LAKEHURST, NJ   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
LAKEHURST MAXFIELD FLD (NEL)(KNEL) N (A) 3 W UTC–5(–4DT) N40°02.15′ W74°21.08′
101 B LRA NOTAM FILE MIV Not insp.
RWY 06–24: H5002X150 (ASPH) PCN 21 F/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 24: MALSR. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 52′. Rgt tfc.
RWY 15–33: H5001X150 (ASPH) PCN 13 F/B/W/T
RWY 15: Rgt tfc.
RWY 063–243: H3500X90 (CONC) PCN 54 R/B/W/T
SERVICE: MILITARY– LGT Rotg bcn 110 deg 2 NM fm arpt. PCL–127.775, key 3 times for LIRL, 5 times for MIRL, 7 times for HIRL. MALSR are on same key code. ACTVT Rwy 06–24 PCL on 127.775 when oper IAW UAO MOU. FUEL A++ (Mil) Avbl 1230–2330Z‡. TRAN ALERT Svc avbl 1230–2330Z‡ Mon–Fri. Advs prk Navy or Army line.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1300–0100Z‡ Mon–Fri. Ext hr 0100–0500Z‡ Mon–Thu for scheduled C–17 and C–130 Assault Landing Zone (ALZ) NGT Vision Device (NVD) and lcl NJ ANG/USMC ops only. ALZ extended HRS for scheduled ACFT only. ALZ must be scheduled by the FLT crew at least 1 duty day prior to MSN execution. CLOSED Sat, Sun and federal hols, except for scheduled UTA trng. No acft opr will be apv outside these hrs wo 48 hr PPR. Wx observer only (ASOS avbl). First 150′ of Rwy 06–24 conc, remaining 4700 asphalt. 180 deg turns restricted TI conc portions of rwys only. Rwy 06–24 has 150′ W x 180′ L conc pads instld at the thld for C–17 opr. 12000 ft test fac rwy 2 NM W clsd to tsnt tfc without PPR and previous fac brief. RWY 15–33 clsd to tran acft. RWY 15–33 Use for LCL assigned acft drg emerg or opr necessity only. Altn lndg zone is grooved.For cstms support ctc McGuire Fld ATOC at DSN X650–2231 at least 24 hrs prior to sked acft arr. RSTD PPR for all tran acft DSN 624–2758/4147, C732–323–2758/4147. Instrument apch not avbl during tethered Aerostat ops 3400′ and blo (VMC only). CAUTION Bird and wildlife haz. Ancpt concentration of wtr fowl seagulls and sml birds blw 3000 ft. Epic twr coms are strictly advsy in nature. Info provided does not constitute ATC instr. Dur BASH Phase II, one–time dep/arr authd +/– 1 hr SR/SS under real–time BWC. Real–time BWC can only be determined when the field conditions are at least 3000ft/5 statute miles and if Tower can visually confirm a BWC less than SEVERE. Takeoffs and landings are not authorized unless approved by 305 OG/CC for 305 AMW, 514 AMW, and USAF transient aircraft or Operations Group Commander service equivalent for tenant units. Alfa alert acft are exempt from this requirement. Coord wvrs thru Comd Post. Helo pad Spot 2 not illuminated, Hanger 5 and Hanger 6 SE of helo Spot 2 obst lgts inop, A/D wind cones obst lgts inop Rwys 06 and Rwy 15–33. No VFR signs at int of Rwys 15–33 and Rwy 06–24. No airfield signs at Helo Spots 1/2/3. Aircrew are required to flw taxi fr twr AATM. Nmrs horizontal cracks 5 in wide and 5 in deep starting 50 ft either side fm rwy edge in board. TFC PAT Rgt tfc Rwy 15 and Rwy 24.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 609-754-2714
®MC GUIRE APP/DEP CON 126.475 363.8
TOWER 127.775 360.2 340.2 1300–1700Z‡ Mon–Wed, 1300–0100Z‡ Thu–Fri.
GND CON 118.375 307.375
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: When ATCT clsd, for CD ctc Mc Guire Apch at 609-754-2767.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1300–1700Z‡ Mon–Wed, 1300–0100Z‡ Thu–Fri; other times CLASS G.
NDB (MHW) 396 NEL N40°02.69′ W74°20.13′ at fld. 75/11W. unmonitored 2400–1200Z‡Mon–Fri, h24 Sat, Sun and federal hol. NEL NDB monitor location: NEL ATCT
(T)TACAN Chan 55 NEL (111.8) N40°02.22′ W74°21.19′ at fld. 87/11W.TACAN unmonitored when field clsd.
ROBBINSVILLE (H) (H) VORTACW 113.8 RBV Chan 85 N40°12.14′ W74°29.70′ 156° 12.0 NM to fld. 248/10W.
105°–115° byd 30 NM
DME unusable:
075°–115° byd 25 NM
130°–160° byd 30 NM blo 4,000′
COLTS NECK (L) (L) VORW/DME 115.4 COL Chan 101 N40°18.70′ W74°09.58′ 219° 18.7 NM to fld. 129/11W.
VOR portion unusable:
031°–179° byd 15 NM blo 6,000′
230°–240° byd 18 NM
241°–329° byd 15 NM blo 3,000′
351°–030° byd 30 NM blo 3,000′
Byd 30 NM blo 6,000′
DME portion unusable:
230°–240° byd 18 NM

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Effective 2024-12-26. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.