VANCOUVER, CN   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
VANCOUVER INTL BC (CYVR) 0 SW UTC–8(–7DT) N49°11.68′ W123°10.95′
RWY 08R–26L: H12188X200 (ASPH–CONC) HIRL CL
RWY 08R: ALSF–2. REIL. TDZL PAPI(P4L) Thld dsplcd 696’ Rgt tfc. RVR
RWY 26L: ALSF–2. REIL. TDZL PAPI(P4L) Thld dsplcd 689’ RVR
RWY 08L–26R: H9941X200 (CONC) HIRL CL
RWY 08L: ALSF–2. REIL. PAPI(P4L) Rgt tfc. RVR
RWY 13–31: H7300X200 (ASPH–CONC) MIRL
RWY 13: ODALS. REIL. PAPI(P4L) Rgt tfc.
RWY 13 08R–26L 5150
RWY 26L 13–31 5430
RWY 08L:TORA–9941 TODA–11417 ASDA–9941 LDA–9941
RWY 08R:TORA–11500 TODA–12484 ASDA–11500 LDA–10804
RWY 13: TORA–7300 TODA–8284 ASDA–7300 LDA–7300
RWY 26L:TORA–11493 TODA–17239 ASDA–11493 LDA–10804
RWY 26R:TORA–9941 TODA–14911 ASDA–9941 LDA–9941
RWY 31: TORA–7300 TODA–8284 ASDA–7300 LDA–7300
NOISE: NS ABTMT procedures in effect ctc Airport Ops.
AIRPORT REMARKS Oper H24. Oct-Apr migratory birds invof arpt; resident Snow Goose population, significant hazard at and blo 400’ AGL west of the thld of Rwy 08R and Rwy 08L out to 1.9 NM. Freq VFR float acft activity on river south side of arpt. ARFF svc avbl. Rwy 13 dep not avbl for acft with wingspan greater than 65.0m/213.3’ (A380/B747-8/AN124). Not auth for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10. Rwy 08L arr, reverse turns to exit rwy not authorized. Rwy 31 arr dep not avbl for acft with wingspan greater than 65.0m/213.3’ (A380/B747-8/AN124). Not auth for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10. Turbojets equipped with reverse thrust plan to exit Twy M3 or byd. Rwy 08R arr, acft exiting onto Twy D1, turn north on Twy E. Do not stop in rwy area (See Hot Spot 4). Rwy 26R arr, reverse turns not authorized for turbojets. Turboprop authorized daytime hrs only with prior apvl. Turbojets equipped with reverse thrust plan to exit Twy M4 or byd. Acft rolling long, planning to use Twy H, see Standard Taxi Arrival Procedures CFS. Rwy 26L arr, turns onto Rwy 31 NOT AUTHORIZED without clearance. Acft exiting onto Rwy 13/31: RIGHT turns onto Twy D avbl to acft with wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only. Acft exiting onto Twy H, hold short of Twy D, do not stop in rwy area (See Hot Spot 4). Pavement byd twy is non load bearing. Apron I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, PPR Airport Ops is required.All Aprons PPR for all engine airstarts or crossbleed starts. Advise ATC if ground crew not present at gate. Acft pushing back from Gates 40 thru 43 ctc 127.15 (North). Apron I, II and III: hover taxi not auth, heli must ground taxi or be towed. Apron I avbl to acft with wingspan 24.9m/81.7’ (CRJ-900) and smaller only. Apron II avbl to wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only. Apron III, avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Jets tow in and out. Apron IV avbl to acft with wingspan 41.1m/134.8’ (B757) and smaller only. Taxilane east of Twy DW avbl to acft with wingspan 32.1m/105.3’ (CV-580) and smaller only. Btwn Twy DW and FedEx not auth for taxi below RVR 1200, follow me required, ctc Arpt Ops. Apron VI (Horseshoe) taxilanes avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Apron VI (South) taxilane btwn Twy G and parking position S1 avbl to acft with wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only. Apron VI (South) taxilane east of parking position S1 avbl to acft with wingspan 60.4m/198.2’ (A330/B787-9) and smaller only. Apron VI (North) travelling eastbound, turns onto Twy P avbl to acft with wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only due to jet blast (avbl for acft under tow). Apron VI (North) when A380 is on Twy M between Twy J and Twy T, the taxilane between Gate 66 and Twy T is avbl to acft with wingspan 41.1m/134.8’ (B757) and smaller only. Apron VI (East) bypass taxilane (amber inset lighting) avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Apron VI (East) simultaneous use of dual taxilanes avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Apron VI (East) pushbacks from parking position E1-E3 to west taxilane. Pushbacks from parking positions E10-E19 to south taxilane. Apron VIII avbl to acft with wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only. Discretionary oversteer is required at EVERY intersection for ALL acft types. Unctld twys: Twy C (south of Twy F), Twy F, Twy J (btn Twy L and Twy K), Twy Q, Twy DR, Twy DS, Twy DT, Twy DU, Twy DV and Twy DW. Unctld vehicle crossings: DS, DT, DU, DV, DY, F, H (north of H4), J, JA, JB, JC, K, N7, P, Q, R, S, T, V. Twy A2 (AGN IIIA) avbl to acft with MTOW 50,000lbs (DHC-8 300/Lear 60) and less. Twy A (W of Twy E) Not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only, due to acft wheelbase. Twy A AGN IV (E of Twy E), Twy A AGN V (W of Twy E). Twy A4 and Twy A6 (AGN V) not avbl for A340-600. A350-900/-100, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only due to acft wheelbase. Twy C (South of Twy F) (AGN IIIB S of Twy F, AGN IV N of Twy F) avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Follow me required below RVR 1200, ctc Arpt Ops. Twy C (North of Twy F) rstd to B767/A310 and smaller. CAUTION: Acft cannot safely tax via Twy D east or west past acft in the D5 or D7 runway holding positions. Twy D (Eastbound) left turns onto Twy H avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Twy D (Westbound) no left turns onto Twy H. No left turns onto Twy D7. Twy D and Twy D5 rstd from simultaneous use by acft larger than B767/A310. Twy D2 (AGN IIIA) avbl to acft with MTOW 100,000lbs (CRJ-900) and less. Twy D3(AGN V, rapid exit): Design speed in wet conditions is 50 kt (93 km/h). Twy D7 no right turns onto D. Twy D1 (AGN V) rapid exit design speed in wet conditions is 50 kt (93 km/h). Not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only due to acft wheelbase. Twy DU (AGN V) not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only, due to acft wheelbase. Twy DW (AGN IV) avbl to acft with wingspan 41.1m/134.8’ (B757) and smaller only. Twy E (AGN V) entry and exit at Apron VI avbl to acft with wingspan 60.4m/198.2’ (A330-300/B787-9) and smaller only. Twy E (AGN V)(N or Rwy 08R/26L) not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only due to acft wheelbase. Twy F (East of Twy C) (AGN IIIA, E of Twy C and AGN IV W of Twy C) avbl to acft with wingspan 24.9m/81.7’ (CRJ-900) and smaller only. Follow me required below RVR 1200, ctc Arpt Ops. Twy H AGN IV S of Rwy 08R/26L, AGN VI N of Rwy 08R/26L; Twy H (Southbound): No RIGHT turns onto Twys A, L or H4. RIGHT turns onto Twy D avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. No LEFT turns onto D1. Twy H (Northbound): No LEFT turns onto Twy V. No RIGHT turns onto Twy D. RIGHT turns onto Twy L avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. Twy H4 not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only, due to acft wheelbase. Twy J (Southbound): A340, B747 not auth south of Twy K due to jet blast (avbl for acft under tow). All acft use min thrust when turning due to jet blast. Twy J (Northbound) LEFT turns onto Twy K avbl to acft with wingspan 41.1m/134.8’ (B757) and smaller only, due to jet blast (avbl for acft under tow). Twy J AGN V S of parking position W2. Twy J AGN VI N of parking position W2. Twy K AGN V E of Twy R. Twy K AGN VI W of Twy R. VNAP A or B rqrd for all rwys. Advise ATC clnc del if using VNAP B. Twy L entry and exit at Apron VI avbl to acft with wingspan 36.0m/118.1’ (A321/B737) and smaller only. No RIGHT turns onto Twy V. Twy L AGN V E of Rwy 13/31. Twy L AGN VI W of Rwy 13/31. Twy L2 (AGN V) not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only, due to acft wheelbase. Twy L4 (Northbound) only acft with max wingspan of 52.0m/170.6’ (e.g. A310/B767) can hold short of L while exiting/crossing Rwy 08R/26L due to acft tail height. Twy M when A380 is on the taxilane btwn Gate 66 and Twy P, Twy M btwn Twy J and Twy T is avbl to acft with wingspan 41.1m/134.8’ (B757) and smaller only. Twy M1 and Twy M2 (AGN V) not avbl for A340-600, A350-900/-1000, B777-300/-300ER, B787-10 only, due to acft wheelbase. Twy M3 not avbl to A340–600, A350–900/–1000, /B777–300/-300ER,B787-10, due to acft wheelbase. Twy M4, LEFT or RIGHT turns onto M not avbl for A340–600, A350-900/-1000, B777–300/-300ER, B787–10 only, due to acft wheelbase. A340–600/B777–300 avbl twys: D, D3, D5, DT, E (South of Rwy 08–26L).Twy M1–Twy M6 (rapid exit) design speed in wet cond is 50 kts (93 km/h). Twy D3, M8, N7, P, T, AGN V. Twy P: Right turns onto Twy M avbl to acft with wingspan 52.0m/170.6’ (A310/B767) and smaller only, due jet blast (avbl for acft under tow). Twy V no left turns onto L. Follow assigned SID 3000 BPOC. For water aerodrome info refer to CWAS. Landing fee. Customs avbl ctc 888–226–7277. Pilots should refer to Canadian Airport Charts (CAC) to obtain details on established hot spots, prior to operating on maneuvering areas. CAC are available for free on the NAV CANADA website. Heli with max heli overall lenght greater than 73’: Tkof/ldg from rwy thld only. Heli arr/dep permitted from Pad C or destination FBO (PPR). Multilateration: All fixed wing aircraft and rotorcraft must keep their transponder on at all times when maneuvering on the airport (turn on prior to contacting Ground Control for pushback and on arrival, remain on until final engine shutdown). Pilots that do not have transponder code issued by ATC squawk 1000 when taxiing. APU SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE: Acft Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) use shall be limited to 15 min or less in total between on-block time and departure of acft from stands supplied with Ground Power unit (GPU) and/or preconditioned air, for environmental reasons, if the outside air temperature is between 0 degrees and 20 degrees Celsius. Acft shall not need to comply with above limitations on stands not equipped with serviceable GPU and/or preconditioned air or if there are overriding health and safety considerations. Narrow-body aircraft will use positions W1, W3, W4, W6, W7, W9, W17 and W19, indicated by yellow inset guidance lights. In support of CYVR available arrival slots, IFR acft dep from KBLI or from within Vancouver FIR exc CYQQ, CYPW, CAT4, CBS8 or CSR6 destined for CYVR are required to ctc Twr, FSS or FIXC 30 to 90 min prior to dep for an approved dep time. IFR acft dep CYQQ, CYPW, CAT4, CBS8 and CSR6 destined for CYVR are required to ctc CYQQ Terminal 250-339-8115 30 to 45 min prior to dep for an approved dep time. IFR acft dep CYYJ, ctc CLNC DEL on freq 126.4 30 to 90 min prior to dep for an approved dep time. MEDEVAC IFR acft dep from all locations destined for CYVR shall contact the appropriate agency as soon as possible and advise of their proposal dep time.

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Effective 2024-09-05. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.