TUCSON, AZ   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
DAVIS MONTHAN AFB (DMA)(KDMA) AF 2 SW UTC–7 N32°09.98′ W110°52.99′
2704 B TPA–See Remarks AOE NOTAM FILE PRC Not insp.
RWY 13–31: H13645X200 (PEM) PCN 44 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 13: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 58′. RVR–T
RWY 31: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 59′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
RWY 13 HOOK BAK–12A(B) (125 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12A(B)(1200 FT). HOOK BAK–12A(B)(1198 FT) HOOK BAK–12A(B) (70 FT OVRN). RWY 31
SERVICE: S4 FUEL JET A++ OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LGT All rwy thld gated. MILITARY– A–GEAR All BAK–12A extn. FUEL A++ Tran exp up to 2 hr delay; DV ctc PTD 30 min prior 372.2. FLUID SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX OIL O–148–156 JOAP; W–72 hr PN rqr TRAN ALERT Svc 1400–0530Z. No priority basis. Fleet svc avbl Mon–Fri 1400–0000Z with 24 hr PPR; Aft hr, weekends, hol, and TDY rqr credit card info prior–tran alert DSN 228–4292, C520–228–4292.
NOISE: Noise abatement proc in eff; quiet hr 0530–1300Z. Max climb NA. Discontinue afterburner safely ASAP. Heavy expect Rwy 12 dep.
MILITARY REMARKS: Base ops opr 1300–2200Z Mon–Fri except holiday. Rwy 13–31 first 2700 ft Rwy 13 and first 2445 ft Rwy 31 conc; mid 8500 ft asph. Bearing strength S155 T210 ST175 TT345. Assault ldg zone mark 2000′ fm thr. Std acc RSRS applied exc 6000′ btn C130 Acft. RSTD 24 hr to 3 weeks PPR for arr–air fld mgmt M–F 1200–0700Z, wkend, hol; ACC down days 1500–0000Z D228–4507/4315/C520–228–4507/6058 or; aft hr 355 FW comd post D228–7400. No V/STOL apch ldg. Airfield clsd 1300–2100Z last Sat monthly. Tsnt 1 apch to fsl btn 1430Z and offl SS; if not lndg DMA 1 apch and dep; multi apch or aft hr 24 hr PPR– air fld mgmt. DV code 6 or above and space A pax ctc PTD 30 min prior to arr for block time. Tsnt classified material up to secret storage–355 Intel Office 228–5987. CAUTION BASH – Phase II bird act migratory season 1 May–30 Sep. Wildlife invof of rwy; spcly Jun–Aug. Mower ops SR–SS; 01 Mar–31 Oct. Hi alt wx balloon release 1100Z and 2300Z dly; 5 mi fnl Rwy 13. TFC PAT TPA–Rt tfc Rwy 31. Convl 3700(996), overhead 5000(2296) until 4 DME then 4200(1496). No overhead tfc pattern auth exc to perm base asgn acft SS–SR. Max speed in overhead pat is 300 KIAS. Do not exceed 3700 ft til dep end of rwy. MISC Twy C btw Txl Bravo and Twy Delta ltd to wingspans 60′ or less. Rwy 13–31 MIL assault LDG zone mark 2000 FT from rwy thld. Tsnt classified material up to Wing Command Post (building 2300). ATC Cooperative Weather Watch; incls ATCT and sctr vis and PIREPS. Base Wx avbl H24, DSN 228–6014/3254; 2 hr notice rqr for timely brief. FMQ–19 automated Wx obs H24; clsd wkend and fed hol DSN 228–6014/3254; fax DSN 228–3255. 25 OWS wx H24–DSN 228–6598/6599. 2 hr notice rqr for timely brief.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 520-228-4710
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA ATIS 270.1 (1300–0530Z) PTD 372.2
®TUCSON APP CON 119.4 318.1 (Rwy 13 286–089 TUS, Rwy 31 066–274 TUS) 125.1 269.55 (Rwy 13 090–285 TUS, Rwy 31 275–065 TUS) 128.5 139.9 393.0
®TUCSON DEP CON 119.4 318.1 (Rwy 13 286–089 TUS, Rwy 31 066–274 TUS) 125.1 269.55 (Rwy 13 090–285 TUS, Rwy 31 275–065 TUS) 128.5 393.0
TOWER 118.85 253.5 (Mon–Fri 1200–0700Z; Wkend, Hol, and ACC down days 1500–0000Z) GND CON 121.8 275.8
CLNC DEL 121.8 275.8
COMD POST (RAYMOND 8) 381.3 PMSV METRO 239.8 (Alternate PMSV METRO LUF 267.4) (PMSV Metro O/S UFN)
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when ATCT is clsd ctc Tucson Apch at 520-829-6121.
(L) TACAN Chan 123 DMA (117.6) N32°09.59′ W110°52.85′ at fld. 2662/9E.
060°–090° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
280°–290° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
335°–030° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
No NOTAM MP: 1200–1400Z Wed
DME unusable:
060°–090° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
280°–290° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
335°–030° byd 25 NM blo 17,500′
ILS 109.3 I–AFB Rwy 13. Class IT.
ILS 109.3 I–DMA Rwy 31. Class IE. Backcourse unusable. No NOTAM MP: 1200–1600Z Tue, Thu.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.