GOLDSBORO, NC   [chart] [wx] [tpp]
SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB (GSB)(KGSB) AF 3 SE UTC–5(–4DT) N35°20.36′ W77°57.64′
109 B TPA–1300(1191) NOTAM FILE GSB Not insp.
RWY 08–26: H11760X300 (CONC–GRVD) PCN 53 R/B/W/T HIRL
RWY 08: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 55′. RVR–T Rgt tfc.
RWY 26: ALSF1. PAPI(P4L)–GA 3.0° TCH 56′. RVR–T Rgt tfc. 0.3% down.
RWY 08: TORA–11760 TODA–11760 ASDA–11760
RWY 26: TORA–11760 TODA–11760 ASDA–11760
RWY 08 HOOK BAK–12A(B) (36 FT OVRN) HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1490 FT). HOOK BAK–12B(B) (1490 FT) HOOK BAK–12A(B) (52 FT OVRN). RWY 26
SERVICE: FUEL JET A+ OX 1, 2 MILITARY– LGT Rwy 08–26 70 ft gated thr lgt. A–GEAR BAK–12B(B) always in place. The potential for tail hook slip exists, due conc inlay meeting asphalt pavement at the Rwy 26 underrun/Rwy 08 ovrn BAK 12 barrier. JASU 8(M32A–60A/B) 5(M32A–86) 1(MC–11) 1(MC–1A) FUEL A+ FLUID SP PRESAIR LPOX; LOX–24 hr PN rqr.
OIL O–148 SOAP TRAN ALERT Avbl 1200–0400Z‡ Mon–Fri; 1530–2300Z‡, Sat–Sun. Exp 1–2 hr svc/refuel delays wkend, hol, peak periods and ltd maint. Ltd fleet svc avbl for mil acft only. 50 gal lavatory cart will be supplied to aircrew to svc acft.
MILITARY REMARKS: Opr 1200–0400Z‡, or as published by NOTAM. Weekend and hol hr may change based on flying ops. Ctc Afld Mgmt 919–722–4097 or DSN 722–4097 prior msn planning to confirm aerodrome hrs. See FLIP AP/1 Supplementary Arpt Info. RSTD Tran acft exp full stop ldg dur lcl flying period. Ctc AMOPS 7 days prior for PPR, PN DSN 722–4097, C919–722–4097. Twy A CLOSED to C5 acft east of Twy G. Twy F avbl for acft with wingspans of 44 ft or less. Coord with afld mgr for larger acft. Issued PPR valid 30 min prior or after ETA, early/late arr/departure must be re–coord. Twy F no acft larger than C–130. PPR all acft incl DV, hazardous cargo and air evac regardless of affiliation for notification and coord purposes. CAUTION Exp heavy blackbird act dur summer and fall. Waste water treatment pond facility off west EOR attracts significant number of waterfowl. Trees 3000 ft E of AER 26. Unlgtd obst (trees) east and west AER 08 and AER 26 pent 50:1. Afld grass cutting Mar–Nov, exp incr bird act invof mowers. Min jet blast clnc provided for large acft on tran ramp. C–5 acft should exp reduced level of svc. Potential for small UAS act outside of afld opr hr.
TFC PAT Rectangular 1191′ AGL/1300′ MSL, Overhead pat 1691′ AGL/1800′ MSL, Lgt acft 891′ AGL/1000′ MSL.
CSTMS/AG/IMG Ltd to US DoD acft only with 24 hr PN. MISC Wx DSN 722–4089/4087 (C919–722–4089/4087), fax ext 4092. Forecaster avbl Mon–Fri 0300–0400Z‡ with deviations determined by 916 ARW and 4 FW opr hrs. Opr hrs vary with lcl flying schedule. Remote briefing svc avbl from 26 OWS, Barksdale AFB, DSN 331–2635/2636/2651, C318–529–2635/2636/2651, fax extn 2609, web: Wx obsn avbl 24 hrs via AN/FMQ–19 automated obsn sys augmented by human obsn dur hr. Full svc avbl 26 OWS Barksdale AFB, DSN 331–2651, C866–223–9328. Human obsn sfc visibility ltd from 0°–130° and 180°–360° by flt line hangars, fac, and trees. UHF equipped acft will use UHF as primary ATC freq when arr/dep Seymour Johnson. Fighter acft exp reduced rwy separation. Day VFR 3000′ btn similar acft, 6000′ btn dissimilar acft. Visual aural radio range exist for different type opr. Tran acft must notify twr on initial ctc if reduced rwy separation is not desired. Twr visibility incl in ATIS report when twr visibility and sfc visibility differ dur rapidly change wx cond. RCR/RSC not reported by Seymour–Johnson Base Wx. All inbd acft with VIP ctc consolidated comd post 60 NM out. Heavy acft land long over BAK–12s, if unable ctc AMOPS 30 min prior. ACC reduced same rwy separation for ACC acft only. Rwy 08–26 from AER 26, first 1000 ft – 300 ft wide conc, 1000 ft to 3100 ft – 150 ft wide conc with 75 ft asph each side; 3100 ft to 10760 ft – 75 ft wide conc and 112.5 ft asph each side; from 10760 ft to 11760 ft – 300 ft wide conc. No shoulders on rwy, rwy lgts along usbl pav. Apron flood lights located 1402 ft fm rwy cntrln at the southern corners of the tanker ramp. One is located at the SW corner at the height of 102 ft AMSL and the other one is located at the SE corner at the height of 101 ft AMSL. Non–std markings exist on the hot cargo pad for motorcycle safety course. Dimension of markings are contained in a 120′ x 220′ box located south of the taxi line using a yellow and white paint marking scheme. COMSEC storage at Comd Post.
AIRPORT MANAGER: 919-722-4097
COMMUNICATIONS: SFA 277.4 ATIS 317.625 (1200–0400Z‡) PTD 372.2
®SEYMOUR JOHNSON APP CON 119.7 273.6 (111°–257°) 123.7 290.9 (258°–110°, 1200–0400Z‡ other times ctc)
TOWER 126.25 370.875 (1200–0400Z‡) GND CON 132.45 275.8 CLNC DEL 128.025 270.8
®SEYMOUR JOHNSON DEP CON 119.7 338.6 (South) 123.7 320.1 (North) 273.6 290.9 (1200–0400Z‡ other times ctc)
4FW COMD POST (RAYMOND 25) 311.0 321.0 (HAVE QUICK timing unavbl)
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1200–0400Z‡; other times CLASS G.
(L) TACAN Chan 112 GSB (116.5) N35°20.11′ W77°58.28′ at fld. 69/8W. TACAN unmonitored 0430–1200Z‡. No NOTAM MP: 0500–1030Z‡ Mon and Fri (15003+1)
TAC AZM unusable:
171°–239° byd 10 NM
240°–170° byd 30 NM blo 4,000′
DME unusable:
171°–239° byd 10NM
240°–170° byd 30 NM blo 4,000′
ILS 109.3 I–GSB Rwy 08. Class IT. No NOTAM MP: 0500–1030Z‡ Mon–Fri. Unmonitored 0430–1200Z‡. See Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima.
ILS 109.9 I–DDX Rwy 26. Class IT. No NOTAM MP: 0500–1030Z‡ Mon–Fri (3,0005+1). Autopilot coupled approach NA below 375 feet MSL.
COMM/NAV/WEATHER REMARKS: Radar see Terminal FLIP for Radar Minima. ATIS No NOTAM MP Fri 0900–1030Z‡.

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Effective 2024-07-11. Data may contain errors. See the official PDF source.