DOBBINS ARB (MGE)(KMGE) AFRC (ARNG) 1 S UTC–5(–4DT) N33°54.87′ W84°30.85′
1069 B TPA–See Remarks LRA NOTAM FILE MGE Not insp.
RWY 11–29: H10002X300 (CONC) PCN 71 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 11: ALSF1. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 55′. RVR–T
RWY 29: SALSF. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 58′. RVR–T 0.8% up.
RWY 110–290: H3495X60 (CONC) PCN 45 R/C/W/T HIRL
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A++ OX 1, 2 LGT For OLS Rwy 11–29 lctn data see Flip AP/1 Supplementary Arpt rmk.
MILITARY–JASU 1(A/MA32A–86) 2(AM32–95) 3(A/M32A–86), 5(ESSEX B809). Base asgn acft have priority. FUEL Opr 1100–0500Z‡ Mon–Thu; 1100–0200Z‡ Fri; 1300–2100Z‡ Sat–Sun, exp 1 hr fuel delay, clsd fed hol. A++100. LHNIT.
FLUID SP LOX LPOX. LHNIT: Low and high pressure nitrogen servicing). De–Ice: (anti–icing/de–icing/defrosting fluid (Mil–A–8243). OIL O–148–156 SOAP JOAP. TRAN ALERT Opr 1300–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1300–2100Z‡ Sat–Sun, clsd fed hol. Lavatory svc rqr 24 hr PN. De–Ice svc on Trans Ramp and C130 Ramp only with 24 hr PN.
MILITARY REMARKS: Attended 1300–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1300–2100Z‡ Sat Sun, clsd fed hol. RSTD LM: PPR for use of parking ramps or fac, C800–825–6083. PPR ctc AMOPS at DSN 625–4903, C678–655–4903. Acft rstd during Bird Watch cond Moderate (tkof/ldg perms when dep/arr route avoid indent bird activity, no lcl IFR/VFR tfc pat acft) and Severe (tkof/ldg proh without 94th OG/CC apvl), ctc AMOPS for current Bird Watch cond. Hot cargo pad rqr 48 hr PN for use. Hazardous cargo rstd to C–130 or smaller acft. Do not trans on HF without twr apvl. Ctc AMOPS 20 min prior ldg to confirm PPR and svcg/load. To park AF side PPR, DSN 625–4903. Assault Ldg Zone local use only. PPR only coord/issued 30 days in advance. CAUTION Rwy 11–29, when RSC is wet, standing water/ponding greater than or equal to 1/2′ inch occurs approximately 50′ from rwy edges. TFC PAT TPA–Ovhd, enter initial at 3500 ft, dsnd to 2600 ft, lvl brk at rwy thld. MISC RSRS applied to base asgn acft only; std USAF RSRS not applicable. Rwy 11–29 and VEDA ALZ clsd last Sat of each month for maint 1300–2100Z‡. Afld mgmt and Comd Post do not issue or store COMSEC. For storage of small Non–COMSEC classified, 24 hour PN rqr, ctc Comd Post at DSN 625–5106, C678–655–5106, Mon–Fri, 1100–1500Z‡, Sat–Sun, unit trng wkend only 1100–2000Z‡. Afld mgmt email Rwy 29 non–std apch lights. RWY Rwy and VEDA ALZ not grooved. Rwy 11–29 overruns first 300′ asp, remaining 700′ loose gravel. ARNG Aircrews desiring to visit the Georgia ARNG or AASF#2, must land/park at Clay NG ramp, 24 hr PPR req, ctc DSN 753–3500, C678–569–3500. Svc lmtd tnst prkg avbl. CSTMS/AG/IMG Svc req 24hr PN, ctc AMOPS for PPR at DSN 625–4903, C678–655–4903.
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 269.5 (1200–0400Z‡) PTD 139.3 372.2
®ATLANTA APP/DEP CON 121.0 268.7
TOWER 120.225 120.75 370.875 (1200–0400Z‡) GND CON 125.3 275.8 GCA 120.225 (Svcs unavbl on non–unit trng wkend.)
94AW COMD POST (DAPPER DAN) 322.9 PMSV METRO 274.75 (Full svc avbl 1100–0400Z‡, DSN 625–5190. OT ctc 26th OWS DSN 331–2651, COMM 318–529–2604. 274.75)
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd, ctc Atlanta Apch at 678-364-6132.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1200–0400Z‡; other times CLASS G.
PEACHTREE (L) DME 116.6 PDK Chan 113 N33°52.54′ W84°17.93′ 282° 11.0 NM to fld. 971.
(T) TACAN Chan 77 DOB (113.0) N33°54.88′ W84°30.44′ at fld. 1009/3W. NOTAM FILE MCN. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1500Z‡ Thu
TACAN unusable:
070°–078° byd 18 NM
145°–265° byd 11 NM
253°–256° byd 8 NM
320°–325° byd 12NM
ILS 109.7 I–DJR Rwy 11. Class IE.
ILS 111.35 I–VRW Rwy 29. Class IT. Glideslope unuseable byd 4° right of course. Autopilot cpd apch NA blw 1,800′ MSL.
ASR (1200–0400Z‡)
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.