LUKE AFB (LUF)(KLUF) AF 7 W UTC–7 N33°32.10′ W112°22.99′
1084 B NOTAM FILE LUF Not insp.
RWY 03L–21R: H10000X150 (CONC) PCN 53 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 03L: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 49′. Rgt tfc.
RWY 21R: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 47′.
RWY 03R–21L: H9912X150 (CONC) PCN 53 R/C/W/T HIRL
RWY 03R: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 51′. Rgt tfc.
RWY 21L: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 47′. Thld dsplcd 1553′.
RWY 03L MB60 (35 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B (1441 FT). MB60 (35 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B (1511 FT). RWY 21R
RWY 03R MB60 (34 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B (1419 FT). MB60 (33 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B (1454 FT). RWY 21L
SERVICE: S4 OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LGT Arpt bcn dusk–0530Z Mon–Thur, dusk–0130Z Fri. Afld unlgt when closed. PAPI touchdown point byd thr; Rwy 03L PAPI 941 ft; Rwy 03R 948 ft; Rwy 21L 942 ft; Rwy 21R pt 937 ft. Rwy thr lghts gated. MILITARY– A–GEAR Not authorized when afld clsd; Rwy 03L–21R: apch and dep end BAK–12A raised posn with 8 pt tie downs; dep end MB60 in ovrn raised posn;. Rwy 03R–21L: dep end BAK–12A and MB60 in ovrn raised posn; apch end BAK–12A in raised posn with 30 min PN. Durg extn single rwy ops app and dep end BAK–12B and dep end MB60 raised posn for open rwy. All 8 BAK–12 shelters 200 ft fm rwy cntrln. Rwy 03R–21L and Rwy 03L–21R BAK–12 shelters 8 total 200 ft fm rwy cntrln. JASU 2(AM32A–60A) 2(MC–1A) FUEL Fuel req ovr 24000 gal/160000 lbs 72 hr PPR. FLUID SP PRESAIR LPOX LOX OIL O–128–Packaged only, rqr hand transfer; 133–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Ltd prkg; exp up to 4 hr delay. Flw me and min fleet svc avbl – 24 hr PPR – AMOPS; F16 eng tsnt support not authorized. Tran alert and N ramp apvl rqr – afld mgmt. Tnsnt fighter acft 2 or more req 15 min btw arr.
NOISE: Noise sensitive area 5 NM northeast.
MILITARY REMARKS: Special Air Traffic Rules–Part 93, see Regulatory Notices. Clsd wkend, hol and AETC family days. Tran alert ramp and north ramp used for various acft. Coord and apvl rqr by afld management. RSTD Ctc afld management for verification. PPR all acft–D896–7131/C623–856–7131/7132; adhere to arr block time +/– 30 min of sked ldg. PPR not issued more than 7 days out or less than 24 hr of arr date. Tran acft will make full stop ldg dur lcl trng period. ARFF Index: critical level fire fighting & rescue cpbltys for KC–135 and larger. C–37 Gulfstream 5 and lrgr rdcd wkend & hol. Svr risk loss; ARFF not expd to extinguish interior fire or successful rescue ops. Ltd exterior ARFF performed – amgmt to verify. ARFF status level 3 wkend, hol and down days. Tsnt must coord apvl for lcl sorties prior to arr. Tsnt classified storage NA at AMOPS; ctc command post for storage – D896–5600C623–856–5600. Hover ldg not authorized without ATCT permission. All acft req flt plan prior to dep. Civ practice apch Not Authorized. Twy H rstrd to fighter or smlr. Hop ovr raised MB60 arresting sys rmn 500 ft until 1,000 ft past rwy thr. CAUTION Jet trng act. Hydroplaning psbl all rwys when wet; mowers wi 100 ft of rwys and twys 1530–0001Z, Mon–Fri. 100′ unlit obst (trees) lctd 2940′ from thld Rwy 03L, 1389′ east of extd rwy cntrln. BASH Phase I: Sep–Jun; Phase II: Jul–Aug. Rwy 03R–21L; Lgt pole 1200 ft SE cntrln 456 ft and 676 ft fm Rwy 21L thr; lgt pole 1430 ft SW cntrln 676 ft fm Rwy 21L thr. 90 ft lgt poles near fire trng fac 1358.3 ft fm Rwy 21R cntrln. Hot air bln invof AUX1 Fld at or blw 5000 ft MSL. Caution on FNL use due to VFR flyways. TFC PAT Hook base leg Rwy 21 outside housing area, 1 NM. Base leg Rwy 03 avoid Pheonix–Goodyear arpt, 4 NM. Overhead 300 KIAS, 3100 ft MSL til 5 DME then 2600 ft MSL–Conventional 2100 ft MSL. CSTMS/AG/TMG 24 hr PPR – DSN 896–6322/C623–856–6322. Cust and IMB not authorized for space available and civ pax. Pax trml and space able pax not authorized. Civ pax process at apvd boarding point prior to arr. MISC Four eng acft when authorized shut down outboard eng after lndg prior to taxi; KC130 or lrgr exp back taxi after lndg Rwy 21L/R; use Twy B to tsnt prkg. Wx opr 1000–0500Z Mon–Thu and 1000–0130Z Fri or until afld closes, whichever comes first, sdby wkend, hol and 56FW trng days. Wx flt DSN 896–2992/C623–856–2992; aft hr sdby–Comd Post D896–5600C623–856–5600.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 623-856-7131
COMMUNICATIONS:ATIS 134.925 269.85 (Mon–Thu 1330–0530Z, Fri 1330–0130Z, clsd wkend, hol and AETC family days)
PTD 372.2
®APP/DEP 118.15 363.125 (Opr 1300–0530Z Mon–Thu, 1300–0130Z Fri, clsd wkend, hol and AETC family days).
®PHOENIX APP/DEP CON 120.7 239.0 (0530–1300Z Tue–Fri; 0130–1300Z Sat–Mon, H24 hol and AETC family days).
TOWER 119.1 379.9 (Opr 1330–0530Z Mon–Thu, 1330–0130Z Fri, clsd wkend, hol and AETC family days)
GND CON 133.175 335.8 CLNC DEL 126.25 273.475
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc Mon–Thu 1330Z–0530Z, Fri 1330Z–0130Z, clsd weekends, hol, and aetc family days, other times CLASS G..
(L) TACAN Chan 77 LUF (113.0) N33°32.26′ W112°22.81′ at fld. 1077/10E. unmonitored.
TAC AZM unusable:
248°–268° byd 16 NM blo 13,000′
269°–278° byd 15 NM
279°–303° byd 16 NM blo 13,000′
No NOTAM MP: 0600–1230Z Sun, Wed
DME unusable:
248°–268° byd 16 NM blo 13,000′
279°–303° byd 16 NM blo 13,000′
ILS 108.7 I–LUF Rwy 03R. No NOTAM MP 0600–1230Z Tue, Thu, Sun. Caution: lsa is 3,600′. Mountain range, 270–degrees, 7.0 DME from airfield.
ILS 110.9 I–EMJ Rwy 21L. Class IT. No NOTAM MP 0600–1230Z Tue, Thu, Sun.