ROGERSBURG (D69) 8 SE UTC–8(–7DT) N46°04.45′ W116°57.89′ 869 NOTAM FILE SEA
RWY 09–27: 1471X50 (TURF)
AIRPORT REMARKS: Unattended. Arpt CLOSED indef. Ctc WA State Aviation Division 360–709–8015 or 1–800–552–0666 WA area for facility info prior to use. For acft accidents/incidents ctc WA state emergency operations center 800–258–5990. Rolling terrain on both sides of airport. Pedestrians, vehicles, or animals on or invof rwy. No camping, fires, or parking for more than five acft at any time. Park acft within arpt limits only. Spill kit avbl. Rwy marked with reflectors during dates arpt is open.
AIRPORT MANAGER: (360) 618-2477