LITTLE ROCK AFB (LRF)(KLRF) AF (ANG) 1 SE UTC–6(–5DT) N34°55.05′ W92°08.70′
312 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE LRF Not insp.
RWY 07–25: H12007X150 (CONC) PCN 95 R/B/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 07: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.83° TCH 50′. RVR–TMR
RWY 25: ALSF2. TDZL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 56′. RVR–TMR Rgt tfc.
RWY 071–251: H3354X60 (CONC)
SERVICE: LGT SFL ints unctl may be turned off O/R. NSTD infra–red lgt co–lctd with Rwy 07, 25 and 250° edge lgt and one NSTD infra–red strobe lctd end of Rwy 07 and 250° ovrn. Infra–red strobe lctd end of Rwy 25 co–ctd with rwy end lgt. These lgt are vis only thru NVD. Rwy 25 ILS and PAPI GS not coincidental. MILITARY– JASU 5(A/M 32A–86) FUEL A–Min POL capability 2200–0600Z‡ Mon–Fri, exp 2–4 hr delay dur lcl flying. FLUID SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX OIL O–133–148–156 TRAN ALERT Svc avbl 1300–0100Z‡ Mon thru Fri, no weekend support. After hr support for Higher HQ msn only.
NOISE: Noise abatement: Departing heavy acft climb rwy heading to 1500′ AGL prior to turning on course.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr continuously. Arpt normally clsd fed hol from 0300Z‡ thru 1300Z‡ succeeding day. RSTD Degraded firefighting capability for B–2, C–5, VC–25, E–4, KC–10, MD–11, 747 and 777 acft–coordinate 48 hours prior to arrival for PPR and SVC. Confirm rescue and firefighting avbl prior ldg or tkf. PPR except AIREVAC and Armed Forces Courier. Official Business Only weekdays 1700–2100Z‡, except AIREVAC and Armed Forces Courier obtain PPR 72 hrs prior to arrival, call DSN 731–6123, PPR is valid +/– 30 minutes of proposed ETA. No practice apch or landing during local flying. Dep acft remain at or blo 1400′ until dep end of rwy. Fighter acft unable to ctc dep until airborne. B52 acft prohibited. Use of alert apron (x–mas tree) stub 1 rqr prior coordination with airfield management. Rwy 25 centerline markings obscured by rubber deposits. CAUTION NSTD rwy markings–assault strip marked (500′X60′) painted on Rwy 25. Extensive turbo prop training Mon–Fri 1300–0600Z‡. Tran ramp marking may not be appropriate for large acft follow marshallers instructions. Significant increase in bird activity Apr–May, Sep–Nov. Deer hazard. Phase II in effect Apr–May and Sep–Nov. High potential for hydroplaning on Rwy 07–25 during periods of wet wx. Numerous unlighted obstructions located in primary surface. Afld lgt intermittent between SS/SR due to local ngt vision training, non participating acft ctc twr prior to entering Class D airspace and to incr ints. 3′ tall fire hydrants lctd N of Twy F 100′ from cntrln. TFC PAT TPA–Rectangular 1400 (1090), overhead 1900 (1590). CTMS/AG/IMG Ctc security forces C501–987–3221 min 24 hr PN. MISC AN/FMQ–19 automated obsn system in use, augmented by human obsn when necessary during afld hrs. No COMSEC avbl for tran issue. No classified material stor at AM OPS, stor avbl at comd post. Backup wx obsn view ltd, rstd from 060°–280° by flightline facilities and trees. ATC Personnel in accordance with cooperative wx watch will alert wx personnel on any unreported wx condition that could affect flt safety. All tran acft ctc Comd Post 20 minutes prior to arrival. Ltd aircrew transportation on weekends. Aerodrome for NVG ops tran acft should receive briefing from 19 OSS Tactics at DNS 731–7013 or 19OSS.OSKTACTICS@US.AF.MIL. To ensure aircrew transportation avbl upon arrival, ctc afld management at least 20 min prior to ldg. NOTE: See Special Notices–CAUTION–High density student flying. ARFF–CAT 3, with 14 performance, 4880–5000 gallon of capability, ctc AMOP 731–6123 for updated ARFF status.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 501-987-3103
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA (Tfc permitting.) ATIS 119.175 251.1 (Mon–Fri 1200–0500Z‡, Sat–Sun 1500–2300Z‡ except holidays.) PTD 372.2
®APP/DEP CON 119.5 306.2
TOWER 120.6 269.075 Opr continuously. (Hol, arpt CLOSED from 0300Z‡ preceding day thru 1300Z‡ succeeding day. Holiday on Mon, CLOSED 0500Z‡ preceding Sat thru 1300Z‡ succeeding Tue. CLOSED Dec 24, 0300Z‡ thru Dec 26, 1300Z‡ and CLOSED Dec 31, 0300Z‡ thru Jan 2 1300Z‡)
GND CON 132.8 275.8 CLNC DEL 253.5 (weekdays 1300–0500Z‡, other times or VHF only acft ctc Gnd Con. Ctc Clnc Del for engine start and req prior to taxi.)
HAWG OPS (ANG) 138.6 225.45 PMSV METRO 239.8 WX svc avbl 24 hr unless aerodrome CLOSED at DSN 731–6152/6444, C501–987–6152/6444. AN/FMQ automated sys in use, augmented by human observation when necessary. Vis of afld rstd for base WX ops southeast–south during manual augmentation by WX forecaster. Contact 26 OPR WX squadron DSN 731–2651/2652, C318–529–2651/2652 dur wx flt closure or evac.
CLEARANCEDELIVERY PHONE:For CD when una via freq ctc Little Rock Apch 501-379-2908 or Little Rock ATCT 501-379-2911.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc continuous.
JACKSONVILLE (T) TACAN Chan 29 LRF (109.2) N34°55.08′ W92°09.46′ at fld. 359/1W. No NOTAM MP: 1000–1430Z‡ Tue
DME unusable:
300°–315° byd 35 NM blo 3,000′
355°–056° byd 38 NM blo 3,000′
ILS 109.9 I–TYV Rwy 25. Class IIE. No NOTAM MP: ILS 1000–1430Z‡ Wed/Thu.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.