W87°29.51′ 571 B AOE NOTAM FILE HOP Not insp.
RWY 05–23: H10926X150 (ASPH) PCN 120F/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 05: PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 59′.
RWY 23: SSALR. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 78′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
RWY 18–36: H4500X100 (ASPH) PCN 37 F/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 18: PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 50′.
RWY 36: PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 49′.
SERVICE: FUEL JET A++ MILITARY—JASU 2(AM32A–95) 2(CA1) 3(CE14) 1(MC–2A) FUEL A++ OIL O–123–128–148–156 SP TRAN ALERT Tran alert svc avbl.
MILITARY REMARKS: See FLIP AP/1 flt haz & supplementary arpt rmk. Base Ops 130.65 or 230.1. Fleet svc not avbl. BACH hel apch hdg 155 deg; dep hdg 335 deg; ctc Apch on 118.1; VFR only. Ltd use by Air Ambulance avoid ovft of hosp, Wilson Theater, Garrison HQ, housing area and schools. PCL VHF 122.8. No classified or COMSEC storage avbl. Twys A, C, D, E, G, H, L & M paved shoulders NA. RSTD Rqred for all transient acft. Twy K north of Rwy 05–23 rotary wing only. Twy F and Twy G rotary wing only west of Rwy 18–36. CAUTION PJE; R3701 & small arms range 1000 yd dep end Rwy 23; deer haz. Twy lgt btn twy feeder to Rwy 05 and Rwy 36 are nstd (white), do not confuse with rwy lgt. Deer haz. Parachuting act/exer. CSTMS/AG/IMG Avbl 72 hr PPR; mil acft only—D635–7146. MISC Tnst acft shut down, req svc or Storm ramp prkg PPR. Fixed wing Freedom and Serpent ramp aces or prkg na. No hgr tsnt acft. Base Ops H24—DSN 635–7146/7147/C270–798–7146/47. 24 hr wx obsn and fcst svc. Wx fcst or obs H24–Eagle Con. Remote briefing svc avbl 15th OWS DSN 576–9755/9702, C618–256–9755. Ctc Eagle Con prior to entry R3701, R3702—139.9 285.7
AIRPORT MANAGER: 270-798-7146/47
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA CTAF 122.95 ATIS 125.175 308.4 PTD 130.65 142.9 230.1 (VIP arr ctc 30 min prior)
®CAMPBELL APP CON 118.1 134.35X 269.525 307.025
TOWER 120.9 278.8 GND CON 121.8 266.8 CLNC DEL 138.8
®CAMPBELL DEP CON 118.1 269.525
PMSV METRO 343.3 (Full svc durg fcst hr; reception poor 200–260 deg byd 55 NM)
EAGLE CON 285.7 (Clsd fm 1200Z Sat–1200Z Mon –6(–5DT);
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD when una via freq ctc Campbell Apch at 270-798-6441.
SCREAMING EAGLE (L) TACAN Chan 96 HXW (114.9) N36°39.56′ W87°30.67′ 050° 1.2 NM to fld. 543/1W.
240°–250° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
DME unusable:
325°–360° byd 20 NM blo 3,500′
TACAN unmntd btn 0400–1400Z‡
AIRBE NDB (HW/LOM) 273 FK N36°44.22′ W87°24.83′ 225° 5.4 NM to fld. 590/1W. NOTAM FILE HOP. NDB unmonitored between 0400–1400Z‡.
ILS/DME 111.9 I–FKP Chan 56 Rwy 23. LOM AIRBE NDB.
ASR/PAR 1200–0400Z‡. PAR unavbl 0400–1400Z‡.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.