OGDEN, UT   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
HILL AFB (HIF)(KHIF) AF 6 S UTC–7(–6DT) N41°07.44′ W111°58.38′
4789 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE HIF Not insp.
RWY 14–32: H13500X200 (PEM–PFC) PCN 55 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 32: ODALS. REIL. PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 52′. RVR–TMR Rgt tfc.
RWY 14: TORA–13500 TODA–13500
RWY 32: TORA–13500 TODA–13500
RWY 14 BAK–14 BAK–12B(B) (1250 FT) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (2574 FT) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (2584 FT) BAK–14 BAK–12B(B) (1250 FT) RWY 32
SERVICE: S4 FUEL JET A++ OX 1, 2 LGT Rwy 14 2400 ft sys. Rwy 32 NSTD 1450 ft. Tallest lgt 16 ft 9 in AGL.
MILITARY– A–GEAR BAK–12B dep end active rwy in raised posn; 15 min/30 min non–duty hr PN rqr to erect on apch end of act rwy; BAK–12B/14 O/R fm twr. JASU 4(MA–1A) 7(A/M32A–86) 5(AM32A–60) FLUID SP PRESAIR LHOX LOX De–Ice
OIL O–128–133–148–156; JOAP–4 hr PN rqr DSN 777–1861. TRAN ALERT 1500–0700Z‡ Mon–Sat; 1600–0000Z‡ Sat–Sun; clsd fed hol. Afld clsd to tsnt 0300–0700Z‡ dly Mon–Sat; clsd fed hol. De–icing avbl.
NOISE: Strict adherence to NS ABTMT rqr. Tran acft rstd to straight–in full stop only on weekends, hol, and on weekdays between 0000–1500Z‡ daily.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1500–0700Z‡ Mon–Sat, 1600–0000Z‡ Sat–Sun, clsd fed hol. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remark. RSTD Engine run offloads na. PPR all acft–Base AMOPS D777–1861/C801–777–1861. Lifeguard/Medevac/SAR/Msn essential acft–AMOPS DSN 777–1861/C801–777–1861 fax extn 2221 ASAP prior to arr to ensure coord. VIP acft ctc PTD 30 min prior to ETA with firm block time. Tnst with unexpended live ordinance w/o prior coord. CAUTION Prcht ops E of Ogden Arpt 4 mi N of HIF 1 mi E of final. Hvy tfc on apch and dep; exp turb apch and ldg Rwy 14 durg med–hi sfc winds; wind velocity may vary from apch to dep end of rwy. Do not mistake Ogden Arpt 4.5 NM north for Hill AFB. Acft departures should not exceed 6300′ until past departure end of rwy to avoid overhead tfc pat. Rwy cond code not reported. TFC PAT TPA–Rectangular 6300(1511), overhead 6800(2011), maintain 6800(2011) until turning base leg. USAF (AF, ANG, AFRC) fighter acft exp resuced rwy separation day, VFR–3000′ between similar acft, 6000′ between dissimilar acft. Variations exist for different type opr. Tran fighter acft must notify twr on initial ctc if reduced rwy separation is not desired. CSTMS/AG/IMG CSTMS/IMG avbl to ACC and AMC flt. See FCG KHIF entry. MISC First 2800 ft Rwy 14 and first 1500 ft Rwy 32 grooved conc; mid 9200 ft grooved asph. Wx mnt by AN/FMQ–19 ASOS. Utah Test and Training Range OPS see CLOVER CONTROL. Obsn/forecast avbl Mon 1200Z‡–Fri 2300Z‡, clsd weekends. ctc Hill AFB wx DSN 777–2018. Wx flt DSN 777–2081 C801–777–2018. Wx flt clsd sby via comd post DSN 777–3007/C801–777–3007; wx flt unavbl–25 OWS Davis Monthan AFB DSN 228–6598/6599/6588, C520–228–6598/6599/6588.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 801-777-1861
COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 134.925 397.9 PTD 134.75 139.3 372.2
TOWER 127.15 263.15 251.05 (Mon–Sat 1500–0700Z‡, Sat–Sun 1600–0000Z‡)
GND CON 121.6 275.8 CLNC DEL 124.1 335.8
HILL COMD POST (ACC–RAYMOND 23, others CONVOY.) 381.3 PMSV METRO 342.3 Ceil and vis are freq lower on N end of the rwy and E–SE along mtns. Due to obstg trrn PMSV unusbl byd 20 NM blw 20,000 ft and fm 100–150 degs byd 25 NM blw 15,000 ft; man obs ltd fm 120–260 deg due to fac obstn. During wx flt clsd remote briefing and forecast svc avbl 24 hrs from 25 OWS Davis Monthan AFB DSN 228–6598/6599/6588, C520–228–6598/6599/6588.
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: For CD ctc Salt Lake City Apch at 801-325-9670.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc eff 1500–0700Z‡ Mon–Sat, 1600–0000Z‡ Sat–Sun; other times CLASS G..
OGDEN (VL) (H) VORTACW 115.7 OGD Chan 104 N41°13.45′ W112°05.89′ 123° 8.3 NM to fld. 4225/14E.
VOR unusable:
030°–070° byd 25 NM blo 17,000′
031°–069° byd 40 NM
070°–130° byd 15 NM
131°–147° byd 40 NM
166°–175° byd 40 NM
182°–188° byd 40 NM
193°–194° byd 40 NM
204°–208° byd 40 NM
216°–226° byd 40 NM blo 9,000′
216°–226° byd 51 NM
235°–242° byd 40 NM
255°–265° byd 40 NM blo 12,000′
255°–265° byd 55 NM
266°–296° byd 40 NM
297°–307° byd 40 NM blo 11,400′
297°–307° byd 66 NM
312°–327° byd 40 NM
349°–354° byd 40 NM
355°–030° byd 15 NM
255°–280° byd 30 NM blo 11,000′
355°–130° byd 15 NM
DME unusable:
255°–280° byd 30 NM blo 11,000′
355°–130° byd 15 NM
(L) TACAN Chan 49 HIF (111.2) N41°07.23′ W111°57.82′ at fld. 4805/14E. NOTAM FILE HIF.
001°–140° byd 10 NM
335°–360° byd 22 NM
DME unusable:
001°–140° byd 10 NM
335°–360° byd 22 NM
ILS 109.9 I–HIF Rwy 14. Class ID.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.