ALTUS AFB (LTS)(KLTS) AF 3 E UTC–6(–5DT) N34°40.08′ W99°16.07′
1382 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE LTS Not insp.
RWY 18R–36L: H13440X150 (CONC) PCN 61 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 18R: SALSF. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 53′. RVR–T
RWY 36L: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 54′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
RWY 18L–36R: H9001X150 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 32 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 18L: SALSF. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′. RVR–T
RWY 36R: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 52′. RVR–T
RWY 176–356: H3500X90 (CONC) PCN 121R/B/W/T HIRL
SERVICE: S4 OX 2, 4 LGT Reducd pri sfc obstn lgts for Rwy 18L–36R durg nvd ops. Rwy 18R, 18L, 36R and 36L sfl O/S UFN. Rot bcn unavbl. MILITARY– JASU (A/M32A–86) (AM32A–95) (MXU–4A–A) FUEL A++ FLUID W SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX OIL O–133–148–156 SOAP (24 hr PN) TRAN ALERT Svc avbl 1500–0001Z‡ Mon–Fri; clsd Sat, Sun and hol. Tran maint and parts support extremely ltd. Transient maint unable to perform a magnetic chip indicator inspection on F16 acft with GE F110 engines.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1500–0830Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd weekends and holidays. Tran acft: 1530–0830Z‡, clsd weekends and holidays. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Info. RSTD PPR rqr 48 hr prior notice rqr. (training or operational) Ctc Afld Management Ops DSN 866–62006415, C580–481–62006415. PPR valid +/– 30 min prior/after ETA. Early/late arrival/ departure must re–coordinate with afld management ops. Transient aircrews must contact afld management ops for pattern work request. Limited to one apch Mon–Fri. Altus acft take priority over tran acft. Rwy 176–356 for assault strip trng only. Trans acft req assault strip use ctc Current Ops for sched/apvl DSN 866 6544. Due to unscheduled afld closings, aircrews utilizing Altus AFB as an alternate must advise their dep Afld Management Ops or local FSS to include KLTSYXYX as an addressee on the orig DD 175 Flight Plan and on any change, delay, dep and cancel message. All inbound passenger/cargo acft ctc command post (Geronimo 349.4) no later than 30 min prior to ldg. All acft with haz cargo (including MJU7 and MJU10 flares) notify Afld Management Ops (PTD 372.2) and Command Post no later than 30 min prior to ldg. Minimum Communications Security aids and overnight storage avbl for transient aircrews only. CAUTION Hvy/jumbo jet trng sfc to 9000′ within 25 NMR. Exer extreme caution for acft (1425′) taxiing 350′ east of dep end assault Rwy 176. Rwy 18R–36L mrkd with white non–reflective 90′ X 3500′ assault LZ mrk. Nstd Wing tip clnc trng line mrkgs lctd at Twy B & B2 intxn, Twy B & D intxn, and Twy A & C intxn. Ngt Vision Devices trng aprx 1 hr after SS til afld closure. IAW 97 OG NVD/white–light ops mou all tran acft req pattern trng between 1 hr after SS until afld closure must be opr under letter of agreement that includes NVD ops. To obtain Letter of Agreement, ctc current ops DSN 866–6544. All tran acft will ctc Afld Management Ops (327.2) or Comd Post (Geronimo 349.4) 30 min prior to arrival. No twy edge lgt Twy D south side to Twy B to Rwy 36L; retro reflective mkrs in place. Obst twr lgt OTS (3500′ west of Rwy 18R–36L thr) 1516 MSL (161 AGL). NSTD mark: C17 star turn markings lctd on the North Ramp, Twy J, and Twy L/M ground ops area. BASH phase II in eff 15 Nov thru 28–29 Feb for migratory birds. No tkof or ldg wi 1 hr of SR–SS, 97 OG/CC waiver auth. Ctc twr for current bird watch cond. TFC PAT TPA East, ovhd Rwy 18L–36R and 176–356 3400′ west, ovhd Rwy 18R–36L 3400′, east rectangular 2900′, West, (97 AMW acft only) retangular 2900′, copter 1900′.
MISC Twr vis obst of Rwy 36L apch end and Twy C, south of Twy E1 intxn. Rwy 18L–36R first 1000′ is conc. Middle 7001′ of Rwy 18L–36R is porous friction sfc.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 580-481-5739
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 109.8 273.5 PTD 372.2
®APP CON 125.1 353.7 (1500–0830Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd weekends and holidays.)
®FORT WORTH CENTER APP CON 128.4 269.375 133.5 350.35 (0830–1500Z‡ Mon–Fri, 24 hrs weekends and holidays.)
TOWER 119.65 254.4 (1500–0830Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd weekends and holidays.) GND CON 121.85 275.8 CLNC
DEL 120.65 284.7
®DEP CON 125.1 290.9, (1500–0830Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd weekends and holidays.)
®FORT WORTH CENTER DEP CON 128.4 269.375 133.5 350.35 (0830–1500Z‡ Mon–Fri, 24 hrs weekends and holidays.)
COMD POST (Call GERONIMO) 321.0 349.4 6761 SOF 349.4
PMSV METRO 239.8 (Opr H24 fm 0600Z‡ Mon thru 0800Z‡ Sat or end of flying Fri. Wx fcst svc avbl H24 fm 0600Z‡ Mon thru 0800Z‡ Sat or end of flying day Fri. Clsd wkend and hol. Remote briefing svc avbl 26 OWS, Barksdale AFB, DSN 331–2619, C318–529–2619. Afld WX is mnt by AN/FMQ–19, augmented as required dur afld opr hr. Auto obsn when afld clsd)
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1500–0830Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd Sat–Sun and hol; other times CLASS G.
TRSA svc ctc APP CON
(L) (L) VORTACW 109.8 LTS Chan 35 N34°39.78′ W99°16.27′ at fld. 1361/5E. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Mon, Wed
VOR unusable:
033°–093° byd 35 NM blo 4,000′
093°–118° byd 35 NM blo 5,000′
149°–159° byd 10 NM
213°–278° byd 35 NM blo 3,500′
278°–303° byd 35 NM blo 4,000′
303°–353° byd 30 NM blo 2,500′
303°–353° byd 35 NM blo 4,000′
353°–033° byd 30 NM blo 4,000′
353°–033° byd 35 NM blo 5,000′
065°–080° byd 17 NM
358°–008° byd 25 NM blo 6,000′
DME unusable:
065°–080° byd 17 NM
358°–008° byd 25 NM blo 6,000′
ILS 110.55 I–RUK Rwy 18L. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 18R–36L and 18L–36R 1100–1400Z‡ Tue, Thu.
ILS 111.3 I–ALT Rwy 18R. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 18R–36L and 18L–36R 1100–1400Z‡ Tue, Thu. Ap coupled apch NA blw 1,740′ MSL.
ILS 110.3 I–LTS Rwy 36L. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 18R–36L and 18L–36R 1100–1400Z‡ Tue, Thu.
ILS 110.55 I–FNM Rwy 36R. Class IE. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 18R–36L and 18L–36R 1100–1400Z‡ Tue, Thu.