrs subj chg via NOTAM. AMC/NALO msn rqr flt advsy or prior coord. Weekends, Oct–Jan, BASH support act removing waterfowl from the air in marsh areas S of Rwy 09–27 and wi 700′ of Rwy 21 edges/overrun. Vtol opr from any rwy, twy, apron prohibited exc declared emerg. 180 deg turns on asph rwy sections prohibited. Civ afct req valid/apvd Civil Aircraft Landing Permit (CALP); foreign acft req Navy Aircraft Landing Authorization Number (NALAN); ctc airfield mgr C805–989–8003/4737. New CALP rqrs 30 days prior notice for coord/legal review. CAUTION Extreme mid–air potential due to high density VFR general aviation tfc in vicinity. Civilian arpt (Camarillo) 6 NM N uncontrolled 0500–1500Z‡ daily. High terrain to 1567′ E of fld. Bird watch condition is moderate to severe, due to seasonal bird migration annually from Oct 1–Apr 30. Bird Hazard: Hang glider activity vicinity Round Mt 4 NM NE SR–SS. Arpt paradrop area active daily, 2–4 NM west of FNA crs Rwy 21 between 7–9 NM. Twy D clsd. Twy E clsd. Twy A2 open to prop and r/w, clsd to jet eng acft. Twy G hold PSN markings NSTD. VFR hold line on Twy G near perimeter road incorrect. Markings should indicate edge of ctld mov area. All tfc must ctc Mugu twr prior to crossing mov area when traveling S on Twy G toward Rwy 21. E–28 A–Gear 25 ft fromedge of rwy, aprxly 5 ft tall. TFC PAT Reduced rwy separation standards in effect USN/USMC acft. Rwy 21 dep do not commence turns until 500′ and 1/2 NM offshore. Rwy 27 dep do not commence turns until 500′. CSTMS/AG/IMS Customs, Agriculture, Immigration avbl during opr hr with 24 hr prior notice. MISC Acft flt line security is ltd; rqr prior coord. Lrg/hvy 4–eng acft taxi with inboard engs only for fod mitigation. Twy C1 and C2 rwy hold psn incorrect dist from Rwy 9–27 edge. Rwy hold lines are 150 ft from edge of rwy. ANG Channel Islands ANGB PPR DSN 893–7577, C805–986–7577. Opr hrs 1400–0600Z‡, clsd hol. Tsnt alert hrs 1500–2200Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd Sat, Sun, and hol. PPR rqrd for all tsnt acft DSN 893–7577/7578, C805–986–7577/7578. Temporary waivers on ANG ramp: Fire hydrant bollards exist along the edge of the APN; modular airborne FFR sys pit taxi lines are not marked IAW reg; pits are only used during contingency ops, allowing acft to taxi close to fac to reload retardant; painted turn guidelines between parking spaces are not uniform (distances vary from 160.5 ft to 182.67 ft; current configuration places age equipment beneath the wing of turning acft, within the clear zone around the prop, and non–std markings–nose wheel markings and acft spot indication.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 805-986-7577
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA ATIS 125.55 363.05 (Same as twr hrs)
®APP/DEP CON 128.65 307.275 (1500–0700Z‡)
®L.A. CENTER APP/DEP CON 135.5 327.1 (0700–1500Z‡)
TOWER 124.85 290.375 340.2 (1500–0700Z‡, clsd holidays other times ctc L.A. Center App/Dep Con)
GND CON 121.6 360.2 CLNC DEL 120.75 279.55
PMSV METRO 386.35 OTS indef. BASE OPS 267.5 ANG OPS 305.6
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1500–0700Z‡, clsd hol; other times CLASS G.
FILLMORE (VL) (L) VORTAC 112.5 FIM Chan 72 N34°21.40′ W118°52.88′ 205° 18.5 NM to fld. 220015E.
VOR unusable:
048°–058° byd 40 NM blo 6,000′
048°–058° byd 49 NM
070°–077° byd 40 NM
205°–217° byd 40 NM
267°–304° byd 40 NM
280°–315° byd 20 NM blo 11,000′
280°–315° byd 31 NM blo 14,000′
305°–315° byd 40 NM blo 18,000′
315°–360° byd 25 NM blo 14,000′
316°–323° byd 40 NM
324°–334° byd 40 NM blo 14,500′
324°–334° byd 70 NM
335°–043° byd 40 NM
265°–275° byd 15 NM
280°–310° byd 20 NM blo 14,000′
310°–360° byd 25 NM blo 14,000′
DME unusable:
265°–275° byd 15 NM
280°–315° byd 20 NM blo 11,000′
280°–315° byd 31 NM blo 14,000′
315°–360° byd 25 NM blo 14,000′
(L) TACAN Chan 43 NTD (110.6) N34°07.40′ W119°07.32′ at fld. 7/12E. NOTAM FILE NTD. TACAN unmonitored 0700–1500Z‡.
060°–110° byd 15 NM blo 5,000′
DME unusable:
060°–110° byd 15 NM blo 5,000′
ILS/DME 109.3 I–RRG Chan 30 Rwy 21. Class IB. Unmonitored when ATCT closed. Auto–cpd apch na blw 233′ MSL.
ASR/PAR (1500-0700Z‡)
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima. Expanded Radar Svc–All flt conducted under positive control. Inbound acft not opr under ATC or Plead (132.425 306.6), ctc APP CON 25 NM out.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.