MARY ESTHER, FL   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
HURLBURT FLD (HRT)(KHRT) AF 2 E UTC–6(–5DT) N30°25.74′ W86°41.33′
36 B NOTAM FILE CEW Not insp.
RWY 18–36: H9600X150 (CONC) PCN 47 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 18: SALS. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 41′. RVR–R
RWY 36: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 54′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
SERVICE: FUEL JET A++ OX 2 MILITARY–LGT Rwy 36 nstd ALSF; row of lgts 1900′ fr rwy thr absent. JASU (A/M32A–86) (AM32A–95) FUEL A++ fuel rqr 24 hr prior notice FLUID PRESAIR; LOX–not avbl for F–16, F–15, F–18, A–10 and T–38; LPOX OIL O–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Avbl 1300–0500Z‡. Fleet svc avbl 1500–2200Z‡ DSN 579–5781/3901. Tran Alert not avbl for lcl, round robin or out and back acft. Hgr space not avbl for tran acft. Tran acft must use flw–me to prk. No hydrant reful.
MILITARY REMARKS: See FLIP AP/1 Rte and Area Rstd (Florida–Valparaiso) and Supplementary Arpt Remark (Hurlburt Fld).
RSTD PPR incld scheduled AMC msn due ltd ramp space, tran acft parking ltd, 24 hr PN rqr Base OPS DSN 579–7806/7, C850–884–7806/7, fax DSN 579–5358; PPR good for +/– 1 hr PPR time. Coord of PPR outside of block time by telephone is rqr. Afld subject to no ntc closure. All tran acft flying lcl area msn, ctc Comd Post prior to tkf or ASAP after tkf. All tran acft supporting special opr ctc CHINDIT OPS 30 min prior to ETA. Compass rose avbl to wing asgn acft only. Rwy 18 dsplcd thld may be used by base assigned acft for tkf and rollout, ctc twr with req to back taxi. Wing walkers rqr when taxiing N fm prkg spot E–6. Max pwr eng run na on prkg spot Hotel 2. Limit tkf and ldg to one within +/– 1 hr of SR/SS dur BASH Phase II. Touch and gos not authorized dur this window, and low apch rstd to 500′ AGL. Full stop taxi back, for purposes of onload/offloading personnel, is authorized. Exc rotary wing/tilt rotor ops to conduct rqr trng blo 1000′ are authorized. Crews will exe due diligence. If bird cond elevated to severe, comply with SOW BASH plan restrictions. Aerodrome official business only. Req for PPR will be taken no earlier than 7 days prior to planned msn. No U–turns btn Twy B and C; pavement failure W edge of rwy S of Twy Bravo. Tran airlift acft eng running offloads unauthd wo prior apvl fr 1 SOLRS/LGRDA. CAUTION VFR corridor 1.2 NM South of rwy. 80′ crane (intermittent) lctd 3000′ South and 1000′ west of extdd rwy cntrln. Rwy 18–36 nstd shoulders 16′ wide. Exp pattern availability/delays when R2915A/B airspace is active. Left side VFR hold psn sign misg at Twy C, hover points, and Twy H int. CUSTOMS/AG/IMG ITD SVC Avbl for acft supporting AFSOC ops. 24 hr PN rqrd. All other acft must clear cstms prior to arr to Hurlburt Fld. MISC Afld wx is monitored by AN/FMQ–19, automated obsn sys and augmented by human observer H24. Acft with DV7 or abv ctc Comd Post 30 min prior to ETA. All tran aircrews will check in with Base OPS before departure flt line. No classified materials avbl for trans issue. Ltd storage for material up to secret classification at Base OPS, additional storage avbl at Comd Post. For COMSEC, ctc Wing COMSEC office at DSN 579–5666. Top Secret and additional storage avbl at Comd Post. Tran aircrews, US CSTMS svc not immediately avbl. All support for cstms must be pre–coord. Acft arr on wkends must coord support no later than 1500 Local on Fri. Tran aircrews planning to fly lcl sorties must bring a cellular to provide Comd Post a 24 hr ctc. Backup Wx obsn view ltd, rstd from 060°–280° by flt line fac and trees. ATC personnel IAW Cooperative Wx Watch will alert Wx personnel on any unreported Wx cond that could affect flt safety. Pax processing rqr 24 PPR–DSN 579–5781/3901. C5 and C17 acft prkg na.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 850-884-7806
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 134.475 360.675 PTD 139.3 372.2
®EGLIN APP CON 125.1 281.45 (271°–089°) 132.1 360.6 (090°–270°)
TOWER 126.5 351.675 GND CON 123.975 275.8 (All acft ctc prior to engine start)
®EGLIN DEP CON 132.1 360.6
COMD POST (CHINDIT OPS) 143.0 251.25 11610.0 (5.732 after 2300Z‡). PMSV METRO 143.725 335.45
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc continuous.
(T) TACAN Chan 45 HRT (110.8) N30°25.68′ W86°41.42′ at fld. 32/3W.
046°–056° byd 16 NM
210°–250° byd 10 NM
251°–260° byd 15 NM
323°–333° byd 15 NM
DME unusable:
046°–056° byd 16 NM
210°–250° byd 10 NM
251°–260° byd 15 NM
323°–333° byd 15 NM
ILS 111.3 I–HRT Rwy 36. Class IB. No NOTAM MP: LOC or glideslope 1300–1600Z‡ Tue and Wed. Glideslope critical area unprotected due to veh tfc on base perimeter roads; no signal interference, ILS still usable.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.