SPOKANE, WA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
FAIRCHILD AFB (SKA)(KSKA) AF (ANG) 10 SW UTC–8(–7DT) N47°36.90′ W117°39.35′
2462 B TPA–See Remarks AOE NOTAM FILE SKA Not insp.
RWY 05–23: H13899X150 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 88 R/B/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 05: ALSF2. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 58′. RVR–T
RWY 23: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 56′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
SERVICE: S4 OX 2 MILITARY– JASU (MA–1A) (A/M32A–86) (MC–1A) FUEL A++ FLUID SP PRESAIR; De–ice avbl for C5 and C17 type acft; LOX. OIL O–148–156 JOAP TRAN ALERT Opr 1400–0600Z‡, clsd wk end. Ctc Base Ops NLT 15 min out for svc req. Fleet svc avbl.
MILITARY REMARKS: RSTD PPR includes scheduled AMC msn. 24 hr prior coord rqr. All inbd pax/cargo acft must ctc comd post no later than 30 min prior to ldg. AMC acft opr rstd during Bird Watch Cond Moderate (tkf or ldg permission only when departing/arr rte avoid identified bird act, no lcl IFR/VFR tfc pat act) and Severe (tkf and ldg prohibited without Operation Group Commander apvl) ctc PTD or Command Post for current Bird Watch condition. Pad 5 DZ, 5000′ S of Rwy EFF 1630–2130Z‡ Mon–Fri. CAUTION Unctl vehicle on twys and ramps. Helicopter ops invof Fairchild AFB. Flare rocket firing and demolition of explosives training Wed 1530–1630Z‡ and 2000–2100Z‡, lctd 5,000′ south of Rwy 05–23 abeam Twy F, max alt 1,300′. Do not mistake Spokane Intl 4.5 NM east for Fairchild AFB. Exp increased bird act (aprx) Apr–May and Nov–Dec; review or ck NOTAM for current BASH phase. CSTMS/AG/IMG C509–247–5202/5439.
TFC PAT TPA–rectangular 4000(1538), overhead 4500(2038). MISC Air evacuation/tran acft ctc ptd no later than 15 min prior to arr. ARFF avbl upon req. Afld mgmt ops avbl to store classified up to secret, ltd storage capability. ANG Dagger Ops is open 24/7. PPR for ANG ramp, DSN 370–71007133.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 509-247-5481
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA Acft rqr SFA notify Seattle Center or Spokane App Con 20 min out on any published frequency.
ATIS 257.625 PTD 139.3 372.2
®SPOKANE APP/DEP CON 133.35 263.0 (029°–207°) 123.75 282.25 (208°–028°)
TOWER 120.35 233.7 GND CON 123.6 275.8
COMD POST 321.0 311.0 (Call STRIKEHAWK) PMSV METRO 234.8 PMSV O/S; ctc wx Flt DSN 657–8411, C509–247–8411. Wx flt svc avbl H24. AN/FMQ–19 automated observing sys in use; augmented by human obsn when nec.
WASHINGTON ANG OPS 293.7 (Call Expo Ops)
(L) TACAN Chan 51 SKA (111.4) N47°36.61′ W117°39.72′ at fld. 2438/16E.
DME unusable:
130°–135° byd 19 NM blo 10,000′
160°–175° byd 15 NM blo 10,000′
195°–225° byd 19 NM blo 10,000′
265°–270° byd 15 NM blo 8,000′
265°–270° byd 35 NM
TACAN unusable:
130°–135° byd 19 NM blo 10,000′
160°–175° byd 15 NM blo 10,000′
195°–225° byd 19 NM blo 10,000′
265°–270° byd 15 NM blo 8,000′
265°–270° byd 35 NM
No NOTAM MP: 1000–1300Z‡Tue (20003+1)
ILS 110.3 I–FRC Rwy 05. Class IIE. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 05 1000–1300Z‡ Wed.
ILS 110.3 I–SKA Rwy 23. Class IE. No NOTAM MP: Rwy 23 1,000z–1300Z‡ Wed.

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.