RIO LINDA, CA   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
RIO LINDA (L36) 1 S UTC–8(–7DT) N38°40.50′ W121°26.73′
46 B TPA–846(800) NOTAM FILE RIU
RWY 17–35: H2625X42 (ASPH) S–12 LIRL
RWY 17: Trees. Rgt tfc.
RWY 35: Trees.
SERVICE: S2 FUEL 100LL LGT Rotating beacon and VASI ops dusk–0800Z‡. ACTIVATE LIRL Rwy 17–35 key 122.9 7 times.
NOISE: For noise abatement Rwy 17 right turn to heading 215° after tkf to avoid overflight of school.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended 1600–0100Z‡. Tree lines east, west and north of arpt–unlighted. Touch and go landings not authorized. Ultralights not authorized.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 916-991-1725
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD ctc NorCal Apch at 916-361-6874.

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Effective 2024-09-05. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.