BILOXI, MS   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
KEESLER AFB (BIX)(KBIX) AF (AFRC) 0 W UTC–6(–5DT) N30°24.63′ W88°55.47′
33 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE BIX Not insp.
RWY 04–22: H7630X150 (PEM) PCN 32 F/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 04: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 48′. Thld dsplcd 1600′. Trees-l.
RWY 22: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 55′. Thld dsplcd 1000′. Trees-l. Rgt tfc.
SERVICE: S4 FUEL JET A++ OX 2 LGT NSTD rwy edge and twy lgts; svrl lgts gtr than 200 ft dist apart on rwy, svrl missing twy exit lgts. SFL OTS UFN. Rwy 22 lgts: ALSF–1 NSTD len 2000′. MILITARY– JASU 1(MA–1A) 3(A/M32A–86A) FUEL A++ FLUID Sp PRESAIR LPOX LOX OIL O–148–156 TRAN ALERT Tran maint opr 1400–2300Z‡ Mon–Fri, OT with prior coord; ctc AMOPS DSN 597–2120. No lav or potable water svc avbl.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1400–0500Z‡ Mon–Fri, clsd hol; weekend hrs: Unit Trng Assembly (UTA) weekends normally first weekend of month, Sat 1700–2300Z‡, Sun 1630–0500Z‡. All non–UTA weekends afld will be clsd but avbl to open with prior coord; ctc AMOPS DSN 597–2120. PPR All acft, PPR all acft after tran maint opr ctc Afld mgmt OPS at DSN 597–2120. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remark. RSTD PPR all tran acft; ctc afld mgmt DSN 597–2120. Twy E 50 ft wide. Acft rinse fac (bird bath) Twy C avbl to C–130 and lrgr. Air crews ctc gnd prior to acft eng start. All C–130 or lrgr must face N on Twy B for maint runs or eng run–ups. Pilots will avoid flying ovr USAF Medical Cntr lctd on Back Bay 1 NM E of rwy & VA Hospital on Back Bay 1 NM W of rwy. Tran acft ron must arr by 2100Z‡ Mon–Fri by 2200Z‡ Sun.
CAUTION GS ant 250′ W of cntrln and 1050′ from AER 22. BASH Phase II in eff 1 Jun–30 Sep; exp heavier bird act SR–SS. Marina trees hinder wind, low wind speed on Rwy 22 when wind dir from 280°–340°. Dur augmentation/backup; ltd wx obsn to E and vis mkr byd 1 sm avbl in the W to N sector, night flood lgt hinder cloud and vis obsn, and ceil fre 100′–200′ lower than obsn on Rwy 22 apch from Nov–Mar. Ctc twr with req to back taxi. Rwy edge lgts past thresholds greater than 10′ from full strength pavement. Spot 24/25 (Twy B and Twy F) light–alls used when C–17 park during hrs of darkness and inclement wx. First 100 ft conc spherical bollards lctd 440 ft sw of cntln. Rwy hazard men or equipment opr randomly to include within 100′ of rwy daily. Large frame and heavy acft will make 180° tums on concrete portion of rwy. Night vision devices training Tue and Thu 0200–0500Z‡. TFC PAT TPA–Overhead 1500(1467), Conventional 1000(967), Helicopter 500(467). Rwy 04–22 eff len 5030′ for tgl ops. MISC Rwy 04 displ thld dimensions and sfc–1st 200′ is concrete, next 800′ mid 75′ is concrete outer with 37.5′ non–wt brg asphalt edge ea side, and remaining 598′ X 150′ is concrete. Rwy 22 displ thld dimensions and sfc–1st 200 X 150 is concrete, next 800 X 75 is concrete with 37.5′ non–wt brg asphalt edge ea side. VIP acft ctc PTD 372.2 15 minutes prior to ldg with firm chock time. During opr hours, LIFEGUARD/MEDEVAC/SAR/MSN essential acft ctc Afld Management OPS DSN 597–2120, C228–377–2120 1 hour prior to arr for proper coordination, during non–opr hours, ctc Command Post DSN 597–4330, C228–377–4330 1 hour prior to req airfield be opened. Hangar space not avbl for severe weather. Rwy 04 avbl tkf 6632′ from key–hole. Rwy 22 avbl tkf 6034′ from key–hole. See US Terminal Low Arpt Sketch for NSTD Rwy 04–22 configuration. COMSEC materials are not avbl. Assault Zone marker on rwy. Rwy Surface Condition/Rwy Condition Reading not reported during published afld clsd times. 403 WG AFRC C130/WC130 acft opr weekdays.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 228-377-2123
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 281.55 (Opr 1400–0500Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1700–2300Z‡ Sat and Sun, clsd hol, Unit Trng Assemblies 1700–2300Z‡ Sun) PTD 372.2
®GULFPORT APP/DEP CON 124.6 354.1 (130°–309°) 127.5 254.25 (310°–129°) (1200–0500Z‡)
®HOUSTON CENTER APP/DEP CON 132.6 316.075 (0500–1200Z‡)
TOWER 120.75 269.075 (Opr 1400–0500Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1700–2300Z‡ Sat and Sun, clsd hol, Unit Trng Assemblies 1700–2300Z‡ Sun)
GND CON 121.8 275.8 CLNC DEL 121.8 275.8
403 WG AFRC COMD 252.8 (Call ACCOUNTANT) PMSV METRO 267.4 Full svc avbl 24 hrs from 0400Z‡ Mon thru 0500Z‡ Sat (2200 Local Sun thru 2300L Fri), clsd weekends and hol exc for unit trng assembly (UTA) weekends; UTA opr hrs 1600–2300Z‡ Sat and 1300Z‡ Sun–0400Z‡ Mon. Remote briefing svc avbl from 26 OWS Barksdale AFB, LA, DSN 331–2651, C318–529–2651. Automatic FMQ–19 in use 24/7. Augmented/backed up FMQ–19 in use when required during opr hrs and for resource protection. ASOS obsn avbl at DSN 597–0438 or C228–377–0438.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1400–0500Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1700–2300Z‡ Sat and Sun, clsd hol, uta 1900–0500Z‡ Sun; other times CLASS E.
(T) TACAN Chan 55 BIX (111.8) N30°24.43′ W88°55.78′ at fld. 202W. mnt dur publ opr hr only No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Fri (10002+1)
110°–120° byd 15 NM
148°–158° byd 15 NM
DME unusable:
110°–120° byd 15 NM
148°–158° byd 15 NM
GULFPORT (L) (L) VORTAC 109.0 GPT Chan 27 N30°24.41′ W89°04.61′ 086° 7.9 NM to fld. 25/2E. NOTAM FILE GPT.
266°–275° byd 12 NM
VOR unusable:
035°–086° blo 5,000′
ILS 109.7 I–BIX Rwy 22. Class IB. Mnt 1400–0500Z‡. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Mon (1,0002+1). ILS critical area not protected. Radar: See Terminal Flip for Radar Minima.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.