SPRINGFIELD/CHICOPEE, MA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
W72°32.09′ 241 B TPA–See Remarks LRA Class IV, ARFF Index A NOTAM FILE CEF
RWY 05–23: H11597X300 (ASPH) 2S–175, C5–840 PCN 56 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 05: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 72′. RVR–T Thld dsplcd 1202′. Rgt tfc.
RWY 23: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 64′. RVR–T
RWY 15–33: H7085X150 (ASPH) PCN 28 R/C/W/T HIRL
RWY 15: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 77′.
RWY 33: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 75′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
SERVICE: FUEL 100LL, JET A LGT When ATCT clsd actvt ALSF1 Rwy 05 & 23; PAPI Rwy 05, 15, 23 & 33; HIRL Rwy 05–23 & Rwy 15–33–CTAF. Arpt bcn opr dusk–0400Z‡. Airfield lgts not avbl 0400–1200Z‡. Clear side is split. Dalgt turned on when airfield is IFR. PCL only auth with 5 hr PPR to metro FBO. Rwy 23 PAPI unusbl byd 6 deg R. PAPI all rwy provides proper TCH for hgt GP4 acft only. PAPI off dur opr hr periods of no tfc. Rwy 05 ALSF–1 SFL portion OTS UFN. TRAN ALERT Fleet svc for tran acft unavbl wkend and M–F 2030–0400Z‡ without prior apvl fr AMOPS DSN 589–2951. CTC DSN 589–2951 for availability.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended Mon–Fri 1300–0400Z‡ Sat–Sun 1400–2200Z‡. Fuel opr hrs 1200–0400Z‡ wkdays, 1200–2000Z‡ Sat–Sun exc hol. VMC dep acft remain at or blo 1000′ til past dep end of rwy to ensure separation from VFR overhead and clsd pat tfc. Strobe lgt located atop stacks 4000′ left Rwy 23 thld; occasional steam cloud. Uncontrolled vehicle tfc on ramps and twy. Rwy 05–23 1000′ ovrn both ends of rwy. Heavy VFR tfc blo 10,000′ along river and highway 5 NM southwest of afld. Lgt acft tfc, hang glider ops and hot air ballooning activity along river west and northwest of arpt. CEF is a joint–use afld. IFR tkof & ldg as prescribed by USAF reg apply. Civ trng ltd to low apchs only; TGL not auth. TPA rectangular tfc pat: 1000′ AGL lgt acft, 2000′ AGL large/heavy acft; overhead: 2500′ AGL. Rwy 15 wind data est avbl at all times. Rwy 15 no RVR avbl. Assault strip mrk painted 3000 ft x 60 ft on Rwy 15–33. Ldg fee.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1300–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri; 1400–2200Z‡ Sat; 1800–0200Z‡ Sun; clsd hol. Acft on a JA/ATT, JCS, tactical exer, mil chtr mission ctc 439 LRS/LGRDX DSN 589–3318/3125 to coord support rqmnts. Lgrdx will arng all rqrd support. SAAM Missions CDN will be with airfield mgr DSN 589–2944. RSTD Westover ARB is a joint–use afld. IFR tkf and ldg minimums are prescribed by USAF regulations apply. Call arpt mgr at C413–593–5543 for clarification. PPR DSN 589–2951, C413–557–2951. AMC, AMC–GAINED and AFRC acft opr rstd dur Bird Watch Conditions Moderate (tkf or ldg permissions only when dep/arr rte avoid identified bird activity, no lcl tfc pat activity) and Severe (tkf and ldg prohibited without OG/CC apvl), ctc PTD/ATIS for current Bird Watch Condition Code. Civ trng ltd to low apchs only. Civ pilots are reminded to check mil NOTAMS by visiting the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) Website (https://NOTAMS.AIM.FAA.GOV/NOTAMSEARCH/) or contacting flight service. Aft hrs dep/arr 24 hr PPR notice 413–593–5543. CAUTION VMC departing acft remain at or blo 1000′ until past departure end of rwy to ensure separation from VFR overhead and clsd pat tfc. Strobe lgt lctd atop stacks 4000′ left Rwy 23 thld, ocnl steam cloud. Unctld vehicular tfc on ramps and twys. Potential for hydroplaning after any precipitation. Ponding at int Rwy 05–23 and Rwy 15–33 measured in 1/10th inches. See NOTAMs for KCEF. Heavy VFR tfc blo 10,000′ along river and highway 5 NM SW afld. Lgt acft tfc, hang glider ops and hot air ballooning activity along river West and NW of arpt. Extv hang glider and glider in the Mt. Greylock area aprx 45 NM NW of fld. Unlighted obst west side Rwy 05 clearance zone. Eastside pad 19, pad 33 and Twy L do not have paved shoulders. TFC PAT TPA rectangular lgt acft 1000′, large/heavy acft 2000′, overhead 2500′.
MISC First 1000′ each end Rwy 05–23 conc and mid 9597′ is asph. CSTMS/AG/IMG Pilot must arng cust 860–292–1314.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 413-593-5543
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 134.85 ATIS 127.525 (1200–0400Z‡) UNICOM 122.95 PTD 372.2
®BRADLEY APP/DEP CON 125.35 281.5
TOWER 134.85 348.75 (1200–0400Z‡) GND CON 118.35 275.8
COMD POST 439 AW (CASINO ROYALE) 252.1 (Opr 24 hrs)
PMSV METRO 274.75 Full svc 1100–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri; 1100–2200Z‡ Sat; 1500–0200Z‡ Sun; clsd hol; DSN 589–2879, OT ctc 15th OWS DSN 576–9755. Ngt obstn ltd due to hi intst scty lgts. Afld wx is mnt by AN/FMQ–19. Automated obs are qlty ctld for accuracy durg ATC flying hrs.
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: When ATCT clsd, for CD ctc Bradley Apch 860-386-3580.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1200–0400Z‡; other times CLASS G.
(L) TACAN Chan 87 CEF (114.0) N42°11.85′ W72°31.58′ at fld. 24014W. No NOTAM MP 1600–1900Z‡ Wed and Fri
001°–089° byd 35 NM blo 7,000′
090°–110° blo 8,000′
111°–180° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
220°–240° byd 24 NM blo 4,000′
305°–320° byd 15 NM blo 4,000′
DME unusable:
001°–089° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
090°–110° blo 8,000′
111°–180° byd 20 NM blo 7,000′
220°–240° byd 24 NM blo 4,000′
305°–320° byd 15 NM blo 4,000′
BARNES (VL) (L) VORTACW 113.0 BAF Chan 77 N42°09.72′ W72°42.97′ 091° 8.3 NM to fld. 267/14W. NOTAM FILE BAF.
310°–340° byd 25 NM blo 6,500′
VOR unusable:
000°–030° byd 40 NM
030°–050° byd 30 NM
040°–089° byd 40 NM
090°–100° byd 40 NM blo 4,000′
090°–100° byd 46 NM
101°–112° byd 40 NM blo 18,000′
113°–205° byd 40 NM
215°–240° byd 40 NM
241°–251° byd 40 NM blo 18,000′
249°–260° byd 10 NM blo 10,000′
252°–360° byd 40 NM
310°–340° byd 25 NM blo 6,500′
DME unusable:
310°–340° byd 25 NM blo 6,500′
ILS 109.9 I–GWJ Rwy 05. Class IE. Unmonitored when ATCT clsd. No NOTAM MP 1100–1600Z‡ Mon and Wed.
ILS 109.9 I–CEF Rwy 23. Class IE. Mnt 1200–0400Z‡. No NOTAM MP 1100–1600Z‡ Mon and Wed. Unmonitored when ATCT clsd.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: ATCT ops extns/ireg hrs by NOTAM. ATIS No NOTAM MP Thu 1400–1600Z‡.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.