ALAMOGORDO, NM   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
HOLLOMAN AFB (HMN)(KHMN) AF (A) 6 SW UTC–7(–6DT) N32°51.11′ W106°06.51′
4093 B TPA–See Remarks NOTAM FILE HMN Not insp.
RWY 07–25: H12922X150 (PEM) PCN 34 R/C/W/T HIRL
RWY 25: PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 43′.
RWY 16–34: H12134X150 (PEM) PCN 45 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 16: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 50′.
RWY 34: PAPI(P4L)–GA 2.5° TCH 43′.
RWY 04–22: H10578X300 (PEM) PCN 52 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 04: 0.3% up.
RWY 22: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 53′.
RWY 07 BAK–15 CHAG (2276 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1500 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1630 FT). RWY 25
RWY 16 HOOK BAK–12B (63 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1500 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1507 FT) HOOK BAK–12B (59 FT OVRN) BAK–15 (NI) UNK (121 FT OVRN). RWY 34
RWY 04 HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1450 FT) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (5287 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1498 FT). RWY 22
SERVICE: S4 OX 1, 2 LGT Gated thld lgt all rwy. Rwy 16–34 dist rem mrk OTS. PAPI Rwy 22 and Rwy 34 unusbl byd 8° left of centerline. Bcn lgt ABN unserviceable. MILITARY– A–GEAR Rwy 04–22 BAK–12B (mid fld) and Rwy 25 apch BAK–12B 30 min PN. BAK–15 lctd Rwy 16 under–run unsvc. Nets avbl to be raised at pilot request. Rwy 34 HOOK BAK–12 B (60′ ovrn) unit is not Bi–directional. When winds greater than 35 kts and temperatures greater than 85° F, BAK–15 nets in up position during T–38 ops. Nets avbl to be raised as req. Caution: Rwy 25 apch BAK–12 increased strike haz to F–16 configured with external cntrln stores/tanks. JASU 2(MD–3) 2(MA–1A) 3(MC–1) 1(MC–1A) 1(M32A–60) FUEL A++ FLUID SP LHOX LOX OIL O–128–133–148–156 SOAP TRAN ALERT Tran Alert svc avbl 1230–0330Z‡ Mon–Fri, 1430–2230Z‡ Sat–Sun. No priority basis.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr hrs by NOTAM. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Remarks. RSTD PPR must be req 72 hr prior but no earlier than 7 days prior to arr. Ctc Afld Mgmt DSN 572–5411/5412, C575–572–5411/5412. PPR valid +/– 30 min prior/after ETA. Early/late arr/dep must be re–coord with Afld Mgmt. Rwy 16–34 rstd to acft with wingspan 175′ or less. Heavy acft should exp to land Rwy 22. 180° turns on rwy asph sfc not permitted without afld manager approval. Heavy acft prohibited from dep or arr Rwy 07–25. ILS/Radar, Rwy 16 ILS avbl for circle apch to Rwy 22. Live load ops conducted on Twy E live load pad. Ctc AM ops DSN 572–5411, C575–572–5411 to sked. All acft rqrg cargo and/or pax svc rqr to ctc 49 LRS at DSN 572–0905, C575–572–0905. No eng running on/off loads without prior coord with 49 LRS. CAUTION Use extreme caution, UAS acft conducting std ops in Holloman airspace. Mountainous terrain 10 NM east and 20 NM west. Bird hazard: Wetlands and lake located less than 1 nm S of Rwy 34 apch end. Non–frangible sign lctd on Twy F/Twy E int less than 100 ft fr Twy F cntrln on S side. BASH phase II in eff: 1 Mar–31 May and 1 Aug–31 Oct. Unctl vehicles on movement area. Unctl afld ops (UAO) in effect dur outside published afld hrs. UAO only authorized for flying units listed in HAFBI 11–250. Ctc Comd Post DSN 572–7575, (575) 572–7575 for current UAO status. Portions of arpt not visible from twr. Exit Rwy 22 on Twy R hold short Twy G. Helicopter arr/dep avoid hover over unprepared sfc. Pavement markings throughout afld faded and non reflective. Rwy 34 and Rwy 04 at 2000′ distance remaining marker, only 1700′ of rwy avbl. Afld has hi potential for FOD from engine blast, minimize thrust during ground opr. TFC PAT TPA–Overhead 6100(2007)/300 kts. MISC Only single apch and full stop ldg authorized for tran acft. VFR hold lines lctd at int Rwy 16–34 (4 each). Acft given clnc to land or tkf shall disregard hold lines at the int dur ldg and tkf roll. Land and hold short ops not auth. Tran acft last priority on refueling due to refueling mechanical problems, exp delays. Aerodrome wx svc avbl Mon–Sat 0600–0100Z‡, Sat 1400–2100Z‡, clsd Sun, hol or when afld is NOTAM clsd. Auto obsn avbl during non–opr hours. Units wishing to forward deploy to Holloman AFB ctc 49 WG/XP DSN 572–7483 for WG apvl. Wx obsn site ltd 220°–350° due to bldg, ngt obsn ltd due to high ints lgts. Svc unavbl when afld NOTAM clsd. Wx DSN 572–3924/5 C575–572–3924/5. For standby svc during non opr hr ctc 25 OWS DSN 228–6674. Std AETC RSRS applied, non–AETC assigned acft rqr written apvl. Radar monitoring not avbl all rwy. First 1850′ Rwy 34, first 1700′ Rwy 16 conc, mid 8581′ asph. Rwy 04–22 has 1000′ X 300′ conc thld, remaining rwy 8575′ X 300′ asph. Rwy 04–22 marked 10,575′ X 150′. First 1000′ Rwy 25 conc, west of Twy F middle 75′ conc outer 37.5′ weight bearing asph. Twy G width 150′ weight bearing. Twy Golf edge lgts located 150 ft south of Twy G pavement edge invof clsd end of Rwy (EOR) Gulf. A Opr Mon–Sat 1000–0100Z‡.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 575-572-5411
COMMUNICATIONS:SFA ATIS 273.5 (Ltd byd 15 NM 020°–140°) (Opr 24 hrs Mon 0900Z‡ thru Fri 0100Z‡, Sat 1500–2200Z‡.)
PTD 372.2
®APP CON 120.6 269.225 (Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM) (Mon 0900Z‡ thru Fri 0100Z‡, Sat 1500–2200Z‡ exc for final Sat of every month. Clsd Sun and federal hol)
TOWER 119.3 254.4 (Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM) (Opr H24 Mon 0900Z‡ thru Fri 0100Z‡, Sat 1500–2200Z‡.)
GND CON 127.05 275.8 CLNC DEL 126.7 289.4
®DEP CON 128.1 284.0 (Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM) (Mon 0900Z‡ thru Fri 0100Z‡. Clsd Sat, Sun and hol)
ALBUQUERQUE CENTER APP/DEP CON 132.65 257.6 (When Holloman apch control clsd) 24 hrs Sat, Sun and hol
COMD POST (RAYMOND 14) 251.25 (Have Quick timing avbl. Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM) PMSV METRO 346.55 (Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM) CARMY AVIATION 229.3 (Ltd 020°–140° byd 15 NM)
(L) TACAN Chan 92 HMN (114.5) N32°51.73′ W106°06.55′ at fld. 4075/10E. tac unmnt when rapcon clsd No NOTAM MP: 1200–1400Z‡ Tue
TAC AZM unusable:
030°–069° byd 26 NM blo 18,000′
070°–095° byd 25 NM blo 15,000′
070°–095° byd 32 NM
096°–130° byd 25 NM blo 18,000′
160°–170° byd 38 NM blo 8,000′
DME unusable:
030°–069° byd 26 NM blo 18,000′
070°–095° byd 25 NM blo 15,000′
070°–095° byd 32 NM
096°–130° byd 25 NM blo 18,000′
160°–170° byd 38 NM blo 8,000′
ILS 108.9 I–MUK Rwy 16. Class IT. Unmonitored outside publ opr hr. No NOTAM MP: glideslope 1200–1400Z‡ Thu; ILS 1200–1400Z‡ Fri. Glideslope unavbl.
ILS 111.7 I–HMN Rwy 22. Class IE. Unmonitored outside publ opr hr. No NOTAM MP: ILS 1200–1400Z‡ Mon; glideslope 1200–1400Z‡ Wed. Glideslope unavbl.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Rwy 16 TCH 41′ Group 4 (B–747/767/777, L–1011, DC–10, A–300, B–1, KC–10, E–4, C–5 and VC–25 wheel crossing height 16′ all Rwy ILS procedures.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.