NIAGARA FALLS INTL (IAG)(KIAG) P (AFRC ANG) 4 E UTC–5(–4DT) N43°06.45′ W78°56.75′
592 B LRA ARFF Index–See Remarks NOTAM FILE IAG
RWY 10L–28R: H9826X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–120, D–240, 2D–447, 2D/2D2–957 PCN 74 R/B/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 10L: VASI(V4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 50′. RVR–R Thld dsplcd 700′. Tree.
RWY 28R: MALSR. TDZL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 67′. RVR–T Tree.
RWY 06–24: H5188X150 (ASPH) S–120, D–250, 2D–462 PCN 69 F/B/W/T MIRL
RWY 06: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 45′. Tree.
RWY 24: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 48′. Tree.
RWY 10R–28L: H3972X78 (ASPH) S–73, D–97 PCN 29 F/C/X/T MIRL
RWY 10R: REIL. PAPI(P2L)–GA 3.26° TCH 31′. Tree.
RWY 28L: REIL. PAPI(P2L)–GA 3.06° TCH 30′. Stack.
RWY 06: TORA–5188 TODA–5188 ASDA–5188 LDA–5188
RWY 10L:TORA–9829 TODA–10829 ASDA–9829 LDA–9129
RWY 10R:TORA–3973 TODA–3973 ASDA–3973 LDA–3973
RWY 24: TORA–5188 TODA–5188 ASDA–5108 LDA–5108
RWY 28L:TORA–3973 TODA–3973 ASDA–3973 LDA–3973
RWY 28R:TORA–9829 TODA–10529 ASDA–9129 LDA–9129
SERVICE: S2 FUEL 100LL, JET A, A+ LGT When ATCT clsd ACTVT MALSR Rwy 28R; REIL Rwy 06, 24, 10R, 28L; Cntrln Rwy 10L/28R; PAPI Rwy 06, Rwy 24, 10R, 28L; HIRL Rwy 10L–28R; MIRL Rwy 06–24 and Rwy 10R–28L and twy lgts–CTAF. MILITARY– JASU 2(A/M32A–86) 1(AM32A–60) 1(MA–1A) FUEL A++(Mil) FLUID SP OIL O–148(Mil)
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Heavy concentrations of gulls, blackbirds, starlings up to 5000′ AGL on and invof arpt. Bird acft strike haz Phase II ops at KIAG Mar–May and Sep–Nov. Rwy 10R–28L CLOSED indefly. Class I, ARFF Index B. ARFF Index E equipment coverage provided. Extensive acft activity opr invof US/Canadian falls all alts. Intxn deps Rwy 24 at Twy D1 are not authorized. Rwy 28R rollout end of rwy–last 900′ not grvd. Rwy 28R 1000 ft by 150 ft blast pad. Twys A, A1, A2, A3, M & L non–mov areas. Twy D3 rstd to 12,500 lbs or less. Ldg fee. Parking fee. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) avbl. NOTE: See Special Notices–Recommended VFR Flt Procedures.
MILITARY REMARKS:RSTD ARFF downgraded to RLS: 6096 gal water, 844 gal foam; 1450 lbs chem. All mil acft opr rstd during Bird Watch Condition Moderate (tkf and ldg permission only when departing/arrival route avoids identified bird activity, no local IFR/VFR tfc pat activity) and Severe (tkf and ldg prohibited without OG/CC approval), ctc Comd Post for current Bird Watch Condition. MISC Local mission acft have priority for de–icing, full acft de–icing for C–17 and C–5 acft not avbl. All mil acft only minimal classified materials avbl, aircrews should arrive with appropriate amount to complete their mission. For current Mil Rwy Condition Reading (RCR) call or ctc 914 ARW comd post or 914th ARW afld management.
AFRC/ANG PPR ctc Afld mgmt DSN 238–2176, C716–236–2176. Airfield ops svc 1200–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri exc hol. Twys A, A1, A2, A3 and A4 painted mrk faded and retro–reflectivity ineffective. Nstd ops apn mrks identifying prkg row and prkg lctn. Nstd main apn mrk east side, prk stop bar and Acft Gnd Eqpt (AGE) box. Cstms/AG/img svc not lctd on Niagara Falls ARS. Svc avbl H24. Ops apron west stanchion lights unsvc. Use CAUTION dur ngt time ops. Afld management does not issue or store COMSEC, for COMSEC storage ctc Command Post DSN 238–2150, C716–236–2150. Minimum alt over Niagara Falls scenic falls is 3500′. No fleet svc avbl.
AIRPORT MANAGER: (716) 297-4494
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 118.5 ATIS 120.8 269.4 UNICOM 122.95
®BUFFALO APP/DEP CON 126.5 317.6
TOWER 118.5 349.0 (1200–0400Z‡) GND CON 125.3 275.8 CLNC DEL 119.25 251.1
914 AW COMD POST/AFLD MGMT (MUSHROOM OPS) 340.025 (DSN–238–2150, C716–236–2150. Afld mgmt–DSN 238–2176, C716–236–2176 (AMOPS).
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT clsd ctc Buffalo ATCT on freq or 716-626-6920.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1200–0400Z‡; other times CLASS E.
BUFFALO (DH) DME 116.4 BUF Chan 111 N42°55.74′ W78°38.78′ 309° 17.0 NM to fld. 730.
DME unusable:
051°–085° byd 25 NM blo 4,500′
301°–050° byd 25 NM blo 3,500′
(T) TACAN Chan 47 IAG (111.0) N43°06.75′ W78°57.61′ at fld. 592/10W. NOTAM FILE IAG. TACAN status unmonitored drg amops non–duty hrs 0400–1100Z‡.
079°–089° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
090°–078° byd 20 NM
DME unusable:
079°–089° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
090°–078° byd 20 NM
KATHI NDB (LOMW) 329 IA N43°06.55′ W78°50.30′ 279° 4.7 NM to fld. 615/10W. NOTAM FILE KIAG.
ILS 110.1 I–IAG Rwy 28R. Class IE. LOM KATHI NDB. Unmonitored when ATCT clsd.