MONTGOMERY, AL   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
MAXWELL AFB (MXF)(KMXF) AF (AFRC) 2 NW UTC–6(–5DT) N32°22.98′ W86°21.95′
171 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE MXF Not insp.
RWY 15–33: H8008X150 (ASPH) PCN 66 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 15: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′.
RWY 33: PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 50′.
RWY 009–189: H3015X60 (ASPH) PCN 56 R/B/W/T
SERVICE: MILITARY–LGT Rwy 15–33 70′ gated thld lgt. Rwy 15–SSALR lgt sys avbl during VMC cond. Rwy 15 PAPI lateral coverage limitation set at 8 deg left and 12 deg right. Rwy 15 PAPI unusable byd 8 degs left and 12 degs right of centerline. A–GEAR HOOK MB–60 Apch end disconnect and remain in place at all times (tied down). Dep end connected. MAAS BAK–12 instld acrs rwy when Rwy 15 is in use only. JASU 4(A/M32A–86D) 2(AM32–95) FUEL A++ TRAN ALERT AIREVAC and DV acft will be given priority svcg.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr wkdays 1400–0400Z‡, wkends 1600–2400Z‡, clsd Federal hol. RSTD Dur Bird Watch Cond Code Moderate and Severe, aircrews should refer to AP/1 for BASH hazard conditions and restrictions; aircrews can obtain current Bird Watch Cond fr ATIS/PTD/twr. All aircraft with wingspan greater than C–130 (132′ 7") are restricted from taxiing to and from Delta and Echo Taxiways when C–130′s are parked on the west ramp parking apron. All hvy acft will use Twy C to enter/exit to and fr NE. C–5, C–17, KC–10 and B747 are prohibited from 180° turns first 200′ Rwy 33. Ldg zone use authorized for C–130 or smaller acft with paved ldg zone trng requirements, reference AP/1 for procedure/rstd. Ldg zone ldg rqr PPR. Ctc Afld Mgmt Ops DSN 493–6961/62 or C334–953–6961/62. Acft transporting DV to KMXF or Gunter Annex ctc PTD 30 min prior ldg. CAUTION BASH Phase II bird activity June–Nov. Practice missed apch in VFR cond maintain rwy hdg blo 1200′ until over dep EOR then immediate rgt std rate turn to hdg 300° to avoid Dannelly Fld. Possible hydroplaning dur periods of rain on Rwy 15–33 and ldg zone 009–189. Ldg zone 009–189 is paved. Ldg zone 189 overrun extends onto Rwy 15–33. Aircrews use caution due to loss of wind speed blw 50′ AGL when winds between 280–310 ldg Rwy 15. Unlgtd turnaround on east side of dep end Rwy 33, AER 15 rstd to daylight VMC except for approval night vision ops. AER 33 does not have wx sensors. Data from Rwy 15 end sensors is considered representative for non–precision apch ldgs on Rwy 33 end. TFC PAT TPA–Rectangular 1029′ AGL, overhead 1529′ AGL. Wind direction indicators, optical lgts are ctld by twr dur ngt opr hrs, reduced visibility, and IFR cond only. MISC Augmented wx obsn visibility rstd to 1/4–1 NM all quad exc northwest due numerous obst. Twr will conduct cooperative wx watch and supplement obsn as rqr. 1st 2207′ Rwy 15 is conc and grooved, next 3894′ is asph, next 400′ is conc overlay and grooved, remaining 1507′ is asph, reverse order for Rwy 33. Landing zone 189, 1480 is conc and grooved. Rwy 15–33 will accept acft heavier than published wt bearing capacity, ctc Afld Mgmt OPS for wt bearing waiver. AFRC Opr wkdays 1315–2200Z‡, and unit trng assembly wkend, DSN 493–2717.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 334-953-7406
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 134.7 269.9 (1400–0400Z‡ wkdays, 1600–2400Z‡ wkends, clsd federal hol) PTD 139.3 372.2
®MONTGOMERY APP/DEP CON 121.2 269.05 (N) 124.0 363.025 (S) (1200–0500Z‡)
®ATLANTA CENTER APP/DEP CON 120.55 270.25 (0500–1200Z‡) TOWER 118.15 253.5 (1400–0400Z‡ wkdays, 1600–2400Z‡ wkends, clsd federal hol)
GND CON 127.15 289.4
MAXWELL COMBINED COMD POST monitor 118.15 after nml duty hrs (Call HANK OPS)
PMSV 342.3 (Full svc avbl 1400–0400Z‡ wkd, 1600–2400Z‡ wkend, clsd Federal hol. Aerodrome TAF completed by 26th OWS; For updtd fcst ctc MXF Wx DSN 953–2071, C334–953–2071. ASOS in use, augmented when necessary dur afld opr hr.)
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: When ATCT clsd, for CD ctc Atlanta ARTCC at 770-210-7692.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1400–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1600–0000Z‡ Sat–Sun, clsd fed hol; other times CLASS E.
(L) TACAN Chan 97 MXF (115.0) N32°22.76′ W86°22.10′ at fld. 157/2W. TACAN unmonitored when ctl twr clsd.
211°–229° byd 15 NM
246°–279° byd 15 NM
280°–210° byd 25 NM blo 3,000′
No NOTAM MP: 2000–1000Z‡ wkday; 2200–0600Z‡ wkend Z‡
ILS 109.3 I–MXF Rwy 15. Unmonitored when ctl twr clsd. No NOTAM MP: localizer 1500–1800Z‡ Mon. Glideslope mp: 1500–1800Z‡ Tue.

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