VALDOSTA, GA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
MOODY AFB (VAD)(KVAD) AF 9 NE UTC–5(–4DT) N30°58.12′ W83°11.58′
233 B NOTAM FILE VAD Not insp.
RWY 18L–36R: H9300X150 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 57 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 18L: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 41′. RVR–TMR
RWY 36R: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 54′. RVR–TMR
RWY 18R–36L: H8002X150 (PEM–GRVD) PCN 51 R/C/W/T HIRL
RWY 18R: TODA–8002 LDA–8002
RWY 36L: TODA–8002 LDA–8002
RWY 18L HOOK E5 (95 FT OVRN). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1100 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) 1500 FT). HOOK (95 FT OVRN). RWY 36R
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100, JET A++ OX 2 MILITARY–LGT All rwy thld lgt, mid 70 ft removed. Afld lgt intmt 1 hr after off SS til afld clsd due NVD trng on fld. Rwy 18L–36R PAPI and ILS GS not coincidental. A–GEAR Rwy 18L–36R nml BAK–12B configuration: Apch end down, dep end raised. E–5 apch end disconnected from energy absorbers (chains). E–5 dep end raised. Ctc twr for other configurations, BAK–12A apch end avbl 30 min PN. Rwy 18R–36L E–5 apch/dep end disconnected fm energy absorbers (chains). Ctc twr 30 min prior for Rwy 18R–36L E–5 configuration. JASU (A/M32A–86)(MA–1A)(MC–1)(M32A–60)(M32A–60A) FLUID SP LPOX LOX OIL O–133–148 SOAP TRAN ALERT Tran maint svc opr 1200–2400Z‡ Mon–Thu, 1200–2300Z‡ Fri; clsd Sat–Sun, hol and ACC Family Days. Exp 3 hr svc/refuel delays, ltd maint. No fleet. Tran AMC acft rpt delays to Deployment Ctl Cntr (DCC) at C229–257–5225 or sby fone C229–561–4907.
NOISE: Quiet hr 0330–1130Z‡.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr Mon–Thu 1300–0600Z‡, Fri 1300–0000Z‡, clsd Sat, Sun, hol and ACC family days. Unlgtd 150′ AGL prcht drying twr lctd at 30.978664, –83.199468. Unlgtd/no obstn lgts on 140′ scty lgt pole lctd at 30.969821/83.201428. Unlgtd 90′ AGL grove of trees lctd on the SW corner of the airfield environment, lctd from 780′ to 1370′ from the cntr of Rwy 36L underrun. Unlgtd/no obstn lgts 140′. Scty lgt pole lctd at 30.970973/83.199823. RSTD PPR issued up to 5 days prior to arr, min 24 hr PN. PPR good for +/–1 hr of PPR time. Coord of PPR outside of block time by phone is rqr or PPR nr will be considered cnl. Fwd Deck Ldg Posn (FDLP) rstd to 23WG acft only, unless PPR coord thru 23 OSS/OSAA. Tran acft ltd to 1 lcl flt. For PPR ctc AM ops DSN 460–3305/3306, C229–257–3305/3306, ctc AM ops standby C229–560–4191 dur non–operating hr. Tran VIP acft ctc pilot to dispatch 30 min prior ETA. Tran alert will not support lcl Round Robin or out and back for tran acft. Tran acft exc flt check, lifeguard or emerg arr, due to hi volume of lcl air tfc are not auth to conduct practice apch dur dalgt hr, Mon–Fri. Tran IFR acft arr/dep can exp delays when R–3008 act, ctc 23 WG sked at DSN 460–7831/7839, C229–257–7831/7839 for deconfliction. PPR all tran acft. Ldg zone mark applied to Rwy 18L–36R and Rwy 18R–36L. Assault zone rstd for 347 RQW C–130 acft only. C5, C17 acft rstd to lo apch or full stop ldg only. Ltd tran prk. VFR Helipad ltd to 347 RQG HH–60 acft only. 180° turns proh by F/W acft larger than ftr on Twy L. Twy K rstd to use by C–130HH–60 airframes only. KC–10s not authorized to conduct 180 degree turns on any rwy sfc. Mandatory sign for Rwy 18R–36L on Twy E, F, G west, and Twy A east lctd right hand side. Rwy hold signs not collocated with the VFR hold posn mrk at the flw rwy/twy int: Rwy 18R–36L and Twy B west. Rwy 18R–36L and Twy A west, Rwy 18L–36R and Twy B east, Rwy 18R–36L and Twy B east, Rwy 18L–36R and Twy A east, and Rwy 18R–36L; and Twy A east. CAUTION Tran dep with rapid climb use extreme caution, maintain at or blw 1300′ MSL until dep end. Overhead tfc pat 1800′ in cont use. Simultaneous opr in use to Rwy 18 or Rwy 36 when R–3008 in use. 130′ AGL unlgtd antenna 3.5 NM due S of Rwy 36R. 23′ AGL unlgtd house with numerous pieces of abandoned farm eqpt lctd 1130′ E of Rwy 18L extdd cntrln and 1805′ N of Rwy 18L thld. Unctl acft ops by lcl assigned acft possible dur hr of twr closure, check NOTAMS for act. BASH Heavy concentrations of cattle egrets likely Jul–Aug. Phase II bird period for migratory period fm 1 Oct to 28 Feb. Peak bird act occurs within one hr of SR and SS. Hvy concentration of cattle egret birds invof afld Jun–Aug, bird watch cond change freq. Birds prominent year round. Bird Watch Cond (BWC) chg frequently. Afld opns or Supervisor Of Flying (SOF) sets BWC. Aircrews can monitor ATIS, ctc SOF or afld opns for current BWC. No comments on ATIS when BWC is low. Expect delays and full stop ldgs when BWS severe. TFC PAT Overhead TFC Pat 2200′ MSL. USAF, ANG and AFRC acft exp reduced rwy separation, similar type acft and day–3000′, dissimilar type acft/ngt–6000′. Tran acft must notify twr on initial ctc if reduced rwy separation is not desired. CSTMS/AG/IMG Cstms performed for mil pers and assets only. MISC Class D airspace when twr open, otherwise Class E. Wx opr Mon–Sat 0300–0200Z‡, clsd Sun and hol, DSN 460–3457, C229–257–3457. Wx briefing for tran aircrews byd nml opr hr avbl via 26 OWS at Barksdale AFB DSN 331–2651, C318–529–2651. Afld Wx is mnt by AN/FMQ–19 ASOS and augmented by human observer only when procedures dictate during indicated hrs of opr. Wx obsn not rstd during automated obs; Vis rstd due to bldgs SW thru NW on afld next to building 622 during ASOS backup, no vis marker beyond 9 miles. Wx briefing for tran aircrews byd normal opr hr via 9 OWS at SHAW AFB DSN 965–0939 comm 803–895–0939. COMSEC stor will be provided at 23 WG Comd Post DSN 460–9308/9859, C229–257–9308/9859. Rwy 18R–36L–first 1000′ concrete, middle 6000′ has 75′ concrete wide center with outer sides being a 37.5′ wide asphalt surface. ARFF Capabilities: GREEN/Cat 4–7, YELLOW/Cat 8, BLACK/Cat 9–10.
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 128.45 ATIS 273.5 (Mon–Thu 1300–0600Z‡, Fri 1300–0000Z‡, clsd Sat, Sun, hol and ACC family days) PTD 227.2
®VALDOSTA APP CON 125.475 269.4 (abv 8000′) 132.375 285.6 (blo 8000′) (Mon–Thu 1300–0600Z‡, Fri 1300–0300Z‡, Sat, Sun and hol 1400–2200Z‡)
TOWER 128.45 257.625 (Mon–Thu 1300–0600Z‡, Fri 1300–0000Z‡, clsd Sat, Sun, hol and ACC family days)
GND CON 138.95 275.8 CLNC DEL 120.625 296.7
®VALDOSTA DEP CON 126.6 (blo 8000′) 306.3 (Mon–Thu 1300–0600Z‡, Fri 1300–0300Z‡, Sat, Sun and hol 1400–2200Z‡.)
®JACKSONVILLE CENTER APP/DEP CON 127.575 (Mon–Thu 0600–1300Z‡, Fri 0300–1300Z‡, Sat, Sun and hol 2200–1400Z‡)
COMD POST 228.225 381.05 (ANGEL OPS) SOF 143.825 305.6
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: Comm: for CD call c229-257-2207. when app clsd ctc Jacksonville center C904-845-1592.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1300–0600Z‡ Mon–Thu, 1300–0000Z‡ Fri, clsd Sat, Sun, hol, and acc family days; other times CLASS E.
(H) TACAN Chan 80 VAD (113.3) N30°57.61′ W83°11.61′ at fld. 218/3W. Unmonitored 0600–1145Z‡ Mon–Fri; 0300Z‡ Sat; 1400Z‡ Sun; unmonitored hol (dt: 1100–1600Z‡ Mon–Fri). No NOTAM MP: 1000–1200Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1100–1700Z‡ Sat and Sun
TAC unusable:
065°–075° byd 18NM blo 7,100′
ILS 109.3 I–VAD Rwy 18L. Class IT. Unmonitored 0600–1145Z‡ Mon–Fri,0300–1400Z‡ Sat–Sun, unmonitored Sat and federal hol. (dt 0600–1100Z‡ Mon–Fri).
ILS 109.9 I–MDG Rwy 36R. Class IT. Unmonitored 0600–1145Z‡ Mon–Fri, 0300–1400Z‡ Sat–Sun, and federal hol. (dt 0600–1100Z‡ Mon–Fri).
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Moody Radar No NOTAM MP Mon–Fri 0700–1130Z‡, Sat 2300–1300Z‡. ASR/PAR (Mon–Fri 1000–0500Z‡, clsd Sat, Sun and Fed hol 1200–2000Z‡). MTO dur afld opr hr.

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