EDWARDS AFB (EDW)(KEDW) AF (NASA) 6 SW UTC–8(–7DT) N34°54.49′ W117°53.13′
2311 B NOTAM FILE EDW Not insp.
RWY 05R–23L: H15024X300 (CONC) PCN 84 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 05R: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 48′.
RWY 23L: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 51′.
RWY 05L–23R: H12000X200 (ASPH) PCN 41 F/A/W/T
RWY 07–25: H8000X50 (CONC) PCN 22 R/C/W/T
RWY 05R HOOK BAK–12B(B)(1518') HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1559') RWY 23L
SERVICE: FUEL 100LL, J8 OX 1, 2, 4 LGT ILS and PAPI not coincidental. Rwy 05R and Rwy 23L PAPI unusbl byd 7 deg right of rwy cntrln. MILITARY– JASU (A/M32C–10D) (MA–3D) 2(A/M32A/86D) (MC–5 LO–PACK) (SGNSC) (PMU–29E) 2(A/M32A–60A) FUEL 1 hr refuel delay can be exp. 100LL fuel avbl thru prior arng with Aero Club only DSN 527–2376, C661–275–2376. A++, J8. FLUID JOAP SOAP SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX OIL O–156, 0–147, O–148 TRAN ALERT Svc avbl 1400–0600Z‡ wkd. Transient svc unavbl for mult acft turns/sorties. Transportation svc avbl 1400–2330Z‡ wkd. Ltd fleet svc avbl. No priority basis.
NOISE: Noise Abtmt proc eff 0400–1300Z‡. 412 OG ops apvl rqrd for TGL. Rwy 23L/R all acft mntn rwy hdg til ABM JIPOP (EDW226013), then climb on hdg btn 226 deg CCW to 360 deg. No ebnd turns til passing EDW 245 rdl.
MILITARY REMARKS: Mon–Fri 1400–0600Z‡. Clsd weekends, hol and AFMC Family Days. Based on MSN reqmnts, alfd may close after sched last ldg. NOTAM will be issued advertising early afld closures. First 1000′ Rwy 05L and first 1000′ Rwy 23R conc. Mid 10000′ of Rwy 05–23R is porus friction sfc. RSTD Official Business Only, PPR always. Ctc base ops DSN 527–2222/4185, C661–277–2222/4185 or preferably email PPR rqr form to S53D74@US.AF.MIL for PPR NR. PPR and airspace briefing rqr for all acft (no exceptions); Edwards PPR briefing lctd at www.edwards.af.mil/R–2515–Airspace. Turns thru airspace must be prior coordinated with airspace manager DSN 527–2515. Tran should be prior coord in advance with airspace mgr DSN 527–2446 or sport RCF DSN 527–3928. All PPR rqr min 24 hr PN, no same day PPR avbl. PPR will not be issued more than 5 days prior to arr. All PPR valid +/– 30 min PPR time; PPR that fail to arr within 30 min of orig ETA into Edwards will be considered CNL unless prior coord has been made. Fone coored rqr for PPR outside of block time. Aircrew req to use KEDW as altn lctn must pre–coord with afld mgmt prior to MSN launch to ensure afld will be open. Practice apch to Edwards AFB main base rwy, North Base rwy and lake bed rwy prohibited when twr clsd. Ctc NASA flt ops call 661–276–3213 exc for PPR. Non–NASA registered acft must ctc NASA to park on NASA ramp. South Base Rwy 07–25 CLOSED offl SS–SR. South base Rwy 07–25 is ltd to lgt acft (12,500 lbs gross weight or less), no turbojets. Rwy 05L–23R dalgt only ops. Vtol/stovl ops not auth. Cargo and pax svc–(1) cargo acft rqr support must arrive prior to 0200Z‡. Cargo and pax svc–(2) space A travel into Edwards AFB is not recommended due to ltd svcs. Edwards AFB does not have a pax terminal or base taxi for space A pax. Prior transportation arrangements from the base are mandatory. No dining, lodging, or transportation svcs within walking distance. Main gate is 6 miles away and nearest civ facilities (Lancaster, CA) are 35 miles away. Edwards AFB is unavbl as a prim or divert locations after public afld hours. Afld hours subject to change near fed hol, updates posted via NOTAM. Call Edwards AFB Base Ops for most current afld hrs. CAUTION South base Rwy 07–25 has potential for hydroplaning dur and after rainfall events. Pilots use ctn when brkg dur wet rwy cond. Rwy 05L–23R and Rwy 05R–23L has potential for hydroplaning dur and after rainfall events. Pilots use ctn when brkg dur wet rwy cond. VFR initial flown 1500′ N of rwy cntrln due to steep straight in simulated flame out and shuttle apch to rwy. Pay careful attention to acft alignment on final to preclude inadvertent ldg on South base Rwy 25. Numerous unmarked/unlgtd obst surround arpt. Observer visibility rstd SW–North due bldg obstructing vision. Ocnl wx balloon launches 1.25 NM NW (aprx 290°) from twr. Use caution for UAS arr/dep from Rwy 05L–23R, south base Rwy 07–25, north base Rwy 06–24, the Rogers/Rosamond Lakebed Runway Complex and within R–2515. Ctc ATC for UAS flt act. BASH Phase II in effect 1 Mar–30 Apr and 15 Sep–15 Nov (see NOTAMS for specific dates). Rwy Cond Code (RwyCC) not rptd. Edwards AFB (EDW) HS 1 pilots use caution for vehicle tfc not under twr ctl at convergence of Twy C, Twy E, and Twy F. MISC Tran acft may exp IFR separation delays entering R–2508 Complex. Tran acft exp extv refuel delays. Non–participating acft may exp significant delays while special use airspace is sanitized to allow for transit under IFR, non–participating acft plan to ARR/DEP 0200–0600Z‡, 1400–1700Z‡, and 1900–2100Z‡. Advanced coord and apvl rqr outside abv times. Acft with DV inbd ctc PTD 40 NM out. No COMSEC avbl, aircrew ltd to own resources on arrival or in case of extensive delay. UHF equipped acft must UHF (not VFH) in pattern. No RVR capabilities. Cargo acft rqr support must arrive prior to 0200Z‡. No space A pax support avbl. Base ops DSN 527–2222/3197; C661–277–2222/3197; fax DSN 527–5544/8787, C661–277–5544/8787.
CSTMS/AG/IMG Edwards AFB may not be used as an AOE. No CSTMS or Ag inspections avbl.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 661-277-3808
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 120.7 (UHF318.1) ATIS 127.425 269.9 (1400–0600Z‡) PTD 372.2
TOWER 120.7 318.1 353.6 (Mon–Fri 1400–0600Z‡, Sat 1400–2000Z‡, clsd Sun and hol)
GND CON 121.8 225.4
COMD POST (CONFORM) 304.0 PMSV METRO 342.4 (Full svc Mon–Fri 1300–0600Z‡, Sat 1200–0200Z‡, Sun 1600–0000Z‡ clsd hol) NASA 135.825 373.15
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1400–0600Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1400–2200Z‡ Sat, clsd Sun and hol; other times CLASS E.
(T) (T) VORTACW 116.4 EDW Chan 111 N34°58.94′ W117°43.96′ 228° 8.8 NM to fld. 2378/12E.
098°–158° byd 19 NM blo 7,900′
DME unusable:
107°–158° byd 19 NM
VOR unusable:
098°–158° byd 19 NM blo 7,900′
ILS 110.1 I–EDW Rwy 23L. Class ID.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Ctc NASA Flight Ops point of ctc C661–276–3213 exc for PPR. PMSV: After hrs wx briefings/updates avbl from the 25 OWS at DSN 228–6958/6599/6588 or C520–228–6958/6599/6588.