HAMPTON, VA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
LANGLEY AFB (LFI)(KLFI) AF (NASA A) 3 N UTC–5(–4DT) N37°04.97′ W76°21.63′
8 B NOTAM FILE LFI Not insp.
RWY 08–26: H10002X150 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 57 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 08: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.8° TCH 53′.
RWY 26: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.8° TCH 58′.
RWY 08 BAK–15(NI) (60 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1100 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1002 FT) BAK–15(NI) (44 FT OVRN). RWY 26
SERVICE: S4 OX 2 MILITARY– LGT Rwy 08–26 thr lgt gated, mid 70 ft inop/removed. A–GEAR BAK–15 cable always in place on Rwy 26 ovrn and net raised at pilots req. BAK–12B(B) pendant cable always in place. BAK–12B extn. A–G O/S for maint: east BAK–12 Tue 1030–1130Z‡, west BAK–12 Wed 1030–1130Z‡. JASU 2(M32A–60) 2(MC–11) 4(A/M 32A–86) FUEL A++ (Mil). Exp up to 30 min delay. OIL O–133–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Opr 1130–0430Z‡ wkd, clsd wkend, hol and ACC down days. Exp progressive taxi to park. Flw Me svc avbl O/R.
NOISE: Noise abatement: quiet hr wkdays 0330–1100Z‡, wkends and hol 0330–1300Z‡, waivers ctc command post DSN 574–5411.
MILITARYREMARKS:Opr 1100–0300Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1300–2100Z‡ weekends, clsd ACC down days, hol and weekends associated with hol. Ctc command post (CP) DSN 574–5411 or C757–764–5411 outside of opening hrs. ARFF Index: ARFF is CAT 8 with 8100 gallon of capability. Steady ARFF cond for Langley AFB is optimum level of svc (OLS) for CAT 1–10. RSTD PPR ctc BASE OPS 1030–0430Z‡ DSN 574–2504, C757–764–2504. PPR valid +/– 1 hr of approval time during afld operating hours. If outside of approval time slot ctc BASE OPS to update PPR. Only 1 fixed wing acft authorized from 1300–1400Z‡. Transport/DV acft ctc Base Ops 20 min prior ldg. ACC RSRS applied to ACC acft only. Transport/DV acft ctc base ops 20 min prior ldg. CAUTION BASH Phase I in eff 16 Nov–14 Feb and 01 Apr–14 Sep. BASH Phase II in eff 15 Feb–31 Mar and Sep–15 Nov. Ctc Base Ops for current BASH cond. Inst IFR and VFR hi performance ftr tfc within the Class D Airspace: extv unctl general avn tfc blw 3000 ft over James River and Chesapeake Bay. Dep tfc do not exceed 1000 ft on climbout til dep end of rwy. Laser lgt beam haz to direct visual obsn will be conducted at NASA Langley Research Center within 1/2 NM radius of 37° 06.3′N 76° 22.7′W. Strong caution is advised. Use extreme caution for UAS ops at NASA Langley research center from sfc 400′ within 1/2 NM RAD of 370607.51N/762313.88W. Laser beam may be injurious to pilots/pax eyes within all alt of lgt source. Check NOTAM for date/time/duration/affected alt. Wx obsn site lctd 080°–250° due to bldg. ATC will relay twr prevailing vis, sector vis, lcl pireps or an occurrence of prev unreported wx cond that could affect ops to wx flt. Wind shear cond may exist on Rwy 26 thru short final and td, that are prevalent, undetectable and often unrpt. Increased potential for hydroplaning due to excessive rubber build–up. ALS non–frangible. Afld grass cutting conducted fr Mar–Nov, exp increased bird act in vcnty of mowers. TFC PAT Overhead 3000 ft at 5 DME descending to 1500 ft by 3 DME, rgt break Rwy 26, left break Rwy 08. Rectangular 1000 ft rgt tfc Rwy 26, left tfc Rwy 08. MISC Afld ops DSN 574–2504, C757–764–2504. Afld mgr DSN 574–2508. DD Form 1801 rqr 90 min prior to etd. Rwy 08–26 grooved. ACC ftr acft exp reduced rwy separation: day/VFR, similar acft 3000 ft, dissimilar type acft 6000 ft. Ngt 6000 ft all acft. Tran acft notify twr on initial ctc if reduced rwy separation is not desired. Afld ops does not have COMSEC or facility to store for tran crews; tran crews should plan to arr with appropriate amount of COMSEC to complete msn. COMSEC can be stored at 1FW Comd Post; DSN 574–5411 C757–764–2504. Towing capabilities limited to universal towbar only. A Park, refuel and maintenance avbl on AF ramp. NASA Acft intending to operate from NASA ramp shall contact NASA Flight Operations at larc–dl–fltops@mail.nasa.gov to arrange for approval and support prior to arrival. Additionally obtain PPR from 1 OSS/OSA at C757–764–2504 for landing at KLFI. Svc not avbl for non–NASA acft. No organic support for large transport category aircraft (power, fuel, lav, steps). However USAF elements may be able to provide support with sufficient advance notice. Taxiway Juliet increased FOD hazard and reduced PCN due to degrading pavement conditions. Acft with ACN greater than 24 or wingspan greater than 80 ft use Taxiway H. Taxiway J limited for night and IFR conditions due to lack of taxiway edge lighting system. Control of perimeter road street lights to stop vehicular traffic is three clicks on 123.375 for Taxiway J and five clicks for Taxiway H. Only NASA BE200, T38, OV10 and T34 can opr on Twy J. Twy J is restricted to acft with total wingspan of 80 ft or less and 100,000 lbs or less gross weight. Weight bearing waivers ctc afld mgr DSN 574–2508.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 757-764-2508
®NORFOLK APP/DEP CON 126.05 370.925 (010°–080°) 127.9 269.425 (180°–310°) 124.9 379.1 (311°–009°)
TOWER 125.0 253.5 (Opr 1100–0300Z‡ Mon–Fri; 1300–2100Z‡ wk end to support reg sked drill (RSD) guard wk end once a month; clsd federal hol and ACC down days unless ops apv by 1 FWCC)
GND CON 121.7 275.8 CLNC DEL 118.85 257.625
COMD POST (Raymond 16) 251.25 (Have quick timing avbl 287.45)
PMSV METRO 239.8 (Alternate PMSV is McGuire AFB on 239.8 wx svc avbl H24 at DSN 574–5908/5907, C757–764–5908/5907. AN/FMQ–19 automated observing sys in use; augmented by human obsn when nec. Dur wx flt closure or evac, remote briefing svc avbl from 15 OP WX SQ (Scott AFB) DSN 576–9755 or 576–9701 thru 9704, C618–256–9755 or 618–256–9701 thru 9704.)
NASA OPS 123.375 310.4 Unmto. C757–864–3887.
(L) TACAN Chan 70 LFI (112.3) N37°05.13′ W76°21.56′ at fld. 7/10W.
252°–278° byd 20 NM
357°–033° byd 20 NM
DME unusable:
103°–165° byd 30 NM
252°–278° byd 20 NM
357°–033° byd 20 NM
ILS 109.9 I–LFI Rwy 08. No NOTAM MPs unsked; for sys downtimes coord thru 1 OSS/OSA
ILS 109.9 I–ABM Rwy 26. Class IB. No NOTAM MPs unsked; for sys downtimes coord thru 1 OSS/OSA.

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Effective 2024-09-05. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.