BELLEVILLE, IL   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
W89°50.11′ 459 B TPA—See Remarks ARFF Index—See Remarks NOTAM FILE BLV
RWY 14L–32R: H10000X150 (CONC–GRVD) S–75, D–209, 2D–605, 2D/2D2–840 PCN 82 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 14L: REIL. PAPI(P4R)—GA 3.0° TCH 71′. RVR–TR
RWY 32R: MALSR. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 71′. RVR–TR Rgt tfc.
RWY 14R–32L: H8006X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–120, D–250, 2D–550, 2D/2D2–1049 PCN 69 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 14R: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 50′. RVR–TR Rgt tfc. 0.5% down.
RWY 32L: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 50′. RVR–TR Thld dsplcd 184′.
RWY 14L:TORA–10000 TODA–10000 ASDA–10000 LDA–10000
RWY 32R:TORA–10000TODA–10000 ASDA–10000 LDA–10000
SERVICE: FUEL 100LL, JET A+ LGT Train track lctd aprx 1650 ft from dthr of Rwy 32L; Rwy 32L apch lgt interrupted by passing train. MILITARY— JASU 6(A/M32A–86) 3(AM32–95) FUEL A++(Mil). Scott AFB fuel svc avbl 1100–0500Z‡, OT rqr 1 hr PN. Civilian FBO avbl 1400–0200Z‡, C618–566–5265(ATS). Otr times avbl with prior notice. CIV ACFT FUEL: A+ (arpt trml svc, avbl 1400–0200Z‡, C618–566–5265) FLUID SP(Mil) PRESAIR(Mil) LHOX(Mil) LOX(Mil) OIL O–133–148(Mil) SOAP(Mil) TRAN ALERT Opr 1200–0400Z‡ wkdays; 1400–2300Z‡ wkends; clsd Federal hols. Mil svc at MidAmerica (civ side) opr 1400–0200Z‡, 24 hr PPR OT. FBO mil svc ltd to refueling (DLA contract) and de–icing. Ctc FBO at C618–566–5265 for specific prk and svc. Hot Pit reful avbl to certain acft with 3 hr PN and max of 2 at a time. Ctc 375 AMW Comd Post 20 min prior to arr for hot pit req.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. O/S UFN. Ctc twr or wx for more info. Deer, birds and waterfowl on and invof arpt. Dense civ air tfc all quadrants, all altitudes. Small UAS (SUAS) opr Class D airspace sfc to 400 ft AGL. Scott AFB is unsuitable for hazardous cargo without prior coord and should not be considered a routine location for msn carrying hazardous cargo. Afld opr open 24/7. Class I, ARFF Index B. ARFF Index C avbl with 72 hrs prior notice 618–566–5233. Use caution when utilizing Twy G, 0.25 NM E of Rwy 14R–32L int, grad chg of 3° and a 70° turn present, on coming tfc may not be vis due to terrain. Twy H clsd. Mil ramps clsd to civ acft without prior coord and a ldg permit number on file. First 6000′ of Rwy 32L is asph, remaining 2001′ is conc, locked wheel turns on asph portion of rwy prohibited. 180° turns on asph portion of rwy is authorized for lgt and medium category acft only. First 2000′ of Rwy 14R is conc. TPA—Overhead, fighter acft, 2500(2041), rectangular 2000(1541), lgt acft and helicopter rectangular 1500(1041). Dur VFR cond tkf, low apch, touch and go and clsd pattern, acft will not exceed 2000′ until fld bdry to avoid overhead pattern. Ldg fee (N/A for mil acft).
MILITARY REMARKS: See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remarks. RSTD Scott AFB is PPR. All inbound acft must ctc 375th cmd post or 126th ANG cmd post NLT 30 min prior to ldg. Mil support from SAFB may not be avbl on MidAmerica side of fld without prior coord thru Scott AFB. PPR issued up to 7 days prior to arr. PPR DSN 576–1861, C618–256–1861, fax extn 6718. All inbound pax/cargo acft must ctc 375 COMD POST no later than 30 min prior to ldg. ANG ramp/svc ctc 126th AM DSN 760–4275, C618–222–4275 or 126TH Comd Post extn 4255, fax extn 4252. PPR issued up to seven days prior to arr. MidAmerica 24 hr Arpt OPS C618–566–5227. Pkg at 126th ARW ramp is OFFL BUS ONLY requiring 48 hr PPR. AMC acft rstd dur BASH Phase II and when arpt enters Bird Watch Conditions MODERATE or SEVERE. When arpt is code MODERATE or SEVERE no lcl IFR/VFR tfc pat. When arpt code SEVERE, tkof/ldg proh wo 375 OG/CC apvl. Dur Phase II, dly BASH windows are estimated as SR+1–SR–1 and SS+1–SS–1. Dur BASH window (when code LOW) no trans pat perms; initial tkof/full stop ldg are at AC discretion. Ctc ATIS, PTD, 375 AW Comd Post or twr for current code. Acft with wingspans more than 170′ are prohibited from taxiing on Scott main ramp taxi lane without afld mgmt approval. Mil ramps clsd to civ acft wo prior coord and a ldg perms Nr on file. Full Wx svc avbl H24. Combat Wx Flight DSN 576–3663, C618–256–3663. Bldg obst may impact prevailing vis 200°–300°. ATC will enhance sfc obsn when twr is less than 4 SM and different than rpt vis. Remore briefing svc avbl from 15 Operational Squadron, DSN 576–9755, C618–256–9755. No deicing svc avbl on Scott main mil ramp. Ltd deicing capability, acft Comdr must coord with Scott AFB Comd Post DSN 576–5891, C618–256–5891 for avbl at least 24 hr prior to dep. CAUTION Dense civ air tfc all quad, all alt. Bird, deer and waterfowl haz. Unexp bumps occurring on Twy G btn rwys when cros bridges and tunnels. Use min speeds when opr in the area. CSTMS/AG/IMG CSTMS avbl. Ctc base OPS 72 hrs prior to exp arr to coord. Civ acft must be cleared by US CSTMS if given a min 72 hr ntc prior to acft arr. MISC Each rwy has different levels of ARFF support. Consider Rwy 14L–32R a civ airport providing FAA Index B support for civ acft. All mil acft to either rwy are provided a USAF reduced lvl of svc for Cat levels IAW AFI 32–1001. Rwy 14L winds est. Acft arr Scott AFB with more than 30 pax after hr ctc Base 24 hr in advance, C618–256–1861. H24 Wx svc avbl at DSN 576–5905, C618–256–5905. AN/FMQ–19 automated observing sys in use, augmented by human obsn when necessary. If Wx flt unavbl, remote svc avbl fr 15 Opr Wx Squadron DSN 576–9755, C618–256–9755. Dur Wx flt hrs of closure remote svc avbl from 15 Opr Wx Squadron DSN 576–9755, C618–256–9755. Dur evacuation of Wx flt ctc 15 OWS at number abv. ACARS avbl. TACAN Gnd receiver checkpoint unusbl.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 618-566-5240
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA as assigned ATIS 128.7 256.7 (1200–0600Z‡) UNICOM 122.95 PTD 142.3 372.2
SCOTT TOWER 128.25 253.5 GND CON 119.2 275.8
CLNC DEL 119.875 263.025
375 AMW COMD POST 139.9 349.4
126 ARW COMD POST 138.55 277.7 PMSV METRO 239.8
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 24 hrs; other times CLASS G.
TROY (L) (L) VORTACW 116.0 TOY Chan 107 N38°44.35′ W89°55.12′ 157° 12.3 NM to fld. 576/4E.
(T) TACAN Chan 59 SKE (112.2) N38°32.72′ W89°51.10′ at fld. 440/2W. No NOTAM MP: 1200–1600Z‡ Wed and Thu (1500/3+1)
DME unusable:
345°–355° byd 7 NM blo 2,000′
345°–355° byd 10 NM blo 5,000′
345°–355° byd 7 NM blo 2,000′
355°–010° byd 20 NM blo 3,000′
GOOEY NDB (LOMW) 385 JD N38°28.68′ W89°44.28′ 313° 6.1 NM to fld. 422/2W. NOTAM FILE BLV.
ILS/DME 111.15 I–BTC Chan 48(Y) Rwy 14L. Class IE.
ILS 109.9 I–OXK Rwy 14R. Class IE.
ILS 109.9 I–BLV Rwy 32L. Class IE. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 32L/14r 1200–1600Z‡ Mon (1,500/3+1).
ILS 111.15 I–JDU Rwy 32R. Class ID. LOM GOOEY NDB. No NOTAM MP 1200–1600Z‡ Tue (1,500/3+1)

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