WRIGHTSTOWN, NJ   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
UTC–5(–4DT) N40°00.94′ W74°35.50′ 141 B TPA–See Remarks LRA NOTAM FILE WRI Not insp.
RWY 06–24: H10014X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) PCN 40 F/A/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 24: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 76′. RVR–TR Rgt tfc.
RWY 18–36: H7126X150 (CONC) PCN 45 F/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 18: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 68′. RVR–TR Rgt tfc.
RWY 36: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 46′. RVR–TR
SERVICE: S4 OX 1, 2 MILITARY– JASU (C–26) (MD–3) 6(MA–1A) 1(MA–1) FUEL A++ FLUID SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX (C–5, KC–10, 747 de–icing ltd to wg only. 3 hr PN rqr). OIL O–128–133–148–156 TRAN ALERT Svc avbl H24 dly.
MILITARY REMARKS: CAUTION Rwy 18–36 only has 200 ft paved asphalt non–grooved overruns, remainder of rwy not grooved. Nstd mrk on victor row for alert MSN, X–RAY Row (PRIM), and Romeo Row (ALTN) for combat off load ops. Extv non–ctl VFR acft within 20 NM of aprt. Rwy 18–36 spot ldg zone markings mid–fld. Use extreme caution for extv UAS ops invof R–5001. ASA ramp opr 1230–2130Z‡ wkd. Wkend hr by prior apvl. Fac lctd on SW side of afld. 72 hr PPR for Army ramp and ldg all lctn on Ft Dix reservation DSN 562–3451, cell 609–649–3743. Tran acft ctc Army Ops prior to ldg.
TFC PAT TPA for copter 600(459), Lgt acft 800(659), Rectangular 1600(1459), Overhead 2100(1959). Rgt tfc Rwy 24 and Rwy 18. MISC All classified material must be stored at the JB Comd Post DSN 650–3935/3936. Afld mgmt has no classified storage capabilities. Rwy condition codes (RWYCC) unavailable. All tran acft rqr PPR. Req apvl thru afld mgmt ops DSN 650–2714, C609–754–2714; PPRs will be req no earlier than seven days, and no later than 24 hr prior to arr, 48 hr for acft carrying dangerous/haz cargo. Aircrews with apv PPR that deviate from coord arr time by more than one hr must notify AMOPS ASAP. If no notification rcvd after one hr, PPR will be terminated. Normal BASH Phase II period from 1 Nov–31 Mar; OT by NOTAM. Ctc Afld Mgmt OPS for current Bird Watch cond. RSTD All inbd PAX/cargo acft ctc Comd Post no later than 30 min prior to ldg. Dur BASH Phase II, one–time dep/arr auth′d +/– 1 hr SR/SS under real–time BWC. Real–time BWC can only be determined when the fld cond are at least 3000 ft/ 5 statute miles and if twr can visually confirm a BWC less than SEVERE. Tkoff and ldg are not authorized unless apv by 305 OG/CC for 305 AMW, and USAF tran acft or Ops Gp Comdr svc equivalent for tenant units. Alfa alert acft are exempt from this requirement. Coord waivers thru Comd Post. Tran acft rqr cust must coord with airfield mgmt at time of PPR req. RWY First 431′ Rwy 36 conc remaining 6695′ asph. Rwy 06–24 under runs avbl for dep. 180 deg turns rstd to conc portions of rwy only. First 1000′ of Rwy 06 and Rwy 24 are grvd conc, remainder of rwy grvd asph. Rwy 06–24 has hardened and non–grvd ovrns.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 609-754-6466
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA PTD 372.2 D–ATIS 110.6 270.1 DSN 650–2847
®APP/DEP CON 126.475 363.8 (Arr sector for IFR radar pattern when open is 120.25/290.9)
TOWER 118.65 255.6 257.8 GND CON 121.8 275.8 CLNC DEL 135.2 335.8
COMD POST 134.1 237.15 (Use 237.15 within 75 NM of arpt. If 237.15 is inop, use 134.1 (call Brickyard)
108 ANG COMD POST 251.2 321.0 (call Torch Ctl) DSN 650–2127 PMSV METRO 239.8 AN/FMQ–19 auto obs sys in use, augmented by human obsn when nec dur afld hrs. Vis of afld rstd fr base wx ops NW–SE durg manual augmentation by wx fcstr. Full wx svc avbl H24 Mon–Fri. Limited svc wknds and hol (fcstr on call C609–668–1211); H24 durg ARC/ANG drill wknd. Wx flt DSN 650–1130, C609–754–1130. When wx svc clsd, tran crews ctc 15OWS at Scott AFB H24 DSN 576–9755/9702, C618–256–9755/9702. Durg evac of wx flt ctc 15OWS at nbr abv. RON tran crew rqr wx brief prior to ldg ATC will supplement obsn as needed. ARMY OPS 36.3 FT DIX RNG 34.0 41.0 RANGE CTL 34.3AIRSPACE: CLASS D.
(L) (L) VORTACW 110.6 GXU Chan 43 N40°00.57′ W74°35.79′ at fld. 119/12W.
VOR unusable:
165°–265° byd 15 NM
165°–265° byd 8 NM blo 2,000′
270°–285° byd 15 NM
286°–330° byd 35 NM blo 3,000′
355°–060° byd 20 NM
165°–285° byd 12 NM blo 2,000′
165°–285° byd 15 NM
355°–060° byd 20 NM
VOR & TACAN No NOTAM MP 1100–1300Z‡ Mon and thr
DME unusable:
165°–285° byd 12 NM blo 2,000′
165°–285° byd 15 NM
355°–060° byd 20 NM
ILS 110.1 I–WRI Rwy 06. Class IID. Par – apch dly fr 1100–0300Z‡contingent upon PAR controller avbl and/or deployed status of mobile PAR. 108 ANG comd post – 303.0 remarks: (call Torch Control) DSN 650–2127. ILS/Radar–Radar: between 0300–1100Z‡, PAR avbl for full stop ldg only when Wx is blw TACAN min. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1300Z‡ Tue, Wed, Fri."
ILS 110.1 I–JTQ Rwy 24. Class ID. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1300Z‡ Tue, Wed, Fri. Autopilot cpd apchs NA blw 580′ MSL.
PAR (1200–0200Z‡ Mon–Fri)
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: See Terminal FLIP for Radar minima. Radar No NOTAM MP Mon–Thur 0930–1130Z‡, Fri 0730–1130Z‡, Sat 1100–1500Z‡.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.