CAMP MACKALL, NC   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
MACKALL AAF (HFF)(KHFF) A 1 E UTC–5(–4DT) N35°02.18′ W79°29.85′
376 B NOTAM FILE HFF Not insp.
RWY 16–34: H5529X100 (CONC) PCN 53 R/B/W/T 0.4% up N
RWY 16: Thld dsplcd 277′.
RWY 34: Thld dsplcd 469′.
RWY 04–22: H4996X100 (ASPH) PCN 12 F/A/W/T
RWY 12–30: H4794X100 (ASPH) PCN 102F/A/W/T MIRL
SERVICE: FUEL JET A++ MILITARY– LGT Bcn 1300–0500Z‡. ACTVT MIRL Rwy 12–30–CTAF. FUEL Hot refuel hr 1300–0500Z‡ Mon–Fri.
MILITARY REMARKS: Base ops opr 1200–0500Z‡, Mon–Sat, exc hol. Afld subj closing on short ntc. Hi alt prcht act particularly in AM. See FLIP AP/1 flt rstns & lmtns Sandhills VORTAC. RSTD PPR C910–907–0608/0609 or C910–396–0217, DSN 337–0608/0609 or 236–0217. OT ctc Simmons Base Ops C910–396–7804, DSN 236–6230. PPR for all trans F/W acft not scheduled on air movement table. Twy D ltd to ACN 40 F/A/W/T. Rwy 04–22 clsd to all fixed wing. No sUAS act allowed unless twr is open. UAS Rwy 16–34 rstd to UAS acft ony unless approved by afld mgmt. UAS/sUAS ops act in/near Class D and btn Class D and R5311/A351, UAS sfc to 2500′, sUAS sfc to 400′. CAUTION Any use of tactical lgt configuration (AMP), must ctc afld mngr for coord. Extv mil acft invof afld, day and ngt. Advisory Rng Ctl 121.0, 304.6.
MISC Wx 26 OWS Barksdale AFB, LA DSN 331–2651 C318–529–2651. Ctc afld mngr C910–907–0636, DSN 337–0636 dur opr hrs, OT DSN 236–7804. Full Wx svc avbl fr Simmons AAF 0500Z‡ Mon thru 0500Z‡ Sat, exc federal hol, DSN 236–71007414, C910–396–71007414. OT remote briefing fr stand–by fcstr, C910–920–0116. Prim Wx sensors automated H24. Dur augmentation/back–up, ATC will assist in cooperative watch. Conds of entire afld may not be represented due to bldg obst SW–SE.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 910-396-6605
WEATHER DATA SOURCES: ASOS 141.25 (910) 396–7804.
COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 121.0 (When twr clsd) D–ATIS 141.4
TOWER 121.0 254.4 (1310–0500Z‡ Mon–Sat, exc fed hol) GND CON 128.35 251.05 41.75
PMSV METRO 141.25 265.6 (0500–0600Z‡ Mon–Sat, clsd hol, other time by NOTAM)
BASE OPS 395.225 RANGE RDO 38.9 139.35 249.9
CLEARANCE DELIVERY PHONE: When ATCT clsd, for CD ctc Washington ARTCC at 703-771-3587.
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1310–0500Z‡ Mon–Sat exc fed hol; other times CLASS G.
SANDHILLS (L) (L) VORTACW 111.8 SDZ Chan 55 N35°12.93′ W79°35.28′ 160° 11.6 NM to fld. 588/3W.
VOR unusable:
144°–154° blo 6,000′
144°–154° byd 23 NM
155°–179° blo 5,000′
180°–264° blo 8,000′
301°–019° byd 10 NM blo 10,000′
DME unusable:
041°–092° blo 3,000′
TAC AZM unusable:
016°–050° byd 28 NM blo 3,000′

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.