MILWAUKEE, WI   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
GENERAL MITCHELL INTL (MKE)(KMKE) P (ANG AR) 5 S UTC–6(–5DT) N42°56.82′ W87°53.82′
728 B LRA ARFF Index—See Remarks NOTAM FILE MKE
RWY 01L–19R: H9990X200 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–100, D–185, 2S–175, 2D–350 PCN 64 R/A/W/T HIRL CL
RWY 01L: ALSF2. TDZL. PAPI(P4R)—GA 3.0° TCH 72′. RVR–TMR Thld dsplcd 300′. Tree. 0.6% down.
RWY 19R: MALSR. PAPI(P4R)—GA 3.0° TCH 75′. RVR–TMR Thld dsplcd 785′. Fence.
RWY 07R–25L: H8300X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–100, D–185, 2S–175, 2D–350 PCN 58 R/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 07R: MALSR. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 63′. RVR–T Tree. 1.0% down.
RWY 25L: REIL. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 47′. RVR–R Thld dsplcd 433′. Pole. 0.4% up.
RWY 13–31: H5537X150 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–80, D–110, 2S–139, 2D–170 PCN 48 R/B/W/T MIRL
RWY 13: REIL. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 54′. Thld dsplcd 738′. Pole.
RWY 31: REIL. PAPI(P4R)—GA 3.0° TCH 55′. Thld dsplcd 205′. Railroad.
RWY 07L–25R: H4797X100 (ASPH–CONC–GRVD) S–30, D–35, 2D–55 PCN 20 F/A/X/T MIRL
RWY 07L: REIL. PAPI(P4L)—GA 3.0° TCH 39′. Tree.
RWY 25R: REIL. PAPI(P4R)—GA 3.0° TCH 42′. Pole.
RWY 01R–19L: H4182X150 (ASPH–CONC) S–85, D–115, 2S–146, 2D–180 PCN 23 R/B/W/T MIRL
RWY 19L: Tree.
RWY 01L:TORA–9990 TODA–9990 ASDA–9380 LDA–9080
RWY 01R:TORA–4182 TODA–4182 ASDA–4182 LDA–4182
RWY 07L:TORA–4797 TODA–4797 ASDA–4797 LDA–4797
RWY 07R:TORA–8300 TODA–8300 ASDA–8012 LDA–8012
RWY 13: TORA–5537 TODA–5537 ASDA–5537 LDA–4797
RWY 19L:TORA–4182 TODA–4182 ASDA–4182 LDA–4182
RWY 19R:TORA–9990 TODA–9990 ASDA–9990 LDA–9205
RWY 25L:TORA–8300 TODA–8300 ASDA–8300 LDA–7867
RWY 25R:TORA–4797 TODA–4797 ASDA–4797 LDA–4797
RWY 31: TORA–5537 TODA–5537 ASDA–5537 LDA–5152
SERVICE: S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A OX 1 LGT For PAPI Rwy 13–31 ctc twr. MIRL Rwy 07L–25R O/S UFN. Rwy 07L PAPI unusbl byd 9° right and left of cntrln. Bcn SS–SR. MILITARY— JASU (MD–3M) ( AM32A–60A) FUEL A++ (Mil ANG) (NC–100LL). A, A+ (avbl 24 hr dly incl hol.) FLUID OX.
NOISE: All apchs are over noise sensitive areas; all turbojet acft should refrain fm conducting multi VFR tfc pattern apchs & deps wo prior apvl fm amgr call C414–747–5325. Trng flgts involving successive use of any rwy prohibited 0400–1200Z‡.
AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Birds on and invof arpt. Rwy 07L–25R CLOSED to all jet acft. Rwy 13–31 CLOSED jet acft, unless perms from twr or airport manager 414–747–5325. Rwy 13–31 and Rwy 01R–19L and Rwy 07L–25R CLOSED except light weight single engine acft 0400–1200Z‡ daily. Rwy 01R–19L avbl to air carriers for taxi only. Rwy 07L–25R not avbl for skedd acr ops with more than 9 psgr seats or unskedd acr opns at least 31 seats. All aircraft pushbacks from gates C20, C21, C22, C23, D39, D41, D43, D45, D48, D51, D53, D54, D55, E65, E66, & E67 require clearance from ground control. Pushbacks from all other gates are at ramp/pilot discretion; contact ground control when ready to taxi. Acft with wingspan greater than 175′ cannot pass simultaneously on Twy E and Twy Z. Class I ARFF Index C. Index D equipment avbl upon req. Preferred usage by acft between 0400–1200Z‡ is tkf Rwy 19R and ldg Rwy 01L. De–ice pad for Rwy 07R not auth for thru taxi. ASDE–X in use. Operate transponders with altitude reporting mode and ADS–B (if equipped) enabled on all airport surfaces. Twy A clsd from Twy R to Twy E and Twy E clsd from Twy T to Twy E1 and Twy T clsd N of Rwy 07R–25L, and Twy M clsd from Twy E to Rwy 01R–19L to acft with tail height greater than 54.5′ during CAT II and CAT III ops. Twy A clsd btn Twy A4 and Twy A5 to acft with wingspan greater than or equal to 214′ unless permission from arpt manager 414–747–5325. Twy A btn Twy R and Twy A1 clsd to acft wingspan more than 171′ exc PPR 414–747–5325. Twy B between Twy V and Twy P clsd to acft with wingspan greater than 170′. Twy B btn Twy R and Twy A1 clsd to acft wingspan more than 118′ exc PPR 414–747–5325. Twy C clsd btwn apch end of Rwy 07L and west ramp north txl to acft with wingspan gtr than or equal to 118 ft unless pmsn fm arpt mgr 414–747–5325. Twy F (E of Rwy 19R), Twy H, Twy J, and Twy P clsd to acft with wingspan gtr than 78 ft unless pmsn fm amgr at 414–747–5325. Twy F (west of Twy Z) clsd to acft with wingspan greater than or equal to 118 ft unless permission fm arpt dir at 414–747–5325. Twy V between Twy D and Rwy 07L–25R clsd to acft with wingspan greater than 170′ when Rwy 07L–25R in use. Twy S and Twy T between Twy R and Rwy 07R–25L and Rwy 07R–25L between Rwy 01R–19L and Twy R closed during Cat II and III ops. Holding bay at Rwy 01L clsd except acft with wingspan less than 118′. Holding bay at Rwy 19R when in use. Twy Z adjacent to bay is limited to acft with wingspan up to 170′. Rwy 07L–25R no acft 65,000 lbs or greater allowed to taxi between Twy D and Rwy 13–31 and east of Rwy 19R. Rwy 19R TODA 8750′ from int Twy V. Acft are not permitted to make left turn onto Twy E when exiting Twy E2. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) avbl.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 414-747-5300
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: ASOS 126.4 (414) 489–2168. TDWR.
MILWAUKEE RCO 122.6 (GREEN BAY RADIO) Unusable byd 30 NM blo 3000′.
®MILWAUKEE APP CON 118.0 (B) SE 126.5 (A) NW
®MILWAUKEE DEP CON 125.35 (A) NW 135.875 (B) SE
BADGER (H) (H) VORW/DME 116.4 BAE Chan 111 N43°07.01′ W88°17.06′ 119° 19.9 NM to fld. 1070/2E.
ILS/DME 110.3 I–MKE Chan 40 Rwy 01L. Class IIIE.
ILS/DME 111.5 I–GMF Chan 52 Rwy 07R. Class IE. DME also serves Rwy 25L. LOC front unusable byd 15° right of course and 20° left of course.
ILS/DME 110.3 I–BLY Chan 40 Rwy 19R. Class IE.
LOC/DME 111.5 I–PXY Chan 52 Rwy 25L. DME also serves Rwy 07R. LOC unusable byd 15° left and right of course.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: APP/DEP CON: (A) West of 01L–19R extended LOC course of active rwy and north of Rwy 07R–25L extended course of active rwy. (B) East of Rwy 01L–19R extended LOC course of active rwy and south of Rwy 07R–25L extended course of active rwy.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.