HOMESTEAD, FL   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
HOMESTEAD ARB (HST)(KHST) AFRC 3 E UTC–5(–4DT) N25°29.31′ W80°23.01′
RWY 06–24: H11202X300 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 90 R/A/W/T HIRL
RWY 06: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 54′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
RWY 24: SALS. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 43′. RVR–T
RWY 06 HOOK E5 (65 FT OVRN) BAK–14 BAK–12B(B) (1650 FT). BAK–14 BAK–12B(B) (1087 FT) HOOK E5 (74 FT OVRN). RWY 24
SERVICE: MILITARY–A–GEAR Apch end BAK–12B(B)/14 for act rwy in lo position. Dep end BAK–12B(B)/14 for act rwy in raised posn. E–5 connected on dep end only. Service–A–G: No–NOTAM MP N BAK–12/14 1630–1730Z‡ Thu, S BAK–12/14 1730–1830Z‡ Thu. JASU 3(AM32A–60) 2(A/M32A–86) FUEL A++, A++100. All acft rqr fuel, have in your possession the white DD Form 1896 fuel card, US Govt air card or your base billing info. OIL O–133–148 TRAN ALERT Opr 1200–0300Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1400–2200Z‡ Sat–Sun. No demineralized water avbl. No fleet svc avbl. LGT Rwy 06 apch lgts SFL OTS. Rwy 24 PAPI OTS ufn due to tree obst.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1200–0400Z‡; 0400–1200Z‡ for base asgn alert acft only. RSTD PPR all tran acft. For PPR ctc Afld Mgmt Ops DSN 535–7516, C786–415–7516. PPR issued up to 7 days prior to arr, min 24 hr PN. PPR good for +/–1 hr. PPR time. No progressive taxiing allowed by tran acft. PPR good for +/– 1 hr PPR time. Coord of PPR outside of block time by telephone is rqr, or PPR number will be considered cnld exc for MEDEVAC and VIP acft. Tran acft call 50 NM out. Inbd DV acft ctc Comd Post 20 min prior to ldg with firm chock time. No lcl or round robin flt perms by tran acft. Opr 1200–0400Z‡, OT are for base asgn alert acft only. Tran maint must be present for acft prk, eng start and for launch of all tran acft. Alert fac twy rstd to acft with wing span of 60′ or less. CAUTION Heliport 2.2 NM SW, exer extreme caution. Stadium lgt 3 NM from AER 06 haz to ngt vision. Bird haz, especially prevalent 1 hr before SS and 1 hr after SR. Afld experiences tmpry Bird Watch Cond Severe. Ctc Afld Mgmt OPS for bird haz info, Bird Watch Cond is on ATIS. Extv high performance mil jet opr on and invof arpt. TFC PAT TPA–Overhead TPA 2000′ AGL. Dur VFR cond, tkf, low apch, touch and go, acft maintain 1000′ until departure EOR to avoid overhead pat. MISC Cargo, pax, and transportation support only avbl Mon–Fri 1230–2100Z‡. All logistics support esp outside these times must be coord and apvd by 482 LRS plans prior to PPR rqst at DSN 535–7033/7034/8156. C786–415–7033/7034/8156, C786–427–3778. No eng running on/off–load wo prior coord w/LRS. Winds are estimated due to FMQ 13 wind sensors being accurate to within only +/– 4 kt. ATC/Wx will not include/relay wind correction into fcst/phraseology. Therefore, aircrews will incorporate a +/– 4 kt accuracy into their decision making process for flying opr. Acft arr from NE sector can exp numerous frequency changes dur enroute descent. For departure ctc twr direct. Tran acft ldg with hot armament, advise twr on initial ctc. Nstd mark on tran acft ramp. Afld wx mnt by AN/FMQ–19 automated obs sys and augmented by human observer as rqr. Full wx svc avbl H24 DSN 535–7511, C786–415–7511. Classified storage avbl at Comd Post.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 786-415-7529
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 132.275 269.9 (1200–0400Z‡) PTD 372.2
®APP/DEP CON 123.8 257.675 269.575 370.925 (1200–0400Z‡)
®MIAMI APP/DEP CON 125.5 318.2 354.1 (0400–1200Z‡)
TOWER 133.45 279.55 318.2 GND CON 121.75 275.8 CLNC DEL 121.75 275.8
COMD POST (REEF CONTROL) 381.3 (DSN 535–7068, C786–415–7068) PMSV METRO 318.65
93FS (MAKO OPS) 138.025 303.15
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 24 hrs.
(T) TACAN Chan 19 HST (108.2) N25°29.40′ W80°22.76′ at fld. 3/6W. No NOTAM MP: 1200–1400Z‡ Wed (15003+1)
ILS 109.9 I–HST Rwy 06. Class IT. No NOTAM MP: 1200–1400Z‡ Tue and Thu (1,5003+1).

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.