OMAHA, NE   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
OFFUTT AFB (OFF)(KOFF) AF 8 SE UTC–6(–5DT) N41°07.16′ W95°54.51′
1048 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE OFF Not insp.
RWY 13–31: H11703X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) PCN 89 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 13: ALSF1. TDZL. REIL. PAPI(P4R)–GA 3.0° TCH 56′. RVR–TMR Thld dsplcd 1008′.
RWY 31: ALSF1. TDZL. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.8° TCH 55′. RVR–TMR Thld dsplcd 1091′. Railroad.
RWY 13: LDA–10695
RWY 31: LDA–10612
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100 OX 2, 4 MILITARYLGT Rwy 13–31 ALSF 1 NSTD: Rwy 13 missing two lgt bars due to off base road and RR. Rwy 31 has an additional lgt bar. JASU (A/M32A–86) (AM32A–95) FUEL A++ FLUID W SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX OIL O–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Opr 1200–0530Z‡ Mon–Fri; Sat–Sun sby for offl bus only. Exp up to 2 hr fuel delay for all tran acft. Fleet svc unavbl.
MILITARY REMARKS: RSTD: PPR, min 24 hr ntc rqr and no more than 14 days prior, ctc am ops. PPR all acft, ctc AM OPS. Pavement byd rwy edge stripes not stressed for acft. All acft must cmplt 180° turn at EOR or Twy M and P int. Due to obst, C5 and 747–8 acft are not authorized byd VFR hold line on NW hammerhead; acft must complete 180° turn within 355 ft btn rwy cntrln and VFR hold posn mrk. Acft with distinguished visitors and passengers ctc comd post at least 30 min prior to ETA and when 60 NM out. CAUTION: Gradient for Rwy 13 has 0.7% downslope; Rwy 13 has hi embankment apch end turb & hi vrbl crosswinds during S to SW sfc winds. Nmrs lgt acft at Millard Arpt on apch for Rwy 13. Arrivals–railroad/vehicle road penetrate Rwy 31 apch light plane. Mowers adj to movement area Apr–Oct. Rwy Cond Code (RwyCC) not rptd. TFC PAT: All patterns are south of rwy centerline, TPA–VFR rectangular 2500′ MSL, overhead 3000′ MSL & remain within 5 NM. CSTMS/AG/IMG: Lcl acft coord with cmd post 2 hr PN DSN 271–3725, mil tran acft coord with AMOPS 48 hr PN Mon–Fri 1200–2100Z‡ at DSN 271–3240. MISC: Use cntr 150 ft of Rwy 13–31, 75 ft edges not stressed for acft over 100,000 lbs. Rqr altimeter check pt sign missing for arpt elev being 76 feet greater than Rwy 31 end elevation. Rwy end 31 elev is 973 ft, 76 ft blw fld elev. Rwy 13 first 2025 ft conc, next 1742 ft to Twy M has 75ft wide conc mid with asph edges. Rwy 31 first 2100ft conc, mid 5834 ft fm Twy M–Twy P asph. Afld mgmt issues no COMSEC for trans crews. 55 WG Comd Post will provide temp storage of secret and top secret. AM Ops DSN 271–3207/3240, C402–294–3207/3240, fax DSN 272–4175, C402–232–4175. AN/FMQ–19 fully opr and opr in automated mode. WX sensor on Rwy 30 sited blo grade of rwy, occasionally causing unrepresentative vis measurements to rpt in obsn. Obsn pt obst for 360°–080° and 130°–340°, sfc obsn augmented when ATC pers can vis see entire rwy and/or wf pers can vis see end of rwy. Bird hazard potential exists. Bird migration BASE Phase II typically Mar–May and Sept–Nov. During bird watch cond MODERATE, initial tkf and full stop ldg authorized. During bird watch cond SEVERE, tkf and ldg proh. Deviations rqr 55 OG/CC(or higher) apvl. Ctc TWR/GND/ATIS for current bird watch cond code.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 402-294-2793
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA ATIS 126.025 273.5 PTD 379.4
®OMAHA APP/DEP CON 120.1 354.05 (West) 124.5 263.0 (East)
TOWER 123.7 279.625 GND CON 121.7 289.4
COMD POST (Call sign RAYMOND 21) 311.0 321.0 PMSV 227.4 Full WX svc avbl H24 unless specified in NOTAM. DSN 271–3459, C402–294–3459. Remote brief avbl via 15 OWS; DSN 576–9755, C618–256–9755. AG See Global HF Systems listing in FIH.
(L) TACAN Chan 54 OFF (111.7) N41°07.03′ W95°54.00′ at fld. 971/2E.
003°–128° byd 10 NM blo 3,000′
173°–273° byd 10 NM blo 7,000′
273°–002° byd 30 NM blo 7,000′
Byd 25 NM blo 7,000′
DME unusable:
003°–128° byd 10 NM blo 3,000′
173°–273° byd 10 NM blo 7,000′
273°–002° byd 30 NM blo 7,000′
Byd 25 NM blo 7,000′
No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Mon–Fri
ILS 111.7 I–ATB Rwy 13. Class IT. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Mon–Fri. Glideslope unusable byd 005° left of course. Glideslope unusable byd 007° r of course.
ILS 109.5 I–OFF Rwy 31. Class IB. No NOTAM MP: 1100–1400Z‡ Mon–Fri.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.