EASTOVER, SC   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
MC ENTIRE JNGB (MMT)(KMMT) AF (ANG ARNG) 10 E UTC–5(–4DT) N33°55.25′ W80°48.07′
254 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE MMT Not insp.
RWY 14–32: H9010X150 (PEM) PCN 34 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 14: REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 40′.
RWY 32: ALSF1. PAPI(P4R)–GA 2.5° TCH 48′.
RWY 18–36: H4500X150 (CONC)
RWY 05–23: H2030X90 (ASPH) PCN 50 R/B/W/T MIRL
RWY 14 BAK–14 BAK–12 A(B) (1500'). HOOK MB100 (B) (37' OVRN). BAK–14 BAK–12A(B) (1501'). RWY 32
SERVICE: S2 FUEL 100, JET A OX 2 MILITARY– LGT Rwy lights oper 0400–1300Z‡ Mon–Fri, 2100–1300Z‡ Sat–Sun, exc hol. Actvt PAPI Rwys 14 and 32; MIRL Rwy 05–23, HIRL Rwy 14–32–253.5. A–GEAR BAK–12A cable raised by BAK–14 device O/R to twr. Dept end cable will be raised for all tail hook eqpt acft. Rwy 14–32 N and S A–G cables will be in raised posn when afld clsd. JASU 1(A/M32A–86)9(AM32A–60A) FUEL A (DoD cost accounting code Nr rqr fr other mil svc for refueling). FLUID SP LPOX OIL O–133–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Svc avbl with prior coordination. Tran parking extremely ltd.
MILITARY REMARKS:Opr Mon–Fri 1300–0400Z‡ exc hol, Sat–Sun 1300–2100Z‡. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remark.
RSTD PPR 48 hr ntc rqr, ctc ANG OPS DSN 583–8231, C803–647–8231, fax DSN 583–8733, C803–647–8733. Rwy 05–23 is helicopter only. CAUTION See AP/1 for wx obsn limitations. Remain blo 1000′ til departure EOR or unless twr clears. Acft sunshades 742′ west of Rwy 14–32. NSTD helicopter ops on CLOSED Rwy 18–36. TFC PAT TPA–Overhead 1500(1246), helicopter/rectangular 1000(746). MISC Wx obsn visibility is ltd from 5/8 mile south to 1/10 mile WNW. Rwy 05–23 is helicopter only. First 2000′ Rwy 32 is conc, remaining 7009′ is asph. Tran parking extremely ltd. Fleet svc not avbl without prior coord. Wind info for Rwy 23 provided by departure end sensor. Twy widths are as follows: Twy J, B, C, D, E are 50′, Twy A is 98′, Twy F is 95′, Twy G is 147′, Twy H is 75′, Twy M and Twy L are 40′ wide. Tran acft exp progressive taxi instr. Normal dly acft and rescue fire fighting (ARFF) capability is 2500 gal water and 322 gal foam; fire dispatch DSN 583–8287. Rwy 14–32 asphalt exc for conc on first 2000′ of Rwy 32 and first 1700′ of Rwy 14. 200′ conc either side of Rwy 14–32 barrier cables. ARNG PPR for Army, AR, and ARNG R/W acft only, C803–299–1814/5. Opr Mon–Fri 1300–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri exc hol. Fuel not avbl for tran acft.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 803-647-8231
®SHAW APP/DEP CON 125.4 318.1 (1100–0300Z‡)
®JACKSONVILLE CENTER APP/DEP CON 124.7 269.55 (0300–1100Z‡)
TOWER 132.4 253.5 (1200–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri exc holidays, 1300–2100Z‡ Sat–Sun) GND CON 127.625 226.675
GCA 124.925 236.775 (Nml opr 1400–2000Z‡ Tues–Fri, ctc twr C803–647–8275, DSN 583–8275 for current availability/opr status)
PMSV METRO 342.5 (Ctc Shaw AFB for METRO, McEntire fcst avbl Mon–Fri 1200–0100Z‡, clsd Sat–Sun and hol. Opr hrs vary with lcl flying schedule, DSN 583–8247, C803–647–8247. During non–operational hours contact 26 OWS Barksdale AFB DSN 331–2651, C318–529–2651. Afld Wx maint by AN/FMQ–19 AMS, augmented/backed up by human obsn dur opr hours and for resource protection)
ARNG OPS PTD 246.7 134.1 41.3
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD ctc Shaw Apch at 803-895-4884, when Apch clsd ctc Jacksonville ARTCC at 904-845-1592.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1300–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1300–2100Z‡ Sat–Sun, clsd hol; other times CLASS G.
(L) (L) VORTACW 113.2 MMT Chan 79 N33°55.45′ W80°48.14′ at fld. 248/8W. Unmonitored 0400–1300Z‡ Mon–Fri exc hol, 2100–1300Z‡ Sat–Sun. No NOTAM MP: 1300–1700Z‡ Mon.
179°–183° byd 16 NM
311°–129° byd 31 NM blo 4,000′
VOR unusable:
196°–203° byd 38 NM
300°–095° byd 35 NM blo 4,000′
DME unusable:
179°–183° byd 16 NM
311°–129° byd 31 NM blo 4,000′
ILS 111.1 I–MMT Rwy 32. Class IE. Unmonitored 0400–1300Z‡ Mon–Fri exc hol, 2100–1300Z‡ Sat–Sun. No NOTAM MP 1300–1700Z‡ Mon. Radar – see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.